Hi Everyone
I have a friend that only wants her head massaged and not her back neck and shoulders. How long would you advise for just head massage and how much would you charge?
Thanks 😀
One of my colleagues does this (head only) for about 10 minutes and charges £5.
On top of what Jabba suggests, see if your client wants their face massaged. Then it be a longer session and you can charge more money 😉
Any session can last as long as you want it to last, just give them a half hour head massage and charge them accordingly. 😉
This can vary greatly, I do a technique called Eastern Facial Massage and it is a treatment in its own right, lasting 30 minutes. It includes pressure points and it quite complete. There are so many techniques out there it depends on what your friend is planning to provide during the treatment.
Charges will vary depending on your location and practice. It may be worth your friend having a look at other peoples websites in the local area for guidance on what is reasonable.