I'm thinking about training in hypnotherapy and am trying to sort out what is on offer - and whether it is in any good.
A fellow HPer has kindly recommended Quest, and I've taken a look and been impressed. Anyone like to suggest any other good options - preferably from experience - so I've got something to compare with?
Hello again Nick
If you have a look on the NCH website under training, they list recommended schools. This means they should be offering the HPD qualification as well as their school certs.
also see on NCH how to pick a school
[DLMURL] http://www.hypnotherapists.org.uk/training/how-to-pick-a-training-school/ [/DLMURL]
After some research, and a lot of help (thanks!), I seem to have narrowed it down to the [url]National College of Hypnosis & Psychotherapy[/url] and the Quest Institute - and I'm veering towards Quest.
Any other views on - or experiences of - these, or any other hypnotherapy training places in London?