Is this normal?
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Is this normal?

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Hello HP'ers,

I have recently begun Hypnotherapy I thought I would give it a bash to try to deal with low self esteem issues, my therapist said I am supposed to listen to the CD's of our sessions twice a day and that, in truth there's not much hope of the therapy working without doing so. The problem is finding the time and when I do listen to them they make me tired to the point where I simply can't function and it doesn't wear off.

As a counsellor and EFT Practitioner I am more than aware that all healing modalities cannot work without client participation it's not a case of going along and problem solved but this appears to be a bit too extreme not the listening to the CD's bit but the fact the therapy will not work at all if they are not listened to.

Any thoughts please?


Rebecca xx

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Hello HP'ers,

I have recently begun Hypnotherapy I thought I would give it a bash to try to deal with low self esteem issues, my therapist said I am supposed to listen to the CD's of our sessions twice a day and that, in truth there's not much hope of the therapy working without doing so. The problem is finding the time and when I do listen to them they make me tired to the point where I simply can't function and it doesn't wear off.

As a counsellor and EFT Practitioner I am more than aware that all healing modalities cannot work without client participation it's not a case of going along and problem solved but this appears to be a bit too extreme not the listening to the CD's bit but the fact the therapy will not work at all if they are not listened to.

Any thoughts please?


Rebecca xx

Hi Becks . 🙂

To be honest I am not a great fan of hypnosis . I feel that hypnosis can have an effect on an Individual for sure, i just don’t buy In to It that’s all .

What I mean Is - Lets say a person feels that they are both ugly Inside and outside of their self on many levels . Now In my eyes that Individual has that kind of a complex for a reason (for whatever reason) .

So by having a form of hypnosis to Influence his or her mind-set that may allow them to feel that they are beautiful within and without Is not addressing the Issue .

It doesn’t matter how many times you repeatedly suggest to a mad axe man that has just slaughtered a class of school children that they are beautiful within (just as a silly example) .

As with many things I would say If one does not get to the heart of any matter the symptoms and the mind-sets will eventually return .

Hypnosis Is like patching up a bikes Inner-tube until there comes a time where you cannot see what’s beneath the patches .

x dazzle x

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Hello Dazzle thank you for taking the time to reply, now you have put it like that I can easily understand why I don't appear to be getting much out of it other than a kind of tiredness which is off the scale and too hard to handle after listening to the CD's, although my therapist does call himself a 'holistic hypnotherapist' and does combine his work with inner child healing so claims to tackle the issues at a grass roots level rather than just attempting to re-write the script although if I'm honest with you I've not seen any evidence of that yet and I had my 3rd appointment yesterday.


Rebecca xx

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First of all, let me address Nice_1's comment as it's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read about the use of hypnosis.
First of all, the example used really is silly and has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the subject. The same could be said about pretty much any therapy.

Secondly, hypnotherapy is one of the most evidence based complementary therapies there is. It has been the subject of more studies than I could even begin to post here and was accepted as a viable treatment by the board of medical examiners in the 1950's. In fact, there have been repeated calls from the Royal Society for Medicine for hypnosis to be more accessible and that all hospitals should be offering it. THe Christie cancer hospital in Manchester, which is partally NHS funded and partially charity funded, actually has several hypnotherapists there.

With regard to the analogy of the bicycle inner tube, you actually just described certain other mind therapies, with hypnotherapy being the opposite when carried out properly as the treatment is at a deeper level than other talking therapies.

So, back on topic and to actually answer Becky's question!

To be honest Becky, the majority of hypnotherapists don't even record client's sessions.

I do, as I do feel it is beneficial. However, twice per day or it won't work?? I have no idea who you've seen but that is quite ridiculous. To be honest, if I was listening to a hypnotherapy session twice per day, every day, I think I too would be tired! Are you sure that's what the therapist said and which hypnotherapy organisation is he a member of?

I advise my clients that it would be beneficial to listen to the session back once or twice between sessions (usually within a one to two week period) but they can do more if they wish. Some listen to them nearly every day, but never twice per day and others don't listen to them at all but still see results.

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Thank you for replying Bannick I have sent you a PM


Rebecca x

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Hello Dazzle thank you for taking the time to reply, now you have put it like that I can easily understand why I don't appear to be getting much out of it other than a kind of tiredness which is off the scale and too hard to handle after listening to the CD's, although my therapist does call himself a 'holistic hypnotherapist' and does combine his work with inner child healing so claims to tackle the issues at a grass roots level rather than just attempting to re-write the script although if I'm honest with you I've not seen any evidence of that yet and I had my 3rd appointment yesterday.


Rebecca xx

Your welcome Becks . 🙂

The thing Is Becks Is that It Is hard enough for the Individual with the Issues to find the root cause of any sufferings be It a general complex or something really-deep-rooted that Is eating away at the heart or whatever . Certain Issues need to be healed and forgiven etc, etc, for a hypnotist to put the patient In to a false state of “everything Is alright” mode Is not dealing with the Issue .

I am not saying that hypnosis doesn’t have an effect on Individuals either - we have all seen people pretend to be chickens and walk around making chicken noises we see the benefits where under hypnosis one can reduce the levels of pain felt whilst under going medical procedures and walking on fire and so forth .

I think we can open the tool box of life and pick out meditation for certain uses, crystals for another, vitamins/herbs for another and I am sure that hypnosis has It’s uses . .

What I am saying Is that when It comes to hypnosis ..

How does the hypnotist know that the sufferings endured by the patient Isn’t a requirement for the patient to be In experience of on a soul level .

x dazzle x

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First of all, let me address Nice_1's comment as it's one of the most ridiculous things I've ever read about the use of hypnosis.
First of all, the example used really is silly and has absolutely no bearing whatsoever on the subject. The same could be said about pretty much any therapy.

Hi Bannick - I am glad you liked It . 🙂

Do not be blinded by my silly example Bannick . It has got everything to do with hypnosis . Doesn’t hypnosis Involve changing an Individuals mind set from one perception to another . Can these altered mind-sets not empower an Individual and dis-empower an Individual . When we alter an Individuals mind set does It not therefore effect our perception .

I am sure many Individuals go under hypnosis In order to empower themselves to perhaps shake off depression and a feeling of lack and a feeling of having no self worth etc . There Is always a reason as to why Individuals suffer .

Find that out what that Is and everyone's a winner 🙂 . Telling an Individual under hypnosis by repeatedly suggesting to them whilst under a hypnotic state that “all Is well” Is just covering up the what lies beneath the cracks .

Secondly, hypnotherapy is one of the most evidence based complementary therapies there is. It has been the subject of more studies than I could even begin to post here and was accepted as a viable treatment by the board of medical examiners in the 1950's. In fact, there have been repeated calls from the Royal Society for Medicine for hypnosis to be more accessible and that all hospitals should be offering it. THe Christie cancer hospital in Manchester, which is partally NHS funded and partially charity funded, actually has several hypnotherapists there.

I understand and agree there has been many studies on the matter and I am sure that hypnosis has been widely accepted across the board . “But what does that mean” “that they are right” One aspect of my own healing practices would be kicked out of touch by these same medical bodies - What that tells me Is that certain medical Institutes are out of touch with the mind and how the mind expresses and Interconnects with our mental bodies that results In mental health Issues .

With regard to the analogy of the bicycle inner tube, you actually just described certain other mind therapies, with hypnotherapy being the opposite when carried out properly as the treatment is at a deeper level than other talking therapies.

If a hypnotist can connect with an Individuals soul lessons and then convey that to the patient In a way that does not alter that Individual from facing and healing whatever that may be then I am all for hypnosis .

x daz x

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Find that out what that Is and everyone's a winner 🙂 . Telling an Individual under hypnosis by repeatedly suggesting to them whilst under a hypnotic state that “all Is well” Is just covering up the what lies beneath the cracks .

Hi Dazzle,

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement but sometimes, depending on the individual, knowing what the underlying problem is does not help, I have known what the underlying reasons are for my low self esteem for years and despite all the therapies I have been to I am no closer to having a healthier belief in myself, most of the therapies I have engaged in have had a deeply spiritual focus as I wanted to explore the issues of my soul contract rather than simply cause & effect, in fact on reflection there isn't anything I haven't tried that's why I have recently chosen to try hypnotherapy and this issue is not for budging, therefore I can only conclude that there is learning in it for me for as long as it continues to happen and when I have learned all I am meant to it will leave never to return which suits me fine in some respects as experience has taught me that there is peace & healing in everything we experience if we allow it but in others it's tiring, seems never ending and like it's keeping me stuck despite my best efforts to move forward.


Rebecca x

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Find that out what that Is and everyone's a winner 🙂 . Telling an Individual under hypnosis by repeatedly suggesting to them whilst under a hypnotic state that “all Is well” Is just covering up the what lies beneath the cracks .

Hi Dazzle,

I wholeheartedly agree with this statement but sometimes, depending on the individual, knowing what the underlying problem is does not help, I have known what the underlying reasons are for my low self esteem for years and despite all the therapies I have been to I am no closer to having a healthier belief in myself, most of the therapies I have engaged in have had a deeply spiritual focus as I wanted to explore the issues of my soul contract rather than simply cause & effect, in fact on reflection there isn't anything I haven't tried that's why I have recently chosen to try hypnotherapy and this issue is not for budging, therefore I can only conclude that there is learning in it for me for as long as it continues to happen and when I have learned all I am meant to it will leave never to return which suits me fine in some respects as experience has taught me that there is peace & healing in everything we experience if we allow it but in others it's tiring, seems never ending and like it's keeping me stuck despite my best efforts to move forward.


Rebecca x

Hi Becks .

I would say that knowing what the underlying problem Is essential . 🙂

Whilst I was self enquiring as to what It Is that I am - many things come to the fore within mind .

As an example - I had an Emotional and mental Issue Becks that gave me the feeling / Impression that I was not worthy of happiness love or Joy . Where the bloody hell did that come from .:eek: he ehe . I just became conscious of that’s how I felt . There was a deep Inner sadness .

I had already at this point been In a self enquiry mode for several years where all I wanted was the truth of what It Is that I am and be In expression of that .

Within mind I put forward the request to resolve all that needed to resolved so that I could be myself .

Certain memories and visions came to mind In regards to a life time had where I carried out barbaric atrocities that Involved the dark arts .

At the moment that I had realized why I had felt unworthy of happiness I broke down In tears . (A RELEASE) All I have ever been In this present life time Is anything but kind, loving, giving, understanding and It was no wonder when I engaged In to the healing fields .

So I was also now faced with an aspect of one’s self that has carried a deep dark unwanted secret (lol) I was In denial for a while because I couldn’t connect these atrocities to myself .

It took 3 years to shift that energy which contained a lot of self healing and self forgiveness . I would say that a lot of my healing work that I was In expression Of helped to transmute any karmic ties to that aspect of myself . Yoga transmutes karma . Meditation transmutes karma . All of these I was practicing daily . Nothing comes easy (lol) does It he hehe h .

So when any healer / therapist tries to help another Individual that Is suffering at a deep root level like I was then It matters not If they hypnotically suggest to you that I should or anyone should be feeling any differently other than what they are .

Some states of how we feel change as often as the weather but Issues that keep coming back that reflect upon how we think and feel and perceive life would need addressing I would say .

Now what we need to ascertain Is - who can get to the root of the problem other than the self .

Keep In mind that I had 5 other life times since I carried out the atrocities . Are we ready the face our fears and our demons . I think we all will and will do when we are ready too .

x daz x

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Just been singing out the Lyrics to the Jessie J song

Who You Are .

I bet your all glad that you cannot hear me . 🙂

Nice lyrics . I have highlighted a few words that stood out - In reference to posts made .

I stare at my reflection in the mirror:
"Why am I doing this to myself?"
Losing my mind on a tiny error,
I nearly left the real me on the shelf.
No, no, no, no, no...

Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,

"It's okay not to be okay."

Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.

Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!

Brushing my hair, do I look perfect?
I forgot what to do to fit the mold, yeah!
The more I try the less it's working, yeah
'Cause everything inside me screams
No, no, no, no, no...

Yes, no's, egos, fake shows, like WHOA!
Just go, and leave me alone!
Real talk, real life, good love, goodnight,
With a smile, that's my home!
That's my home, no...

No, no, no, no, no...
Don't lose who you are in the blur of the stars!
Seeing is deceiving, dreaming is believing,
It's okay not to be okay...
Sometimes it's hard to follow your heart.
Tears don't mean you're losing, everybody's bruising,
Just be true to who you are!
Yeah yeah yeah

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Are we ready the face our fears and our demons . I think we all will and will do when we are ready too .

I'm ready!! Me! Me! Me! Says me waving hands frantically in the air!! Thankfully I passed that stage years ago of thinking that when we look at the real stuff the pain will kill us, I would be up for anything which would stop the roller coaster between pure bliss and total suicide with not much in the middle, especially since it became daily a about 6 weeks ago, there seems to be a pattern emerging of one day on and one day off to feel 'normal' and catch my breath before it all starts again.

I can't wait for something like meditation to unearth 'it' whatever it is, what did you do Daz? to unearth it I mean?
I know a lot of what I am dealing with right now is spirit's way of refining me in order for me to work with them in some way, I say some way because it's a long story but if you want to know it's not top secret, and I also think the opening of this portal last Fri and all the resultant energy changes are not helping either.
Why oh why can't things be a bit more simple lol (because it would be boring I hear you say!)


Rebecca x

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Say someone convinces you that you're worthless when you're 3 years old and it haunts you when you've grown up, long after you've forgotten where these false ideas came from. Then, if a hypnotherapist undoes that programming, isn't that a good thing?

Sure, suffering can sometimes lead to enlightening insights. But does all suffering has this purpose?

If there's dog poo mysteriously appearing on my kitchen floor every Monday afternoon, week after week, then naturally I'll want to know where it's coming from. But should I leave it piling up until such time as I discover the truth? Or do I clean it up and worry about the whys and wherefores afterwards? ... if you see what I mean.

If someone is chronically accident prone and one day breaks a leg, first mend the leg then ponder the causes.

Personally, I've learned some valuable lessons through suffering, but I've also had some pretty juicy insights when I've been happy too 🙂

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Are we ready the face our fears and our demons . I think we all will and will do when we are ready too .

I'm ready!! Me! Me! Me! Says me waving hands frantically in the air!! Thankfully I passed that stage years ago of thinking that when we look at the real stuff the pain will kill us, I would be up for anything which would stop the roller coaster between pure bliss and total suicide with not much in the middle, especially since it became daily a about 6 weeks ago, there seems to be a pattern emerging of one day on and one day off to feel 'normal' and catch my breath before it all starts again.

I can't wait for something like meditation to unearth 'it' whatever it is, what did you do Daz? to unearth it I mean?
I know a lot of what I am dealing with right now is spirit's way of refining me in order for me to work with them in some way, I say some way because it's a long story but if you want to know it's not top secret, and I also think the opening of this portal last Fri and all the resultant energy changes are not helping either.
Why oh why can't things be a bit more simple lol (because it would be boring I hear you say!)


Rebecca x

What I have also ascertained Becks Is that at times many say that they are ready for this and ready for that . Over the last 20 years I reckon that every year that passed I was ready to face the truths of what I am and I was ready to face what mindful blocks that I had manifested for myself along the way (lol) .

It really has everything to do with the mind-set that we are currently coming from so to speak . Sometimes we really really want to know something for example and the moment we do we wished that we hadn’t h ehe he . So there Is always a point of perception where we consciouly know what Is good for us In the moment - and I don’t mean that what Is necessarily good for us contains a pleasant flavour .

There may be two conscious aspects of becks that Is and Isn’t ready for whatever that may be . Only the real Becks will know and the real Becks Isn’t Becks ha ha aha .

So what happenened for me Becks was that I kinda surrendered daz’s will within the self enquiry to allow what some might call the higher self, the true self or whatever to take over so to speak .

This way my thinking mind allows an automated process that brings to the surface what needs to be healed / acknowledged / forgiven In a way that daz hasn’t got to search for a needle In a haystack looking for clues as to what needs unearthing . It’s all about embracing daz connection with life but pushing daz to the side hehehe . Bye Bye dazzle :wave:

It’s about surrender .

It gets complicated when what we think we are starts running your mindful life experience cos that’s where the ordinary mind / ego has an Influence etc, (hey)

You mention about going through a refining process . I absolutely agree . That’s whats been happening to me and It has got much to do with pre-destined work that Is happening for me now and what lies ahead . I am Interested In what you feel spirit has In store for you .

Of course we are not purifying ourselves for the sake of the spirit . (lol) .

I am Interested In the portal thing you have mentioned also . That’s right up my street as they say . . . .

x dazzle x

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Say someone convinces you that you're worthless when you're 3 years old and it haunts you when you've grown up, long after you've forgotten where these false ideas came from. Then, if a hypnotherapist undoes that programming, isn't that a good thing?

Sure, suffering can sometimes lead to enlightening insights. But does all suffering has this purpose?

If there's dog poo mysteriously appearing on my kitchen floor every Monday afternoon, week after week, then naturally I'll want to know where it's coming from. But should I leave it piling up until such time as I discover the truth? Or do I clean it up and worry about the whys and wherefores afterwards? ... if you see what I mean.

If someone is chronically accident prone and one day breaks a leg, first mend the leg then ponder the causes.

Personally, I've learned some valuable lessons through suffering, but I've also had some pretty juicy insights when I've been happy too 🙂

Hi Flex

The thing Is that there Is no-one to blame for what we are In experience of In life . There are no victims . I understand the problems contained whilst enduring a mindful programming that has been drummed In to an Individual from a young age .

The thing Is Flex Is that we have choosen that programming to experience .

It's so easy to therefore make a connection of blaming who or what brought forward that programming .

So much Is blamed upon our parents for the way that we are now thinking / feeling / percieving . he hhehe .

If hypnosis can bring an understanding of such to the Individual then all Is good .

Certain understandings and realizations can only come to the fore when the Individual unlocks and dissolves certain barriers .

It will take a very well 'self' connected Hynotist to be allowed access Into anothers soul purpose . Very few are able to do so . So ascertaining on one level that one's Issues derive from our parents conditioning Is only skin deep .

x daz x

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Telling an Individual under hypnosis by repeatedly suggesting to them whilst under a hypnotic state that “all Is well” Is just covering up the what lies beneath the cracks .

I would say the above is a very over-simplified view of what hypnosis is. A good hypnotherapist does not just plaster over the cracks, and some connection to the "soul purpose" needs to have taken place for any therapy to be effective in my opinion. This may be explicit and verbalised, or it could be non-verbal, symbolic/metaphorical or energetic. Some of the best therapists I have known are great not because of the modality they practice (which could be hypnotherapy, shamanism, EFT, CBT, person centered counselling, body therapies etc) but because of that connection. There is plenty of research that shows that it is not the type of therapy, but the personality of the therapist and the quality of connection/relationship.

Becky, it occurs to me that your hypnotherapist may have insisted on you listening to the recording twice a day as a bit of an insurance - I can't imagine many people sticking to these conditions (if I was asked to do this I don't think I could do it - I would be bored out of my head listening to the same thing over and over again, and as Bannick said, it would be just too tiring) - and if you weren't happy with the results he could say that it was because you didn't listen to the recording twice a day. This is not to minimise the value of the session - it may have been very good, but perhaps something to do with the confidence of the therapist in the results.


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This is not to minimise the value of the session - it may have been very good, but perhaps something to do with the confidence of the therapist in the results.

Hello Masha,

Thank you for replying, my intuition tells me the chap in question has not got much confidence in anything either himself or his work despite his repeated claims that he has.
As for the actual session on reflection they are not up to much, each session is roughly 15-20 mins and only a minute or two is spent 're-writing the script' for want of better words the rest of the time is spent setting the scene, imagining being on a beach, the sights, sounds and smells I would put it more in the braket of meditation than hypnotherapy although I am no expert it's one therapy I've no knowledge of, either way I don't think or feel any differently which doesn't surprise me when I think if the one or two mins max in each session when the reason for me being there is touched upon all the rest is setting the beach scene.
I've decided not to go back.


Rebecca xx

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Thanks for the reply Daz

The thing Is Flex Is that we have choosen that programming to experience .

What I'm struggling with is this:

OK, we might choose to have the experience of false mental programming as a child. Then we suffer from it for 30 years. Then we have a hypnotherapist reverse these debilitating mental constructs.

So, how can you be sure that the hypnotherapy was not also 'chosen' and part of the plan? Isn't it possible that 30 years was enough, and that the lessons may be learned later, in retrospect, from a place of feeling good?

(I repeat: I have learned some very significant stuff while in a very good mood!)


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As for the actual session on reflection they are not up to much, each session is roughly 15-20 mins and only a minute or two is spent 're-writing the script' for want of better words the rest of the time is spent setting the scene, imagining being on a beach, the sights, sounds and smells I would put it more in the braket of meditation than hypnotherapy although I am no expert it's one therapy I've no knowledge of, either way I don't think or feel any differently which doesn't surprise me when I think if the one or two mins max in each session when the reason for me being there is touched upon all the rest is setting the beach scene.

Hi Becky,
It isn't unusual in hypnotherapy to spend some time setting the scene as you describe, re. being in a peaceful safe place such as a beach (did the therapist consult with you on whether the beach was the best setting for you or was it his own choice?) But it does seem from your description that the actual hypnothis session was quite short and the amount of time spent on addressing the specific issue was limited.

Whilst I would hesitate to say that a specific amount of time has to be allocated to each stage of the process, as the approaches of different hypnotherapists vary vastly, as do individual clients' needs, I get a sense that you didn't make a connection with this particular therapist and if you are having doubts in his skills it seems a sensible decision not to go continue with this specific hypnotherapist.


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Thanks for the reply Daz

What I'm struggling with is this:

OK, we might choose to have the experience of false mental programming as a child. Then we suffer from it for 30 years. Then we have a hypnotherapist reverse these debilitating mental constructs.

So, how can you be sure that the hypnotherapy was not also 'chosen' and part of the plan? Isn't it possible that 30 years was enough, and that the lessons may be learned later, in retrospect, from a place of feeling good?

(I repeat: I have learned some very significant stuff while in a very good mood!)


Hi Flex .

O.k lets lets say that a hypnotist can In some way reverse a certain amount of conditioning . In some respect It would be likened to the weather - A cloudy day represents conditioning and a sunny day represents a mind set thats free from conditioning .

The patients mindful climate dictates the outcome of the weather . A trigger of past conditioning brings on the clouds . A session of positive suggestive thoughts breaks up the clouds . So that’s what will continue to happen a repeated cycle of weather patterns .

When I mentioned that we choose our conditioning I mean that we have at some level created that experience to be had . So we need to be aware of why we have brought forward that experience . To rid one self temporarily from cloudy conditions Is welcomed rest-bite Indeed .

We can choose prior to Incarnating to be drawn to an array of therapies In order to bring forth that rest-bite . Many know that a difficult journey lies ahead of us . What Is clear for me Is that we create our experiences . We accumulate the Ingredients for experience to be had through life by our thoughts and actions made In each moment . So on one level we create our own sufferings .

Nobody can take the root cause of an Individuals sufferings away from them . Can anybody else help an Individual ascertain where that root cause lies within their mind . I would say yes . I would say a hypnotist that Is In touch with their own self would be able to but only the Individual that Is suffering can transmute / transform the clouds In to sunshine from within a place of self love .

Nobody can make anyone else love themselves - I like the common phrase where you can lead a horse to water but you can’t get the bugger to drink It . A very In tuned hypnotist may guide an Individual to the source of the Issue but they cannot resolve the Issues for them .

(I repeat: I have learned some very significant stuff while in a very good mood!)

Yes absolutely . We learn much from all of life experiences that will contain a variety of emotions, expressions, feelings - be It joy, love, peace, fear or whatever .

x daz x

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Thanks, Daz, I see what your saying. Thanks for taking the time.

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Hi Flex happy meet welcome to HP, thank you for contributing to my thread and sharing your perspective you have certainly given me food for thought.


Rebecca x

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Thanks Rebecca, you're welcome.

I don't know much about hypnotherapy but I ind the subject fascinating. I've read Dr. Brian Weiss and his work is certainly beyond the burying of problems ...

Low self-esteem is all smoke and mirrors, and I guess you know this as you're seeking ways to dissolve it. I'm guessing the conscious, wise part of your mind knows that your low self-esteem is not based on truth - that you are not actually worthless or somehow bad. Perhaps you used to really believe you were rubbish for whatever reason, but now you know that's not true. The higher part of your mind has already 'got over it'. So if other annoying thoughts and feelings are telling you otherwise they are obsolete, and I wish you luck in quietening those thoughts and feeling better using whatever method(s) works for you.

Here's a story. Sue feels weighed down by life and doesn't know where to start to improve things. Someone tells her that it would help to tidy her home, so she clears out all the junk and pares everything back to a minimum. She finds that it works, she feels lighter and freer and a few months later notices that she is effortlessly moving forward in her life. Fantastic! Understanding the ins and outs of her psychology of attachment to possessions was not necessary to do this, although when clearing out the clutter some insights did arise, and afterwards she looked back and gained more understanding - this is automatic, she didn't need to worry about the causes of the clutter in order to clear her home.

Good luck, once again, finding thing(s) that work for you. For me, meditation and walks in the countryside do it (and reflexology of course!)

Tom xx
