Hi folks - I unfortunately trapped my thumb in a car door, inflicting a major trauma to the nail/nailbed but thankfully nothing worse!
I should in a week or so have a light dressing on the thumb which I will have on for a number of months until the wound repairs.
has anyone any ideas on how I could cover the thumb so as still to be able to work?
All thoughts will be much appreciated...jtp x
Hhhhhmmmm, gave this some thought.
What about if you get a vinyl glove (not latex as they perish with oils/creams), put it on and then cut off all the glove except the part surrounding the damaged area. Then secure it with some micropore or similar. Or try to get finger cots (depending on how big your fingers are) and roll them on and secure again with micropore.
Effleurage with that thumb slightly raised and instead of using thumbs for knots stick to knuckles and elbows. If its only for a few weeks you might get away with it. 😉
I know someone who does all her reflexology clients wearing vinyl gloves. She maintains clients don't notice but when she has done me I do (but then I knew before she did me so maybe I wouldn't have noticed if I didn't have prior knowledge). If its just your thumb and is to protect a dressing then maybe people won't notice especially if they are all B,N,S and face down. 😀
Try surgical gloves in your size. They are a very snug fit and will protect your thumb.
They come in latex and non latex and can be bought on-line in boxes of 100 pairs.
Better with the vinyl gloves as they don't roll or perish the same as latex. 🙂
Just a thought: ask the chemist if they know of anything. They may stock something specially for this sort of injury, as you're not the first and you won't be the last!
As an example, when I was in France about 20 years ago, the man I was staying with had a similar injury, and the pharmacist there gave him a mouldable sort of finger stall. It looked like the finger off a latex glove, and you could mould it to your own finger and when it got warm it would stick to your finger. I thought it was a good idea then, and it still is now! I wonder if your local pharmacist has something similar? Or what about asking a local physiotherapy practice if they can recommend anything?
Thanks to all who've replied here, will definitely find a workaround from these suggestions.
Very kind of you all to take time to reply, much appreciated.
J x