Hi all, I have a new client who has an allergy to ALL plant-based products.
Any Idea on what mediums I can use?
Thanks in advance,
Duck Fat?;)
Something similar to KY jelly. The water based stuff dries out quite quick, so erm, I'm told.
golly gosh, what do they eat? Just meat and dairy?
Could they mean plant oils are the problem, extreme nut issues? If that's it, straight jojoba, it's a plant wax rather than an oil, almost the same composition as the skin's own sebum, or aloe gel.
If jojoba is out, obvious idea is the ol' petroleum products, mineral oil, KY jelly etc....
less obvious ideas clay as a dry medium, laponite gel would be a good option (it's a mineral gel, not petroleum based)
Massage grade talc.
Bowen technique?
Talc sounds like bad news. Clogging all your pores up etc!!
Goose grease is available in our nearby farm shop - used to be used extensively a century or more ago!
...and it doesn't half melt gloriously into the skin!
I always rub a bit of what's left on the spoon onto my hands when I cook with goosefat, and it's wonderful stuff!
Thank you all for your input.