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Pregnancy massage consultation form

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Hi all,

Im on the Well Mother pregnancy massage course at the moment, which I have to say I am absolutely loving, and would thoroughly recommend! I feel really enthused!!

Tommorrow is the final day, and I need a consultation form more specifically for pregnant women. I was just wondering if anyone out there who has one would be willing to allow me to use one of theirs? I know this is a little cheeky, but it would be very helpful.

Thanks in anticipation!!

Tj xx;)

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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Tj, glad you liked the course - I did it some years back and it was very good.

Sorry I didn't see this in time - hope you managed OK - and passed the test. I actually have a very basic consultation form which all I added to was EDD and number of weeks - nothing fancy. I don't give a form to my client to fill in,I just have a consultation and take notes. However I ask more / different questions of my pregnant clients. Not sure what anyone else does?


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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Hi Intouch,

Thanks for responding! It wasn't really the nightmare I was expecting, and I loved the course thanks. I can highly recommend it to anyone. Suzanne was a really good tutor, and I learnt so much from the course.

I have finally done the forms, as I need to start my case studies now. I have deicided to do a separate form just for pregnant women, so it has all the vital information I need to ask, and things to look for etc. I think I will try it out for a while and see how I get on. If it is any good, i can send you one if thats any help?! Not sure it will be any better than yours though.

thanks again for responding!

Tj xx

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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Hi - I did the well mother in November. I did find it an excellent course although I sometimes found there was too much talking and not enough practical. I've just finished my case studies and now writing them up.I honestly didn't think it would be as popular as it is and the money I spent on the training was a great investment.

I can't wait to get my qualificationso I canoffer this treatment.So many pregnant ladies are ripped of when it comes to pregnancy massage one lady told me she was charged 145 euros for an hour!!!! Isn't that awful.

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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Hi JannAnn,

I have to agree. I think if it was over 5 days that would have been perfect! I was lucky enough to do my assessment, and then do another lady, as there was 1 extra, so I left having done to massages, with both ladies being 37 wks and 5 days! What an experience!

I have to say I'm loving doing the case studies, and as you said it is a very popular treatment. I only wish the NHS would allow all women to receive something like this in pregnancy. One of my case studies, who is in the most need, would never be able to afford something like this, but she gains so much from it.

I still have to start the project though!!! I keep putting it off! 5000 words seems such alot when you look at the computer screen!

Thnaks for your response, and good luck with you massaging!!


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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Hi everyone,

Would anyone be kind enough to tell me more details about the Well Mother course, such as where it is run, how much work is involved and how the course works?

Thanks in advance..xx


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RE: Pregnancy massage consultation form

Hi Nisha,

I would go on the website if I was you, as it gives you all the info you need. Just type in Wellmother, at that should give you a link. I went to the course held in London, but I think they are held in various places. the course was over 4 days, and you are assessed on the last day. You then have to go away and do 4 case studies, and write a 5000 word report, before you are 'passed'. the website is very good though, have a look at it!

Good luck!

