How to undo mass hy...
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How to undo mass hypnotic trance? Any idea?

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It seems like Hypno forum is full of training question threads so I don't know if I'll get a response from practising hypnotherapists but I'll give it a go.

So how can individuals undo mass hypnotic trance which the publics is under?
Bearing in mind, individuals don't have the means to access media power. We are all joe bloggs.

The reason why I ask this question is that we are all under daily dose of mass hypnosis from tv such as soap drama which tells you what is good or bad according to the message tptb wants you to believe. Or celebrities sets a standard for the kind of language, mentality or fashion one should sport etc. To top it up, there is government propaganda, major (planned) incidences to inject fears in people e.g. fear of losing job, fear of terrorism etc. Give 'em a dose of shock like 911 and the public will be under the trance and they will believe every lie fed to them. I asked a Syrian guy if exodus is really true and he said, may be not so much meaning that there is a truth in it but not as much as media dramatise so there is an agenda there. tptb already had a specific goal in mind but they couldn't introduce such thing outright unless there was a problem so what do they do? Exaggerate the story using newspaper, tv so that the public will be outraged and end up agreeing with the government's 'solution' (goal).

Many people I know who don't own a tv or iphone hence they are less exposed to such influence. We can see the above but majority of people are hooked on iphones while they are walking and driving, in restaurant while with friends *rollseye* etc. Have you seen people's eyes? They are glazed, the soul is not present. May be not in your town....I don't know but many have mentioned this from all over the country, world wide.

How can we help people to get off the rat wheel?
I am wondering if it's at all possible?
It seems that people do not wake up from the trance unless they have some kind of misfortune such as illness or loss of job to find out about the reality. I know people should be left to their own choices yet I know this trance is leading to the end of humanity and they need to wake up fast. The end is planned and we can see tptb is hurrying up to bring their plan forward and we are seeing people becoming self-centred and inhumane because this is the harm that has been cast by tptb.

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After all that writing, I've got the answer now. :rolleyes:
By changing myself. You/We are not this tiny individual (<-programming).
Much much powerful to influence the world by just being.:)

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After all that writing, I've got the answer now. :rolleyes:
By changing myself. You/We are not this tiny individual (<-programming).
Much much powerful to influence the world by just being.:)

Society is a hypnotic entity. It's fundamental functioning is based on hypnosis right from the moment of birth. They start calling you by a name....the very first ocean of conditioning is all humans are...conditioned mind is your only prison. Even if one eliminated all evil in society, yet, the personal hell that conditioned mind is remains just the same.

Awareness is the only anti dote for the trance. Public or personal.
It is true, one feels frustrated and appalled by dysfunctional and crassness, all rooted in sheer greed. One says, shouts screams as the inspiration to do so dawns.
The trouble really starts when the urge to awaken oneself and the society becomes cerebral. Then it will be very damaging to oneself and no good can happen to the collective in that energy either.
Society is a dysfunctional entity. When you ponder over it, it becomes clear exactly why it is so.

Consciousness is changed by one at a time. Do your bit, live light, stay light in heart, don't take it too seriously, sincere, but not serious.
Remember to do what is right in your heart personally, intimately and quietly. That's all one can do. Grinding over issues suck joy out of heart.
Then you are part of the problem, never the solution.
That is the trouble- you become what you fight....gradually....slowly....but surely

Go with solution...problems melt away with your. Deep within, start to even up with solutions, rather than banging on about catastrophes. Catastrophes are bound to accentuate with your energy.
Problems often are easy beyond belief
Energy must be used wisely. Paradoxically- say when inspired to say the truth, but let it be not rooted in feverish frenzy of catastrophe and chaos, buy in settledness of ever at ease being.

Blessings to all sentience and Mother Earth

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As a hypnotherapist I can tell you that all hypnosis is in fact self hypnosis. I cannot hypnotise someone who refuses to co-operate.

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Brainwashing, propaganda etc. aren't hypnotism.

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Brainwashing, propaganda etc. aren't hypnotism.

you are free to refute it....

Propaganda, brainwashing, advertising and myriad mundane things that we encounter on daily basis are nothing but hypnosis. Can't see myself how you can refute that? But hey!

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If you prefer the word 'hypnosis' then by all means use it. I prefer accuracy.

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Society is a hypnotic entity. It's fundamental functioning is based on hypnosis right from the moment of birth. They start calling you by a name....the very first ocean of conditioning is all humans are...conditioned mind is your only prison. Even if one eliminated all evil in society, yet, the personal hell that conditioned mind is remains just the same.

Awareness is the only anti dote for the trance. Public or personal.
It is true, one feels frustrated and appalled by dysfunctional and crassness, all rooted in sheer greed. One says, shouts screams as the inspiration to do so dawns.
The trouble really starts when the urge to awaken oneself and the society becomes cerebral. Then it will be very damaging to oneself and no good can happen to the collective in that energy either.
Society is a dysfunctional entity. When you ponder over it, it becomes clear exactly why it is so.

Consciousness is changed by one at a time. Do your bit, live light, stay light in heart, don't take it too seriously, sincere, but not serious.
Remember to do what is right in your heart personally, intimately and quietly. That's all one can do. Grinding over issues suck joy out of heart.
Then you are part of the problem, never the solution.
That is the trouble- you become what you fight....gradually....slowly....but surely

Go with solution...problems melt away with your. Deep within, start to even up with solutions, rather than banging on about catastrophes. Catastrophes are bound to accentuate with your energy.
Problems often are easy beyond belief
Energy must be used wisely. Paradoxically- say when inspired to say the truth, but let it be not rooted in feverish frenzy of catastrophe and chaos, buy in settledness of ever at ease being.

Blessings to all sentience and Mother Earth

Well thought post jnani.
As long as we live on this planet, I think fine balance is the key.
I see what you are saying about 'end up becoming a part of the problem by sucked into issues', yet we do need to know what's been played on us. Say ten years ago, New Age (arrggh I despise this term now but that's another thread lol) followers were/are all for light and they'd say, not to focus on the evil stuff that goes on in the world. To me, that was like a head in the sand type of attitude. If we don't know what is the problem, we can't even steer the matter towards healing path. Because there are so much of negative in the world, I am at a point of transforming negative into good use. Energy is energy after all. When I master it well, if there is any disaster, I'll be busy collecting that energy. LOL well, this is what tptb do. They create disasters/fear/sorrow and use it for their own agenda. :rolleyes:

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you are free to refute it....

Propaganda, brainwashing, advertising and myriad mundane things that we encounter on daily basis are nothing but hypnosis. Can't see myself how you can refute that? But hey!

Oh its easily refutable. Hypnosis requires people to go into a trance. None of the things you mention actually put people into a trance. Plus it takes time and trust to get anyone into a trance. Cult leaders may exert a hypnotic effect on their followers but that takes some time to develop for each person and requires a lot of conditioning (Love bombing would get the person to relax and make them ore susceptible) I agree a lot of people don't use the brains the good lord gave them and so get duped by propaganda or advertising but thats a totally different thing. Its actually quite hard to hypnotise someone and get them to believe something that they know isn't true, or to act in a way that is contrary to their normal beliefs.

I DO agree that people can go into a trance when they get really involved in something. I sometimes use their memories of taking part in an activity they enjoy as part of induction. But getting someone into a trance is the easy bit of hypnosis.Its the suggestions that are the hard bit........

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If you prefer the word 'hypnosis' then by all means use it. I prefer accuracy.

Accuracy as in...?
Can you explain what you are saying?

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Oh its easily refutable. Hypnosis requires people to go into a trance. None of the things you mention actually put people into a trance. Plus it takes time and trust to get anyone into a trance. Cult leaders may exert a hypnotic effect on their followers but that takes some time to develop for each person and requires a lot of conditioning (Love bombing would get the person to relax and make them ore susceptible) I agree a lot of people don't use the brains the good lord gave them and so get duped by propaganda or advertising but thats a totally different thing. Its actually quite hard to hypnotise someone and get them to believe something that they know isn't true, or to act in a way that is contrary to their normal beliefs.

I DO agree that people can go into a trance when they get really involved in something. I sometimes use their memories of taking part in an activity they enjoy as part of induction. But getting someone into a trance is the easy bit of hypnosis.Its the suggestions that are the hard bit........

Sure you can refute it if you think trance is absolutely a must for hypnosis.
It isn't though, but you do say " I agree that people go into a trance when they really get involved in see what you are saying in effect? Play of words, suspension of disbelief is all it takes so that a suggestion can take hold trance or no trance...hypnosis is not in clinics it is social process.

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Sure you can refute it if you think trance is absolutely a must for hypnosis.
It isn't though, but you do say " I agree that people go into a trance when they really get involved in see what you are saying in effect? Play of words, suspension of disbelief is all it takes so that a suggestion can take hold trance or no trance...hypnosis is not in clinics it is social process.

With respect....I am entitled to call myself a hypnotherapist and you as far as I know are not. So call me stupid but I do feel I know what I am talking about....but then maybe I am trying to hypnotise you with my words.......................

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Well thought post jnani.
As long as we live on this planet, I think fine balance is the key.
I see what you are saying about 'end up becoming a part of the problem by sucked into issues', yet we do need to know what's been played on us. Say ten years ago, New Age (arrggh I despise this term now but that's another thread lol) followers were/are all for light and they'd say, not to focus on the evil stuff that goes on in the world. To me, that was like a head in the sand type of attitude. If we don't know what is the problem, we can't even steer the matter towards healing path. Because there are so much of negative in the world, I am at a point of transforming negative into good use. Energy is energy after all. When I master it well, if there is any disaster, I'll be busy collecting that energy. LOL well, this is what tptb do. They create disasters/fear/sorrow and use it for their own agenda. :rolleyes:

New age paddles all kinds of stuff and non sense.
It is sand in head thatevil pervades and you don't make a sound. Or quite simply some don't engage deep enough to have insight as to what is really at the core of reality
can I just point out that the negative in the world is overwhelming but the opposit is true too. There is such warmth, genuineness, kindness open hearted relating too that can reduce one to tears.people doing the right thing quietly, introvertedly, unpretentious... It is all in the pot. The cosmic couldron, simmering away...both polarities balancing each other out. speak when inspired to speak, some good comes out of it, fine, if not, that is fine too. When it is more an expression of consciousness than personal agenda.
Personal agenda ( of power and greed etc ) has brought us all to the door of potential extinction
The greatest of reformers were saints that brought about change with their presence rather than fight. Cerebral fight...can be a great starting point, but certainly not efficient in the long run.
In the end, we move as life moves us

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With respect....I am entitled to call myself a hypnotherapist and you as far as I know are not. So call me stupid but I do feel I know what I am talking about....but then maybe I am trying to hypnotise you with my words.......................

In a round about way you have said that words are hypnotic and that's all I have been saying. Pity you seem to think that I call you stupid....I don't need to call others stupid or clever. You are what you are and that is more than enough for you me and all others.

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Hypnosis requires people to go into a trance.

IMO an hypnotic trance is not the correct terminology for what occurs during hypnosis, it is more of a concious suggestion technique, in that people are told that this is in their own interest, so they will participate and succeed etc, much like NLP uses phrasing and anchoring to do the same thing, or the meridian thought therapies that work to reprogram people whist utilising the tapping of the meridians to distract them, but like a lot of things, when we remove the rituals and distractions from the equation and look at what is actually happening, then we get back to what people are actually doing which is different forms of conscious reprogramming.

Conscious reprogramming in its basic form does not require spoken words or physical actions, it just requires someone to be open to change their current thought patterns and beliefs into something else, obviously it also requires someone who knows how to implement the changes that are required within consciousness, it is also helpful if they can receive the conceptual understanding to carry the reprogramming forward into their reality so that it only needs to be done once.

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Accuracy as in...?
Can you explain what you are saying?

Read Sally's post, above. She puts it at least as well as I'd be able to.
Trance - well, I teach shamanism. It's hard to get people to go into a trance.

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After all that writing, I've got the answer now. :rolleyes:
By changing myself. You/We are not this tiny individual (<-programming).
Much much powerful to influence the world by just being.:)

Yes. I am always the only person that I can change. But others can (sometimes) be woken to the need to change themselves. I do this by shamanism. People come, we work through stuff, they change.

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New age paddles all kinds of stuff and non sense.
It is sand in head thatevil pervades and you don't make a sound. Or quite simply some don't engage deep enough to have insight as to what is really at the core of reality

So true. People are kept busy.

As for 'everything is self-induced hypnosis', it's true to a point in that people can choose to get on a bus or not if they know what's been played on them (if they are awake) but if they don't know the game, then a suggestion would be considered like a good thing and they will take it. You only have to look at how many children own mobile phones which is meant for 'safety' or giving children vaccines without a second thought. Many people wear Nike shoes. In our childhood, we did OK without mobile phones. Again, this point comes back to your point above. They don't look into it deep enough. Probably only reads the headline of newspapers.

can I just point out that the negative in the world is overwhelming but the opposit is true too. There is such warmth, genuineness, kindness open hearted relating too that can reduce one to tears.people doing the right thing quietly, introvertedly, unpretentious... It is all in the pot.

I don't know. It could be a geological location thing but many that I am in touch with agree with my sentiment. I know this is a little thing but have you noticed more and more people are queue jumping? What about stranger being nasty to you in some way? You could say it's a state of your mind and you are attracting it but I think people are made to be intolerant of others (e.g. lack of love and me, me, me culture encouraged) by the agenda because the more there is divide (christian vs muslims or black vs white etc) the the masses can't unite to fight back. The opposition ends up fighting.

The cosmic couldron, simmering away...both polarities balancing each other out. speak when inspired to speak, some good comes out of it, fine, if not, that is fine too. When it is more an expression of consciousness than personal agenda.
Personal agenda ( of power and greed etc ) has brought us all to the door of potential extinction

Talking of expression, we are on the way to lose freedom of speech as well. You only have to look at censorship happening in news, social media etc.

The greatest of reformers were saints that brought about change with their presence rather than fight. Cerebral fight...can be a great starting point, but certainly not efficient in the long run.
In the end, we move as life moves us

Let's hope, when the elites go ahead with Project Blue Beam (simultaneous apparition of Jesus, Alah, Buddha etc in relevant country), I hope people will not buy into it. If you don't know about it, type Floating city in China on youtube). It's nothing but a horror-gram projected in the sky but the elites will use this to say OH aliens have come to attack us and we need to detain you. America already have FEMA concentration camp, Wal-marts which are being converted to prisons and giant plastic coffins to go with it. :rolleyes:

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Brilliant short cartoon.

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Vivienne Westwood (5'04 - 5'38) Brilliant!

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So how can individuals undo mass hypnotic trance which the publics is under?

The reason why I ask this question is that we are all under daily dose of mass hypnosis from tv such as soap drama which tells you what is good or bad according to the message tptb wants you to believe. Or celebrities sets a standard for the kind of language, mentality or fashion one should sport etc. To top it up, there is government propaganda, major (planned) incidences to inject fears in people e.g. fear of losing job, fear of terrorism etc. Give 'em a dose of shock like 911 and the public will be under the trance and they will believe every lie fed to them.

You are misrepresenting hypnosis with sweeping generalisations (and unfortunately that in itself makes you appear to have a lack of knowledge in the area - probably confounded by what could be described as your own social conditioning into the ideology of consipiracy theorists - yes, think about it, the amount of Conspiracy Theories you are posting about shows you have an ingrained belief that the ideology is something to be followed and that there is a "them and us" attitude about it)

There are clear distinctions (and some similarities too) between the names given to the various topics around hypnosis, social conditioning, socialization etc.

So, to categorise things that are social conditioning, or even socialization as if they are some form of Mass Hypnosis, is just wrong. That fact e.g. that some people choose to follow the fashions of the latest sports star, is NOT hypnosis, but is socialisation in the first instance, with social conditioning by advertisers and the media who have an economic interest in doing such things.

This is why people like Sally and Paul have correctly stated that what is being referred to is not Hypnotic Trance.

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I do this by shamanism. People come, we work through stuff, they change.

That's all very well but as my title says, I was talking about masses.

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And then you said:

After all that writing, I've got the answer now. :rolleyes:
By changing myself. You/We are not this tiny individual (<-programming).
Much much powerful to influence the world by just being.:)

Yes, you are right. I was simply adding to that saying, through shamanism, I can help those who want to to change themselves.

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[url]6 Destructive Ideas perpetuated by Western Culture[/url] -article from 'Films for Action'

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I think this comes under the mass hypnotic technique too.

Someone in the comment box mentioned that Cathy O'Brien said Hemp juice is meant to be very beneficial for recovering from trauma based mind control. I haven't done the research on it but you can if you are interested in. I thought it's an interesting comment.

The problem is we have so many waves floating in the air, not just smart meters, wifi or G2-G5 mobile signals 24/7, there is HAARP which would change the way people think. Very disturbing. 🙁

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This one is by the same doctor but WOW....:eek:

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Fritz Springmeier On How MKULTRA Trauma Mind Control Is Now Being Used On Entire Populations!

He is an author of 'Illuminati Formula' (Undetectable mind control!).

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The problem is we have so many waves floating in the air, not just smart meters, wifi or G2-G5 mobile signals 24/7, there is HAARP which would change the way people think. Very disturbing. 🙁

I take it then, you don't believe that the HAARP program was shut down?

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I take it then, you don't believe that the HAARP program was shut down?

I haven't been following too much on HAARP subject other than looking at criss cross in our sky and thinking they are poisoning us. 🙁
HAARP is not just in Alaska and it can be used to trigger 'natural' looking environmental disasters etc.... so I presume they are still making a use of it.

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I know it was accused of starting earthquakes. I don't think human knowledge is up to that (yet). Of course, if it is, some idiot will try it. I suspect fracking will manage that with more success!
I know that it was also supposed to manipulate weather. I seriously think that if the powers that be could do that, they would use it to mitigate the effects of climate change, which is costing and will cost trillions of dollars.
Explain the mind control thing, please. Because it seems, if this is so, there are a lot of immune people out there. You, for example? How does that work?

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