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URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

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Hi all

I have a client booked for a massage tomorrow who is 38 weeks pregnant. She has had massages at a late stage of pregnancy before and as far as I know has had no problems other than the slight sciatica/lower back problem that is bringing her to me. Can anyone suggest what are the best positions for her to use while I massage her? (She wants a full body).

Thanks so much.

mamancinq xx

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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

Hi there,i massaged my client right up to her due date.She would sit on a backless chair leaning on my massage couch wrapped in towells and supported by pillows. Then when i had finished her back,she would then get on the couch and i would massage her legs with her knees bent.and the rest would be the same except her head would be raised more than usual.
however if she is used to massage she may have a better way for her.Ask~ hope goes well JANE X

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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

Hi there

I have my clients on a large bean bag on the floor for pregnancy massage and they've founds it so comfortable that they've gone out to buy one. I get the to sit normally in it while I do shoulders and then to lean on one side with a pillow - then the other side.

Sally x

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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

Hi Mamancinq
I know when I was heavily pregnant, I could not lie on my back at all, (and apparently it puts pressure on a major blood vessel, or so I was told, medical people could maybe say more) and it was so so uncomfortable. Itmade me feel a bit dizzy andyuck! At that stage I was best on my side. I mean what other choice did I have????:)!!!
Just my lil 10 pence worth:)
Warm wishes

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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

My prefered option is side lying. This may require extra draping and also a lower couch - unless you prefer to work on the floor. Plus lots of pillows - between knees, under head, and bump perhaps. Best to ask your client what works for her and be prepared to be flexible.

Hope that helps,


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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

I would agree with side lying too. I have massaged pregnant women this way very successfully, first massaging one whole side, then turning them onto the other side and repeating. To finish, I get them to sit on the bench with a glass of water whilst I do upper neck and shoulders.

Comfort is the most important thing. I never have the couch flat, but prop the top end up, plus loads of pillows, cushions, bolsters and towels!

Good luck!


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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy


A large percentage of my client base are pregnant ladies. Generally when they get past 20 weeks i move from the couch to the floor, working for a few minutes with them on their back (depending on how comfortable they are) and then working on their sides - with the use of lots of pillows and bolsters to support the upper leg, upper arm and neck, as well as a folded towel in some cases to support the bump. the key is making them comfortable!


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RE: URGENT! Massage in Pregnancy

Thank you for all your replies! I thought I'd ticked "notify me by email..." but didn't,so thought I hadn't had any response, which is why I'd been quiet, but I really appreciate your answers. All the info will be fantastic for my next pregnant client. By the way, that client gave birth last Sunday to a heathy little girl 6lbs15oz (she already had 2 boys) called Isabelle!

mamancinq xx
