Hello Everyone:)
I have a question for all you kinesiologists...
I have a very close friend who I consider to be my spiritual mother, and who is a very experienced kinesiologist. She has been trying to help me through my mid life crisis and decide on my future with my husband. I have been talking to her as a friend for the past year, so she knows all there is to know about my situation.
Over the summer we had a few creative kinesiology sessions and she asked my body questions along the lines of "Should HF leave her husband?" "will HF find success and fulfilment if she leaves" etc and the response has consistantly been to leave. However, I was rocked to the core when she called me an idiot for saying that I was seriouslythinking of staying.
I know she just wants to help, but is it possible that her own opinion and energy (coupled with my own doubts) has affected my body's response? I am a reflexologist and very aware of the workings of energy and we do have a very strong spiritual connection. This has made a real impression on me and I am feeling under even more pressure to leave, even though I love my husband very much...it's complicated!
What do you think? I would love to hear your thoughts...
Many thanks
RE: Upseting responses
I think you need to talk with your husband about this - and would a true friend call you and "idiot"?
To label is to disable. Perhaps you and your hubby need to go to couples councelling. Any relationship is a gift and unless there is abuse you should give it a chance.
Sorry for sticking my nose in as I'm not a Kinesiologist - just don't like when people name call.:)
RE: Upseting responses
Hi Happy Feet,
I'm not a kinesiologist, but the situation you describe is exactly why I won't work with close friends - as much as I want to help them, I cannot be 100% sure of my ability to remain detached and objective with them. Even the most experienced professional person can find themselves struggling with this from time to time.
Your situation leads me to suggest one of two things:
- you describe this as a mid-life crisis. Assuming that the situation you're in is difficult butisn't destructive for either you or your husband, I would advise to hang on in there until the crisis has passed and you can be more objective or until an answer that sits comfortably with you presents itself. You say you love your husband, and it's obvious from what you say that leaving your husband doesn't sit comfortably with you. Maybe some time apart would help - and I'm not suggesting a trial separation, simply a holiday on your own!
- if the above doesn't sit well with you, maybe seek out a kinesiologist that you can see on an entirely professional basis, who will remain detached and objective. But ask yourself - if this second kinesiologist also says that you should leave your husband, how will you feel about that? Will it sit more comfortably because it comes from another kinesiologist? or maybe you're asking the wrong questions.....
However you move forward, your decison must be one that you are comfortable with and one that you don't feel pressured into, however well-meaning your friend may be. Someone once said to me "Be true to yourself, because at the end of the day the only person you have to live with is yourself" - so true.
Hope this helps a little!
With love,
RE: Upseting responses
P.S. Welcome to HP!:)
RE: Upseting responses
I feel your friend has been challenged by being both your friend and your kinesiologist. As Amber Lady infers it is not easy working with friends. What we feel we 'clearly' see as friends (and might want to advise as an action to take, as a friend) does not always sit well with being a therapist and acting to enable a client to reach their own solutions.
Using muscle testing on such specific questions does not always move us forward.Using muscle testing as a tool to clear the blockages that stop us having clarity and feeling empowered to make our own decisions, can.
RE: Upseting responses
Hi Happy Feet
I spoke to theHead of Creative Kinesiology in the UK and she gave me the following response to your post and asked me to post it for her on this forum.
From Carrie Jost, Head of the School of Creative Kinesiology
It is always good to have feedback about kinesiology. I wonder if HF has talked to her friend yet about the way she felt as a result of the kinesiology session she had with her. Ithas alwaysbeen one of the great dilemmas of being a therapist: wanting to help everyone on the one hand while maintaining professional boundarieson the other. Working with close friends or family can be difficult, simply because we are so involved. With clients, these boundaries are relatively easy to maintain.
We use muscle testing in Creative Kinesiology to identify the nature of the problem in the person's system, where it is located, what it is doing there, where it came from and what to do about it. This is detective work and as such is information gathering, andincludes some body, nutritional and energy work to bring balance to the system as a whole.The work involves uncovering the story behind any problem.Muscle testing is NOT used as a method of making choices. All choices have to be made by the client, using their free will.
Anyone who feels strongly about their treatment and wishes to complain can do this to the Kinesiology Federation, which oversees professional conduct and ethics for all kinesiologists.
RE: Upseting responses
The work involves uncovering the story behind any problem.Muscle testing is NOT used as a method of making choices. All choices have to be made by the client, using their free will.
I'm pleased you cleared that up.:D If choices are to be made I would have thought that dowsing would be appropriate.
I have not started my Kinesiology course yet (this weekend) so didn't like to post as I am not experienced but I did have my doubts as to how Kinesiology was being used.
RE: Upseting responses
Hello again:)
Thank you all so much for taking the time to reply. Your words have helped me greatly and I am stronger for it.
KF Admin, thank you for the message from Carrie Jost. It has clarifed things a lot for me and I can see now how these sessions have been affected by our friendship. Kinesiology is an amazing tool but in this instance the wrong questions were asked and it has caused me a lot of heartache.
Onwards and upwards with this journey but I do feel freer now to follow my heart.:D
Enjoy your course Pathfinder!
Love and thanks
RE: Upseting responses
I'm only training in kinesiology and I know you can access the subconscious to see what thought processes are going on thatmay be guiding you, however, it concerns me that kinesiology is being used as some kind of fortune telling tool. Be guided by your own experience, your own needs and your own desires, whatever the response that comes through with kine, you have free will and regardless of what is right / wrong, what feels good, undesirable.. you'll ultimately do what you feel you need to do..
Do thisfor yourself and notfor the benefitof your friends and friendships, it's a lifechanging decision, only you can know if it's going to make you happy and you're also the only one who can take responsibility for this action.
Think deeply about it and any decisions need to be thought through, if you can talk the problemsthrough with your partner, this may help considerably, whatever the outcome.
RE: Upseting responses
Hello Gussie
I can see now how the kinesiology was being used as a fortune telling tool, but at that time I was so in need of guidance that I took the responses as the only truth.. It's time to stand back and stand on my own two feet and make my own choices!
RE: Upseting responses
Great to hear that HappyFeet! Hang in there, the answers will come to you, and they'll be your own. 🙂