Will shortly be doing my very first proper assessment (VTCT Swedish Massage) I have been feeling more confident lately but have chosen not to be assessed until now, although several of my classmates have.
I'm happy with taking case notes, looking & behaving professionally, setting up etc I just have this terrible fear of working without my notes and forgetting what I should be doing.:(
Good luck with your final assessment. Try doing a few practice sessions without your notes as if you are being assessed to help make you feel more comfortable. On the acutual day stay calm, take deep breaths, and remember that you know what you are doing.
Hi Twohoots,
Congrats on completing your course. Remember that the assessor is looking to see that you perform a variety of strokes appropriately not whether you remember the 'routine'. If all else fails effleurage is a great filler 😉
Best of Luck
Thanks very much!:) We don't actually finish the course until end of June and these last few weeks seem to be whizzing by.
Will let you know how I get on.