How to undo mass hy...
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How to undo mass hypnotic trance? Any idea?

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It seems like Hypno forum is full of training question threads so I don't know if I'll get a response from practising hypnotherapists but I'll give it a go.

So how can individuals undo mass hypnotic trance which the publics is under?
Bearing in mind, individuals don't have the means to access media power. We are all joe bloggs.

The reason why I ask this question is that we are all under daily dose of mass hypnosis from tv such as soap drama which tells you what is good or bad according to the message tptb wants you to believe. Or celebrities sets a standard for the kind of language, mentality or fashion one should sport etc. To top it up, there is government propaganda, major (planned) incidences to inject fears in people e.g. fear of losing job, fear of terrorism etc. Give 'em a dose of shock like 911 and the public will be under the trance and they will believe every lie fed to them. I asked a Syrian guy if exodus is really true and he said, may be not so much meaning that there is a truth in it but not as much as media dramatise so there is an agenda there. tptb already had a specific goal in mind but they couldn't introduce such thing outright unless there was a problem so what do they do? Exaggerate the story using newspaper, tv so that the public will be outraged and end up agreeing with the government's 'solution' (goal).

Many people I know who don't own a tv or iphone hence they are less exposed to such influence. We can see the above but majority of people are hooked on iphones while they are walking and driving, in restaurant while with friends *rollseye* etc. Have you seen people's eyes? They are glazed, the soul is not present. May be not in your town....I don't know but many have mentioned this from all over the country, world wide.

How can we help people to get off the rat wheel?
I am wondering if it's at all possible?
It seems that people do not wake up from the trance unless they have some kind of misfortune such as illness or loss of job to find out about the reality. I know people should be left to their own choices yet I know this trance is leading to the end of humanity and they need to wake up fast. The end is planned and we can see tptb is hurrying up to bring their plan forward and we are seeing people becoming self-centred and inhumane because this is the harm that has been cast by tptb.

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I know it was accused of starting earthquakes. I don't think human knowledge is up to that (yet). Of course, if it is, some idiot will try it. I suspect fracking will manage that with more success!
I know that it was also supposed to manipulate weather. I seriously think that if the powers that be could do that, they would use it to mitigate the effects of climate change, which is costing and will cost trillions of dollars.

There was a video to prove that HAARP was used to cause earthquake but I won't go into it since we are digressing from the thread topic. But yes, fracking will cause earthquakes, it makes grounds unstable.

Explain the mind control thing, please. Because it seems, if this is so, there are a lot of immune people out there. You, for example? How does that work?

Now back on topic. Your question is an interesting one. I was thinking about it myself too.
I think there is no one pill wonder here.
Firstly, a lot of people unplugged themselves from tv and mainstream media e.g. newspapers because media is used as mind control tool. Secondly, watch what you eat. I don't mean veggie or meateater kinda thing but cooking organic food from scratch. Even then, we are not totally free from industrial toxins e.g. chemtrails rain down on our veggies and we breath in. but less is better. Also, one need to watch out for tap water. Many have purchased a water filtration system like Berkey water filtration so that they don't ingest flouride which is a mind numbing toxins. Also, not buying microwave food or pre-made sauces, you reduce further chemical and flouride intake. Check flouride map of UK and see if you are majorly affected. These are example of easy things to do. Also reading up about fracking, chemtrails, vaccines, how illuminati network works etc and you'll start to see how everything is linked together to make us brain-washed slave. People will not believe you first and ridicule because the idea seems far fetched. This is because they haven't got the background information on why things are imposed upon us, who is linked with who etc.

Having said the above, I think I am not totally free from the mind control. I might be less mind controlled than a person who is not doing anything. That's all. We have been programmed since we were young e.g. education system and still have a lot of de-programming to do. But once the gate is opened, you are in. Take a red or blue pill. The awakening is painful, truth is painful and many will just say, 'no thanks' and eat their popcorns while watching Big Brother :rolleyes: but for me, I would never want to go back and many have said the same. I guess spirituality helps because I am seeing myself more than my physical fact I am immortal. But if someone hasn't investigated on reincarnation or know how the universe works then they are going to think I am nuts for saying I am immortal. I can only smile. 🙂 It may not be their time yet.

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Okay. I need to think about this.

By 'immortal' I take it you mean the soul is immortal? You're not talking about physical immortality here?

I should be able to get back to this tomorrow evening. Until then - I will consider.:)

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Okay. I need to think about this.

By 'immortal' I take it you mean the soul is immortal? You're not talking about physical immortality here?

I should be able to get back to this tomorrow evening. Until then - I will consider.:)

Correct Cowan. I meant our soul....spirit whatever that makes us other than our physical body.
If you are interested in finding out, I suggest perhaps accesing the akashic record and see it for yourself. See, occult practice is frowned on by Christianitians because the religion was put in place so that you will never find out the truth. *facepalm*

I watched more of [url]Fritz Springmeier video[/url] and further contemplated on how one can get out of the mind control. Definitely withdrawing from tv, media and I forgot to include iphones. Many of us, intentionally, don't even carry a mobile when we go out and own a cheap PAYG mobile just in case we need to use one. You look around on the street, in a reastaurant, cafe...if people are not watching tv or reading newspaper, they are now hooked onto the hypnosis 24/7 via iphone!!! Choose what media you want to get information on but do not accept what 'THEY' give British Brainwashing Corporation aka BBC does. That's 1984. Many people rushed to buy a HDTV with cctv which is in your home brainwashing you, watching you, listening your conversation. OK, a conversation of what to eat may be insignificant but the facility is there and people accepted this technology. Smart meter, smart this and smart that is also bad news. They sell you that it's convenient but taking away your freewill and choice in the end. Sadly most people's mind have been shut down so that they won't be able to even think ahead and if someone try to warn you, then they've been programmed to pull that card....."It's conspiracy!" then everything gets discredited, no further investigation. I see it in this forum and some people don't even realise that they have been mind controlled. I feel like that guy in [url]THEY LIVE[/url]. Try to let people see what I am see through the pair of sunglasses and people think you are crazy. People like you may be saved though. Thanks to your shamanic practice (your gift), your mind is still flexible to accept a possibility of other 'far out' idea. When you mind becomes rigid, that's when you stop learning anything new i.e. close minded. It's up to you to think for yourself, investigate and make up your mind. I am only here to express my opinion and not to force you to take my opinion. But truth is what it is, opinion or not.

The elites are into black magic and they do this with things like 911 which was a mass mind control. This is what Fritz Springmeier talks about...causing trauma to control your psych. Then black magicians move in to harvest negative energy that's been produced by masses and use it to further their cause. *facepalm*

Look at London Olympics. I am not going to explain what it is since there are a number of video on youtube explaining symbolism. The opening ceremony (ritual) was full of symbolism. They created this huge bell. A bell is used in wicca for the ritual. Then they even had a massive cauldron!!! 😮 I'm sure well meaning Christians and white witches watched...I mean participated in the black magick ritual. After all, wherever you put your focus on, the energy flows. For magick to work, you need energy and London Olympics ritual was a masive ritual. I didn't watch this live. Only saw snippets of it afterwards for analysis.

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Correct Cowan. I meant our soul....spirit whatever that makes us other than our physical body.
If you are interested in finding out, I suggest perhaps accesing the akashic record and see it for yourself. See, occult practice is frowned on by Christianitians because the religion was put in place so that you will never find out the truth. *facepalm*

It's okay - I use shamanism for such things.

I watched more of [url]Fritz Springmeier video[/url] and further contemplated on how one can get out of the mind control. Definitely withdrawing from tv, media and I forgot to include iphones. Many of us, intentionally, don't even carry a mobile when we go out and own a cheap PAYG mobile just in case we need to use one. You look around on the street, in a reastaurant, cafe...if people are not watching tv or reading newspaper, they are now hooked onto the hypnosis 24/7 via iphone!!! Choose what media you want to get information on but do not accept what 'THEY' give British Brainwashing Corporation aka BBC does. That's 1984. Many people rushed to buy a HDTV with cctv which is in your home brainwashing you, watching you, listening your conversation. OK, a conversation of what to eat may be insignificant but the facility is there and people accepted this technology. Smart meter, smart this and smart that is also bad news. They sell you that it's convenient but taking away your freewill and choice in the end. Sadly most people's mind have been shut down so that they won't be able to even think ahead and if someone try to warn you, then they've been programmed to pull that card....."It's conspiracy!" then everything gets discredited, no further investigation. I see it in this forum and some people don't even realise that they have been mind controlled. I feel like that guy in [url]THEY LIVE[/url]. Try to let people see what I am see through the pair of sunglasses and people think you are crazy. People like you may be saved though. Thanks to your shamanic practice (your gift), your mind is still flexible to accept a possibility of other 'far out' idea. When you mind becomes rigid, that's when you stop learning anything new i.e. close minded. It's up to you to think for yourself, investigate and make up your mind. I am only here to express my opinion and not to force you to take my opinion. But truth is what it is, opinion or not.

The elites are into black magic and they do this with things like 911 which was a mass mind control. This is what Fritz Springmeier talks about...causing trauma to control your psych. Then black magicians move in to harvest negative energy that's been produced by masses and use it to further their cause. *facepalm*

Look at London Olympics. I am not going to explain what it is since there are a number of video on youtube explaining symbolism. The opening ceremony (ritual) was full of symbolism. They created this huge bell. A bell is used in wicca for the ritual. Then they even had a massive cauldron!!! 😮 I'm sure well meaning Christians and white witches watched...I mean participated in the black magick ritual. After all, wherever you put your focus on, the energy flows. For magick to work, you need energy and London Olympics ritual was a masive ritual. I didn't watch this live. Only saw snippets of it afterwards for analysis.

There were two reasons that I said I needed to think about it.

One is - as I was reading your post yesterday I realised that all those I know who are 'most awake' (including, I hope, my partner and myself) do shamanism and/or other practices, have actually made deliberate moves to quit the consumer rat-race and (I think this is important) eat as much as is possible from our own gardens.

The other is - recently my spirit helpers, my partner's spirit helpers and those spirits who work with the more advanced of my students, have started talking to us about 'waking up from the false dream'. This is work that, with their help, I am introducing some (those whose spirits are leading them that way, since there are many who 'do' shamanism without ever getting near to waking up) of my students to.

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No idea what happened there! It should read:

Correct Cowan. I meant our soul....spirit whatever that makes us other than our physical body.
If you are interested in finding out, I suggest perhaps accesing the akashic record and see it for yourself. See, occult practice is frowned on by Christianitians because the religion was put in place so that you will never find out the truth. *facepalm*

It's okay - I use shamanism for such things.

There were two reasons that I said I needed to think about it.

One is - as I was reading your post yesterday I realised that all those I know who are 'most awake' (including, I hope, my partner and myself) do shamanism and/or other practices, have actually made deliberate moves to quit the consumer rat-race and (I think this is important) eat as much as is possible from our own gardens.

The other is - recently my spirit helpers, my partner's spirit helpers and those spirits who work with the more advanced of my students, have started talking to us about 'waking up from the false dream'. This is work that, with their help, I am introducing some (those whose spirits are leading them that way, since there are many who 'do' shamanism without ever getting near to waking up) of my students to.

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No idea what happened there! It should read:

It's okay - I use shamanism for such things.

There were two reasons that I said I needed to think about it.

One is - as I was reading your post yesterday I realised that all those I know who are 'most awake' (including, I hope, my partner and myself) do shamanism and/or other practices, have actually made deliberate moves to quit the consumer rat-race and (I think this is important) eat as much as is possible from our own gardens.

The other is - recently my spirit helpers, my partner's spirit helpers and those spirits who work with the more advanced of my students, have started talking to us about 'waking up from the false dream'. This is work that, with their help, I am introducing some (those whose spirits are leading them that way, since there are many who 'do' shamanism without ever getting near to waking up) of my students to.

Well glad your spirits are giving you the right message!!
I often ask their guidance when I don't know where to look for a solution, idea etc and they also saved my life a number of times literally.

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Here is a demonstration of how mass mind control is used, through tv.
It is supposed to be a few minute interview but includes the explanation of what's been done. I see these techniques used not just in this forum exclusively but others too. It's all about recognising what's been played on us.

One of the comments in the above video says...

"... True christians have seperated themselves from the world already. That means removing themselves from: TV, radio, print, sheeple mindset, etc. Everything is designed to take you to hell in this world. ..."

So again, removing from media is mentioned but this person added 'people' as well. I think it's a valid point. Be careful of people you associate with; they might try to keep you re-infected. They are the carrier of what's been spewed by the media. Peer pressure is a problem unless you are strong enough to stand on your own idea.

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Well glad your spirits are giving you the right message!!
I often ask their guidance when I don't know where to look for a solution, idea etc and they also saved my life a number of times literally.

Which spirits are you talking to?

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Which spirits are you talking to?

Various from goddess to my guides. God is awol. LOL

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Here is a demonstration of how mass mind control is used, through tv.
It is supposed to be a few minute interview but includes the explanation of what's been done. I see these techniques used not just in this forum exclusively but others too. It's all about recognising what's been played on us.

One of the comments in the above video says...

So again, removing from media is mentioned but this person added 'people' as well. I think it's a valid point. Be careful of people you associate with; they might try to keep you re-infected. They are the carrier of what's been spewed by the media. Peer pressure is a problem unless you are strong enough to stand on your own idea.

Well, if this forum is using those techniques and all people are infecting you then what are you doing here? If you really believe that then why are you not locking yourself in solitude away from all other people and disconnecting yourself from the internet? and perhaps disconnect from the national grid too; as it's possible to send information down electricity wires (you can even buy networking for your home that uses your internal wiring as a home network alongside the electricity)

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Here is a demonstration of how mass mind control is used, through tv.
It is supposed to be a few minute interview but includes the explanation of what's been done. I see these techniques used not just in this forum exclusively but others too. It's all about recognising what's been played on us.

One of the comments in the above video says...

So again, removing from media is mentioned but this person added 'people' as well. I think it's a valid point. Be careful of people you associate with; they might try to keep you re-infected. They are the carrier of what's been spewed by the media. Peer pressure is a problem unless you are strong enough to stand on your own idea.

So, I watched some of it. It's not just an "explanation of what's been done", it's the analyst influencing you as a viewer of this video to make you believe what he's telling you.

1. "he motions to his left indicating he's a left wing extremist"

a) many people don't even know the difference between left wing and right wing views
b) in terms of NLP, he motioning to his left because he's recalling something in memory rather than creating something new in his mind. As a news presenter, he will have had to prepare himself for the interview and will be recalling the facts and the question he wants to ask, so he is motioning towards the question in his mind.

Hence, the conclusion that he is a left wing extremist is far out speculation based on someone taking symbolism to the extreme of their own views.

2. "manipulating" through saying that it's the mans opinion

a) It is the mans opinion - the assumption that it's fact is based on a small amount of outspoken muslims such as the president of Iran (at the time, not sure who is president at present) who believe that the Americans did 911 themselves. But then, there has been so much racial hatred towards muslims (even though most are just innocent humans like ourselves) that their beliefs about 911 are a form of defence for their people and relgion. It is still the mans opinion that it's the "Great majority of the worlds muslims" that believe that because he has not personally spoken to the great majority to know that as a fact; and I doubt he ever would be able to.
b) Sure, the presenter interrupts, but that's what newcasting is about, not just letting a person put their opinion across, but challenging it to create a 'debate' and keep viewers interested. Yes, that's manipulating viewers to keep an interest in the programme, but that's what gets rating and keeps the TV station in business. There's nothing untoward about it.
c) the 'analyst' of this video states that it's not just the muslim people it's all over the world, so now the analyst is showing his own bias, as he is influencing the watcher of this video by implying that it's now the great majority of the world who believe 911 was done on purpose by the American's, again without any factual evidence.
d) the 'analyst' is himself interrupting the video we are watching, to do exactly what he is accusing the news presenter of doing... take control of the video and influence the watcher.
e) the 'analyst' repeatedly opposes the fact that it's the mans opinion by trying to imply the proof is in the fact the man said it was a 'fact' - One mans word doesn't make it fact, and the analyst repeating it is just trying to influence the watcher to their own bias again.

3. "this guy is a snake"

a) so we have a new presenter to ask questions - immediately the 'analyst' butts in on the video and plants his own biased suggestion (before we as viewers have had any time to judge for ourselves) that 'I can see immediately that this guy is a snake'. Obviously a very professional and non-judgmental fact. Certainy adds credibility to the analyst that we can trust what he is saying... erm... NOT; especially after he's previously accused the prior presenter of using childish comments.

4. "he not giving eye contact, he's pretending to be bored"

a) The analyst is missing the point that people in the studio interviewing someone in a remote location do not necessarily have a visual on the person they are interviewing, and certianly the interviewee will not be able to see those in the studio. Most interviews are carried out with microphones and earpieces.
b) Most people know tha the two parties can't see each other, and are familiar with newsreaders looking down to refer to their notes. It's not necessarily a sign of boredom (though the analyst would like to implant that believe in your mind before you get a chance to watch any more of it), but can also be seen as an indication that the news presenter wants to refer to his notes to ensure he's quoting details/research accurately as part of the interview - that can be a positive thing that he actually doesn't want to treat it as a general chat and wants to be accurate. The complete opposite of what we're being told.

5. "When he puts his hand up in the OK sign..."

a) It's not being put up in an OK sign. The presenter is holding a pen and is putting his hand up in the gesture of "stop" as in "let me just stop the conversation right there". The need to keep hold of his pen means that he can't extend all his fingers.

After watching 6 minutes of the video I got bored as the analyst is not an expert in NLP, is misrepresenting the whole interview, and is using the same techniques he's describing (consciously or unconsciously is anybody's guess) to manipulate the viewer of this video into his way of believing the conspiracy.
If he'd wanted to be more believable, he would have allowed us as viewers to watch the whole interview without interruption first and have our own opinion of it before he analysed it, but he's not going to do that when he wants to push his theories and stop you having your own opposing opinion beforehand.

What a load of utter rubbish.

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