Hi all
I posted on the new members forum about a quick fix swedish massage course, and after several more hours or web trawling, I think I have the real deal! How do these courses measure up?
[url]Diploma courses at Scottish Massage Schools[/url]
They seem to tick all the boxes to me 😎
Anyone done any courses through them? I would be interested to know!
Thanks, and hope my first post didn't get too much abuse (it hasn't been published yet as it was my very first);)
I don't think that an 8 month long course can be seen as a 'quick fix'. I know the Scottish Massage schools, and their courses are excellent.
Their one-day Swedish massage workshop does not qualify anyone to work on members of the public.
Hi jabba
Thanks, that's what I wanted to know. I didn't think the Scottish massage courses were a quick fix. I put a post on the new members forum about a different course that I thought could be a quick fix... My wording must have come out wrong.
Anyway, all good 🙂