Please can anybody comment if they hare encountered any contra-indications to deep tissue massage to somebody with hypo / hyper thyroidism.
Never used deep tissue massage, so can't really advise for that therapy. I would avoid working around the neck - it may make client feel very uncomfortable.
Thanks Jabba, I hadnt intended to do deep tissue massage around the neck/throat area.. it was more legs (quads, hams etc) Thanks
Please can anybody comment if they hare encountered any contra-indications to deep tissue massage to somebody with hypo / hyper thyroidism.
Hypothyroidism is very common and sufferers are usually medicated. If you are not sure about massage, go by the symptoms (ie high or low blood pressure) not by the label.
Hi, I've been massaging for years now, I've not come across contra-indications for this, and have worked on clients with both hyper and hypo-thyroidism with no problems.:) An over productive thyroid can sometimes be triggered by prolonged stress and massage can only be helpful in this case (if on medication it should be being monitored by the GP and can always be adjusted if massage provides a reduction in stress levels, which it usually does, and if, in doing so, it did have any effect on the dose needed, though I've not been aware of the latter happening)