Hi all
I am trying to choose between the Alison Rostrum School and the Jackie Hamilton School for the ITEC Sports Massage Certificate Level 4. The former offers half the teaching hours but is also half the price. Otherwise, they seem to be the same in terms of tutor experience, length of time established, quality of teaching (though only have their own website testimonials to go by). Anyone got a view on which would be best? Many thanks for your advice!
Hi all
I am trying to choose between the Alison Rostrum School and the Jackie Hamilton School for the ITEC Sports Massage Certificate Level 4. The former offers half the teaching hours but is also half the price. Otherwise, they seem to be the same in terms of tutor experience, length of time established, quality of teaching (though only have their own website testimonials to go by). Anyone got a view on which would be best? Many thanks for your advice!
half the time and half the money, so what are they missing out of the curricula ? wonder if ITEC know about the disparity
The ITEC qual spec states level 4 sports massage qual should have minimum of 130 class based hours. (GLH)
If you don't already have level 3 (which is a pre entry requirement) you should add a further 210 to that
According to the Qualification database ITEC states that if someone has no sports massage qualifications (qualification structures will not allow for exemptions or APL)
level 3 will take the average learner 300 hours to complete
level 4 will take the average learner a FURTHER 200 hrs to complete
The discrepancy in hours between this and the colleges' own hrs will indicate the amount of corners which are being cut
I also believe I am correct in saying that GCMT and most PA's require the syllabus to contain at least 80 class based hrs (level 3) for acceptance (ie: to be eligible for CNHC registration)
the latter, and longer course has no pre-requisite, so I assume you are doing both level 3 and 4 in that one. The former does have a pre-requisite.
With regard to the above question regarding Sports Massage fees it looks as though the writer of the original message is not comparing like with like, which is causing confusion. I believe that the price from the Jackie Hamilton School includes tuition fees for anatomy, physiology and massage, as well as the sports massage course.
The cost and hours for the Alison Rostron course is for the Sports Massage level 4 Certificate only.
All students enrolling for this course need to already have the ITEC Massage, Anatomy & Physiology qualification or its equivalent. The total hours for the course include both direct teaching and other structured learning time, and exceed the minimum 130 hours ITEC guidelines.
The Alison Rostron School has been providing ITEC courses for over 20 years, and more than 2,000 successful students have attended the school during that period.
Alison Rostron
With regard to the above question regarding Sports Massage fees it looks as though the writer of the original message is not comparing like with like, which is causing confusion. I believe that the price from the Jackie Hamilton School includes tuition fees for anatomy, physiology and massage, as well as the sports massage course.
The cost and hours for the Alison Rostron course is for the Sports Massage level 4 Certificate only.
All students enrolling for this course need to already have the ITEC Massage, Anatomy & Physiology qualification or its equivalent. The total hours for the course include both direct teaching and other structured learning time, and exceed the minimum 130 hours ITEC guidelines.The Alison Rostron School has been providing ITEC courses for over 20 years, and more than 2,000 successful students have attended the school during that period.
Alison Rostron
thank you for the clarifcation, this is usally the case that a potential student doesnt research properly, are you saying that the ITEC guidelines for the level 4 certificate is 130 hours total, and if so how much is "in class" time as there are minimum guidelines from the lead body, and a minimum core curricula from the regulator
kind regards
the latter, and longer course has no pre-requisite, so I assume you are doing both level 3 and 4 in that one. The former does have a pre-requisite.
Just to clarify
The QCF does not allow for qualifications duplicating either knowledge and skills
This means a level 4 course cannot cover or assess anything which is assessed and taught at level 3
Therefore fundamental skills such as effleurage / petrissage / frictions and basic (gym instructor level) a & p are not covered in the level 4 qualification (hence the need for pre-entry knowledge and skills)
Due to the unit structure of these quals there are no excemptions or equivalents possible from ANY other qualifications (ie learners have to complete ALL assessements regardless)
Shame because if a different awarding bodies qual had been chosen learners with prior A&P / Fitness knowledge could have avoided being re-assessed on these subjects 😉
Alison Rostron
The guidance notes for Lecturers teaching Level 4 Sports therapy state that the recommended learning hours should total 130, split between direct teaching and structured personal learning time, such as directed assisgnments and assessments.
The guidance notes for Lecturers teaching Level 4 Sports therapy state that the recommended learning hours should total 130, split between direct teaching and structured personal learning time, such as directed assisgnments and assessments.
From Register of Regulated quals (I dont think mod wont let me post links but i'd be happy to)
Minimum Guided Learning Hours130 Level 4
Minimum Guided Learning Hours 210 Level 3
(level 4 cannot be done in isolation to level 3 for reasons previously stated
*p29 (QCF) Guidelines for writing credit based units
“GLH therefore represents only those hours in which a tutor, trainer or facilitator is present and contributing to the learning process.”
And from paragraph 59 of Funding guidance for further education in 2006/07 (Learning and Skills Council,
April 2006):
“Guided learning hours are defined as all times when a member of staff is present to give specific guidance towards the learning aim being studied on a programme.”
I'm not pointing fingers, just highlighting how much AO's are abusing the QCF
I had a meeting last week with Skills Active to highlight this very problem (however with a different qual ....its rife)
Only now are they starting to realise how much they have been duped by being told GLH is "only a guide"