I've done my Massage Diploma and have thought about doing it part time in the evenings as self employed along with Indian Head Massage. However, I just feel I need too brush up on my Anatomy & Physiology again for the body massage.
Does anyone know any good references or maybe a DVD that would help?
Thanks so much.
Angel Star
I've done my Massage Diploma and have thought about doing it part time in the evenings as self employed along with Indian Head Massage. However, I just feel I need too brush up on my Anatomy & Physiology again for the body massage.
Does anyone know any good references or maybe a DVD that would help?
Thanks so much.
Angel Star
I used an Anatomy and Physiology Colouring Book when I was studying it. This was 35 years ago, and I think the one I used is now out of print. However, a quick look on Amazon shows several - most of them you can look inside to see if it is what you need.
I found this very useful - and great fun!
Hi there,
The massage school where I qualified (Essentials for Health), offer some A&P online courses and revision tools. That might be worth looking into.
If you are just looking to refresh things, there are lots of free exercises online that take you through quizzes for muscles, bones etc....
Good luck and have fun!