whilst out on saturday, there were a couple doing seated massage, i really fancied one and have previously really enjoyed them. i am not qualifed in seated, but i am in reflexology and swedish massage. what a joke!
all he did was 'rub' me alot, he said to warm me up first, i thought, ok. but that is about all he done except hurt my frozen shoulder (which he didnt seem to know what it was) i told him i wanted upper back and neck, i may as well have kept my mouth shut. i said twice to him to take it easy with my arm but he didnt. bloody awful. the asked me at one point if i wanted to take my top off!!!!!!!! oh yes, in the middle of the high street!!!!! since when do you take tops off while doing a seated massage? maybe u do but i have never seen it.
i was a fool, i always say to people be careful about bogus therapists! i didnt want to make a fuss as there were so many people about but was annoyed with myself afterwards for not saying anything:mad:
sometimes we try to keep quiet to keep the peace, maybe you can go back and tell them how much your arm hurts otherwise just make sure all your friends know not to go there.
I take it you didn't pick up a card?
If he was any good he would of asked about the pressure and lightened off a bit
Could you try some reflexology on yourself? for some healing?
Thats awful isnt it? sorry to hear of your bad experience, makes you wonder if he is a true professional....he doesnt sound like one thats for sure. I hope you didnt have to pay alot.
:grouphug: Hello vicki,
You had a bad experiance with what should have been good one.
its like you say these kind of people give a bad name, to the genuine ones, you should report him, because a person who is vunrable might be picked on, to ask you to take your top off seems a bit suspicious to me.
take care
1) Did you actually pay for this or was it a free service for advertising purposes? If payment was expected, I would have very publicly told him to take a running jump!
2) Did you pick up a leaflet? If so, is he a member of a regulating body in which case report him to them!
People like this put the public off complementary therapies. I found out today there is a hypnotherapist in Manchester who charges £75 for the client to sit and listen to a hypnotherapy CD he has pre-recorded! These practices are shocking and if complementary therapies are to be taken seriously, they need to be stopped!
the more i think about it the more stupid i was! must have been all that sun on saturday :):):)
yes i did pay (stupidly), no cards or leaflets and to be honest i dont think he had had a days proper training in his life although at the beginning of the massage i did ask him and he said he had trained 3 years ago. the other woman working with him was working in a bikini top:eek: just gets worse doesnt it!! how stupid am i?! if i could complain i probably would but as it was just in the street there is no come back. i think the woman had more knowledge than he did but i am still not sure about that. and if she did why would she want to ruin her reputation by working with someone like that? he hasnt made my arm any worse, just hasnt made it feel any better!
take note all other foolish people! they were in brighton so i wont be down there again for a while. they were in the street so cant go back to a shop or anything either.
that hypnotherapist is appalling!!!!!!
It does happen and it is indeed shocking.
These people would have had to have had permission from the centre managers, so it could be worth asking them who they are. You could get the details and then register a complaint with them in the first instance.
sounds like a shame really:(
Just when you feel like relaxing, someone brings you tension.
sounds like the dodgy watch selling stands you see:p, you just picked the fake Rolex.
I think that there will always be a few dodgy people that jump on the bandwagon, and lets face it for someone who has never had a massage before, they wouldn't know the difference.
What goes around, comes around.....they'll get it soon enough. 😎