Hi, studying sports massage therapy and frantically trying to find info. on the sport of Ice Skating, such as typical injuries, specific treatments, routine exercise, things to avoid, etc etc.
Can anyone help, as I keep drawing a blank so far!
RE: Sports Massage and the sport of ICE SKATING
Hi Kevin,
Typical injuries would be, sprained ankle, bone fractures/dislocation, torned muscles, muscle inflammation, bruises and cuts.
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/newsitem.asp?newsid=5406 ]http://www.healthypages.net/newsitem.asp?newsid=5406[/link]
Hope this helps.
RE: Sports Massage and the sport of ICE SKATING
Thanks for that info. and link...a good start for me and I'll keep searching for some more info.
Once again...thanks, it is appreciated.