I find that there are fads for different therapies, and it lookes like massage is back.
Over the past six months I've done about 10% massage, with 85% being reflex.
Tomorrow I have six massages booked in, 😮 I've not done that much in one day since I worked at a spa.
How many do you do, or think you can do before you end up needing a massage?
What have you found to be the best way to look after yourself? I think I better plan to go swimming on Tuesday.
I've never given a massage, professionally anyways, but I can imagine 6 in a day would take a lot out of you D:
Hope you weren't too tired after your 6 massages yesterday :), that is the max I will do in a day too, but try to only do 5 if I can so that I get a bit of time to relax in between clients.
In my place I have the reverse to you, about 60% massage and 40% reflexology and that varies week to week too, with more massage to reflexology, but never the other way around.
Well I surprised myself, it was not that bad and I don't hurt anywhere. 😀
Lucky you, glad it went well 🙂