Can anyone help me please. I have been given my assesment back as I have not completed a question correctly. Bottom line is I dont understand.
The question is
How would you advise your client to avoid a contra-action
How would you advise your client to respond to a contra-action.
My head is buzzing with this, I just dont understand!!!!
Any help greatly appreciated
Hi there - what course are you doing? Anything about contra-actions in your course notes? Has your tutor given any pointers?
I can think of a few for beauty therapy - during or following a facial, they could experience contra-actions such as rashes, watery eyes, stinging or burning sensation in the skin, redness, blistering (!!)
As for how would you advise your client to respond to a contra-action? Clean the face with plain water, and see their GP just incase there is an allergic reaction to the products which requires medication? Don't really know - worth asking your tutor or consulting notes.