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IHM with client on massage table

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Hi folks - would welcome some feedback from those experienced IHm therapists amongst us.
My tutor mentioned to us when she is working with clients she offers them IHM on the massage table, as opposed to chair. She went on to say she would do the back massage element with almond oil, and obviously the client unlike traditional IHm, is undressed for this. We didn't hear anymore as unfortunately she left! Be interested to hear if any of you have experimented with delivering an IHM in this way.
love, janice x

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Janice,

I am studying IHM at the moment so no expert by any stretch. I have heard about this and had my doubts then.

With IHM you work on the face as well as the back of head etc. So what will you client do, turn over? It's not my idea of a relaxing treatment.

Interested to see if anyone has had it done or does this style of treatment.

All the best,


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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Janice & Russell,

Glad to see some action on the Ind Head forum, it's gone very quiet lately!

As regards, Ind Head Massage on the couch, I am also currently studying Ind Head - we have been taught both ways ie how to give the massage in the chair and on the couch although obviously on the day with ITEC we will only be examined giving the massage in the chair.

Both our tutors have told us that in practice they rarely if ever give the treatment in the chair, that they feel it is far more relaxing and effective giving the massage on the couch. Also, all the therapists in the Clinic where I work give the treatment lying down.

Russell, as regards working on the face, yes, you do the back massage and back of head first whilethe client is lying on their stomach, then you ask them to turn over (like 1/2 way through body massage) and then continue with work on head, shoulders and face. I have experienced both treatments and whilst I always enjoy the treatment in the chair I find the lying down treatment much more relaxing. Plus I think you can incorporate deeper work on the back and neck.

Hope this helps .... ps how are ye finding the study? There's a lot in it isnt there! Take Care - Wildflower [sm=animal-smiley-021.gif]

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi To both Russell & Wildflower - I'm going to give it a go using the lying down on the massage table. My sister, who is qualified in various comp therapies, is my willing victim!

My table has a face cradle extension, so just wondering Wildflower if this was the same when you had your experience, or was it a face hole in the bed?

Thanks for taking the time to reply... love Janice

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hiya Janice

When I had the treatment, the table had a face hole. But you could also do it with the face panel extension. You could take the face panel off when you turn the client around to lie on their back - that is what I do when I'm giving a body massage because one of the tables I use has the detachable face panel - it is more comfortable for them when lying on their back to take it off.

Good luck with the treatment - I'm sure your sister will love it! Take Care - Wildflower [sm=animal-smiley-021.gif]

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Janice, Russ and Lisa [sm=wave.gif]

It's so interesting to see how many different variations other people haveon just one treatment! I have heard of a few practioners that do an Indian head Massage treatment lying down, but there are a few things that could possiblyputpeople off this idea:

1. The client may find being turned over disruptive

2. If you are an IHM practioner and don't do any other treatments, or any other treatments that need a couch, then it isn't really cost effective to buy a couch just for one type of treatment.

3. A client may not see the sense in having to lie on the couch as they would for a back massage or full body massage and then only to have their shoulders done before they get turned over. In other words, they could think- if I have to bother going through the hassle of getting undressed and then have to turn over just when I'm getting relaxed I might as well have a bit more done and just pay a little extra.

However, the plus sides are that they can't slouch and it may be easier to apply more pressure (and men always seem to want more pressure than is humanely possibledon't they?!!)

An alternative to this could be an accupressure type chair, where the client is leaning forwards and being supported (so you can apply more pressure), the only drawback here is that (I think) you'd have to ask the client to sit up to do the face...

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hiya Azalia,

I agree, it can be disruptive turning a client over but I think the positive effects of the treatment do outweigh the disruption.

In the sequence we do when client is lying down, we actually doa back massage, concentrating particularly on upper thoracic, neck and shoulders. It's nice to be able to do lots of work also on the back of head and neck from this position.

I get your point that it could be expensive for a therapist to buy a couch for only doing IHM. I do think being able to give the treatment whilst sitting in an ordinary chair is a benefit as it even allows you to treat friends or family on the spot with the minimum of fuss.

If all goes well with the exam! I plan to offer the treatment both in the chair or lying down whichever the client wishes, it's nice for them to have the choice. I think some people find lying down that they switch off more. Some people find it hard to get totally relaxed sitting up. Also, as a therapist there is more responsibility for you when client is in the chair as you have to be so conscious at all times of supporting the head and neck - particularly when the client falls asleep sitting up! You literally have their head in your hands.

Good to thrash out these things a/way and get different peoples' opinions. Chat Soon .... Wildflower [sm=animal-smiley-021.gif]

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Wildflower- I agree, it is really useful to have an insight into how other people carry out their treatments because it helps you improve and evaluate your own practise. Great stuff [sm=idea.gif]

Has anyone else has any further thoughts or ideas on this subject?

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Update from Janice - tried out the full routine today on massage table/used cradle extension, willing volunteer my sister for the experiment!! Result - even after being turned over to have her face done, returned to a very relaxed state (her description "zonked"). Ended with a short reiki.
My view was this was a far more relaxing experience for the client, however I'm going to continue offering the choice but for me using the bed was by far able to bring a deeper relaxation.

Thanks for everyone who has contributed to this thread. Janice x

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Janice

Delighted the treatment went so well! We had our last w/end of IHM course this w/end and we spent all of yest afternoon doing IH couch work. The results were amazing, the calm in the room was incredible, e/one reached a deep relaxation. Afterwards, some people felt totally chilled out and sleepy and some people felt euphoric! We are lucky to have a fantastic tutor which also helped.

So exam in 3 weeks, pre exam over so it's just study, study, study now! Good luck and take care - Wildflower.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi! Sorry if this is a daft question but i'm confused as to how you perform the "neck slides" with the client laying down on a couch?I take it the client would be laying on their front for this move?Do you move the head to one side as you do when the client is seated?I just cant envisage it!!

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

This is something I have been wondering so thanks for posting this question 🙂

I bought myself one of the massage chairs, which is realy great and I thoroughly recommend them. I also bought a massage table as I offer Reiki and will be studying reflexology next year so it will get lots of use as the chair does.

I had been wondering if I could carry out IHM on the couch and how I would actually get to all the scalp positions. I think it will be a case of trial and error as according to replies it obviously can be successfully done 🙂

This is really goodnews as occasionally I want to follow my IHM treatments with reiki and/or reflexology and therefore I wont have to move the client from the chair to the couch 😀

S xx

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi guys

We were taught the full Indian Head Massage routine with the client laying on the couch. If you want to PM me I will gladly share the routine with you!

You don't turn the client over at all but massage everything from either the side or from the head. When we learnt this our tutor swore by doing it on the couch as there is too much pressure on the neck when seated.

I prefer doing it on the chair but it is an alternative!

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

My first experience of having an IHM was on a table-it was the most amazing IHM ever and motivated me to do the qualification. It was sooooo good, i just cant emphaisis how good it was. The masseuse was just the best! It felt like a real Indian Head Massage-like one you would have in India. I was soaking in oil but it felt GOOD! Tables are good because you can literally pour on the oil and use a lot of it to give that feeling of a proper Indian style IHM.
I use chairs and i have had problems supporting peoples heads because they fall asleep (i use a pillow but if someone is falling asleep, its difficult to support them)

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi joblackcat
I would love to know the fully routine that you had been taught for IH laying on a couch. I have tried doing a treatment on the couch myself but didnt feel quite happy with it (although the client said she was)
I will send you a PM.

Many thanks

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi have just read through this thread and found it really interesting. I hadn't ever thought of doing the treatment on the couch, although I do incorporate some of the IHM moves into my massage routine and often do the face. I can see the advantages of doing it on the couch and like somebody said earlier, the client is disrupted at some point during a therapy. I am intruiged to know the routine and will PM joblackcat about this as I would like to know how the movements are actually carried out on the head. Very very interesting. It would be nice to offer both versions. In fact the client today was expecting to lie down. I don't think that the undressing is an issue either. My clients always undress their top half for an IHM. Interresting thread thanks.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I can see the benefits of performing the treatment on the couch, but am a bit concerned about how we are Westernising this treatment.

An IHM should be simplistic, need no equipment and be able to receive anywhere. the massage is performed through the clothes with the client seated.

colleges have taken to giving the massage with the client undressed and a towel wrapped around them.

now colleges are teaching a body massage and terming it IHM.

...................just waiting for the onslaught of complaints etc.

Just remember how simple it should be.

I gave a traditional IHM to a reporter who was writing a piece on IHM and remarked on the fact that she had heard of people falling asleep whilst receiving a massage but that it would never happen to her. The reporter fell asleep 3 times in a space of 25 minutes!

So, by all means try different methods, but don't forget the origins of it.

By the way, I'm emigrating to Siberia tonight, so won't be able to answer any comments from furious HP'ers. Plus, it is my birthday today, so plllllleeeeeaaasssse be nice to me.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi all,

firstly, thanks for not attacking me for the above comments, they were written with good intentions.

Secondly, thanks Nell, I did have a nice birthday, and good luck with your move.

Thirdly, enjoy giving IHM, its a fantastic therapy.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I would like to know the full routine for giving IHM whilst client is lying on couch.

Could someone please be so kind as to send me details.

Many, many thanks in advance


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RE: IHM with client on massage table


My first experience of having an IHM was on a table-it was the most amazing IHM ever and motivated me to do the qualification. It was sooooo good, i just cant emphaisis how good it was. The masseuse was just the best! It felt like a real Indian Head Massage-like one you would have in India. I was soaking in oil but it felt GOOD! Tables are good because you can literally pour on the oil and use a lot of it to give that feeling of a proper Indian style IHM.
I use chairs and i have had problems supporting peoples heads because they fall asleep (i use a pillow but if someone is falling asleep, its difficult to support them)

This doesnt sound like Indian Head to me, it sounds like an adapted form of Shirodhara, which is a specific Indian Ayurvedic treatment. Like daisy chain has said, authentic IHM is done with the client seated. If you are doing head massage with the client lying down, then you cant really call your treatment IHM.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I also do ihm and have recently taken clinic space with a couch, and was wondering how to do it lying down...(not me, the client :)) Do you mind if I pm you too? (that is if I can figure out how to do a pm)

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I was taught to do seated / lying on couch combo and I understand that the VTCT course at the local college uses the same method.

I’ve found the transition from seat to couch very un-disruptive to the relaxation experience and the clients have welcomed the lie down. In fact, many times, snoring ensues within moments of the client’s head hitting the couch, LOL. I’ve found a chair / Lafuma recliner combo works well too.

I, personally, find it difficult to fully relax unless I’m supine, so I’ve always enjoyed and indeed looked forward to this part of the routine when I’ve had a treatment myself. My sister has had both a seated and a lying down IHM and says she prefers my method.

I’ve seen a method in an IHM book by Francesca Gould where a towel is rolled up to form a bolster to support the client’s neck and head for the facial massage, this is totally impractical for me as I’m just over 5ft tall and I work barefooted or in flatties, the client’s head would rest just beneath my chin, LOL.

However, its down to choice whether you do it wearing a Sari, cross-legged behind your client on a Goan beach or you use one of those massage chair contraptions - We must remember that we should consider our own safety and comfort as much as the client’s and I know that, the way I work, I’m not putting any undue stresses or strains on my own muscular/skeletal system.

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

hi i wonder if you could send me the details of the ihm done on a treatment bed i am starting the course this week and would be interested to see how it is done on a bed ,when i did it on my ocn course we always did it on a chair

thankyou julie

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I've only just seen this thread and while I was reading through I was interested tosee that no one actually uses a portable headrest. I take mine around to offices and it rests on desks/tables etc. The top part looks like a therapy chair in thatthe client rests on the front and puts their head on the face cradle. After you have given some really good massage to the back, neck and scalp, you gently bring your client back to the upright position, place a towel or air cushion under their neck and do the face massage/chakra balancing. It is so easy to take around, and you get all the benefits of a good back massage and face massage without too much disruption.


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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi Lotusflower. I have been thinking of buying one of these to put on to my massage couch for IHM. Would this work and if so where did you buy it from?? Thanks

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi, you can buy them from a couple of wholesalers, like Beauty Express/Ellisons or the FHT catalogue. It is the same price (£99.00) but carriage costs do differ. I got mine from Beauty Express as I have an account and brought some other odds and ends as well.
[link= http://www.beautyexpress.co.uk ]http://www.beautyexpress.co.uk[/link] click on to equipment and scroll down to mobiles and you will find it there.

I attach mine to a desk/table in an office environment, or if I do schools/community centres, I take a foldup table and I rest it against that but I'm sure they would rest comfortably against a couch.


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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Thanks Sue I'll have a look into that. I currently pile loads of pillows up onto the massage couch and whilst it works I don't really think it's the best thing to do for the client. Just how we were taught in college. You mentioned schools. Do you do IHM in schools and if so how does this work? Do you do the teachers? I am planning to write to some schools but didn't know whether to offer them taster sessions or whether to get them to come to me? It would be interesting to know what you do , thanks x

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RE: IHM with client on massage table

Hi again Bexx

I have done a few schools - they were part of a pamper evening for the teachers and I did head massage for them. My work tends to be more in the office environment.


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RE: IHM with client on massage table

I have just done a IHM course where it was started (shoulders/neck/head) seated then moved to the couch to do the final massage. I have been practising on friends and family and all have said they love it. My husband is so relaxed that once he gets on that couch he cant remember anything else. Also, unless someone has a problem with it or containdications then I am quite vigorous.

Tinasparkles 😀

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When giving an IHM I usually leave the decision upto the client, most of my clients prefer the couch, with their top removed so that the back can be massaged, although some do prefer to be sitting up and not remove any clothes.
When I have an IHM myself, I prefer to be on a couch, I find it is much more relaxing... even when I have to turn over to have my face massaged.

I think its just personal preference.

Lotsaluv aqua_isme

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