Hi all
I am a holistic therapist offering several therapies but I've always been drawn and interested in hypnotherapy so when the opportunity came up to train in it I took it.
I started my one year diploma last September and I travel to birmingham once a month on a Sunday and spend a full day training in Curative Hypnotherapy, I've known the tutor for many years and because it'a a small group we really enjoy the sessions UNTIL I have to do the practial bit and I basically just clam up, its horrible and embarressing for me!
I have have listened to many many recordings, have read many different scripts but as soon as it comes to reeling it off the top of my head I can't do it, I've even bursted into tears through frustration!
Our tutor insists that we do not use a script and that we make it up off the top of our heads which is fine if you've got the gift of the gab so to speak but I'm finding it very very hard and my confidence is hitting an all time low, I really love hypnotherapy and definately do not want to quit the course because of this!
I can understand when it comes to the actual therapy work that you can't use a script but for the induction and deepeners I can't see the problem of using a script! My tutor keeps telling me it will all fall into place and I'll get it with practise but I'm not that sure!
My next session is this Sunday (10th) and I'm dreading it! I'm practising self hypnosis daily on myself, i've been 'tapping' (was taught a TFT routine for this) but I really need some outside guidance and reassurance that I'm not the only one to have gone through this, it's driving me nuts and it's stopping me from getting the practise I should be doing inbetween learning sessions.
Any thoughts anyone?
Help 😮
what to do to support confidence
I know from my own experience how self-confidence issues can prevent us from achieving our goals. I believe that anything is possible but we carry our history of failure and trauma with us and this informs our day to day lives which can get in the way of where we want to go.
I would have thought that Hypnotherapy itself could help you with your blocks but different people need different types of support at different times, maybe something quite different.
Since the block is verbal, I wonder if trying to release the problem with a non verbal solution may be the way forward. there are several Flower and other Essences that can help with confidence. I would start with Australian Bush 'Confid' Essence, or there is an Alaskan combination called 'Easy Learning' that may be helpful. If the issue is to do with not feeling secure, perhaps 'Guardian' - another Alaskan combination - or the Wild Earth Animal Essence Combination 'Protection' would be worth considering.
Hiya Susan
I'm doing a hypnotherapy course at the moment - nearly finished (phew!!) I actually started it a year and a half ago - got half way through & became unwell with Fibromyalgia, sciatic pain in my back etc etc which made the 80-90 mile trip on a weekend too difficult.
Luckily the tutors have allowed me to pick up where I left of, now that my sciatic pain has dulled to a mere contant ache :o)
Anyway - I did seem to have confidence issues for the first few weekends but when I went back I was a lot better. I think what helped me is thinking about the induction and deepeners as being akin to how I start my Reiki sessions - I spotted you do Reiki on your website - as I have been doing this fine for 5-6 years it just suddenly clicked with me.
So whereas with a Reiki client I would lead into asking them to concentrate on their breathing - in deeply through the nose and out through the mouth a few times, and then getting them to relax deeper with each breath and then asking them to concentrate on a sun above them etc, by drawing parallels I have been able to tailor an induction along those lines.
Do you use a progressive relaxation at the start of your Reiki sessions? Incidently my tutors are a lot more open to the use of scripts. They feel that the intonation and pacing of the voice is very important and by using a script when we are less experienced they know we can concentrate on that aspect. They do get us to write our own scripts as part of our homework sessions and I guess over time the skills we develop writing these will build into a greater ability to work unscripted.
Maybe you could record a script and play it back whilst repeating it outloud - I would worry a little it might seem a bit forced but you may find it works for you.
Hope that helps some
thanks for the replies...adaminspace1, I will look up about the essences, thanks for that!
wispy-misty, I too suffer with fibromyagia and arthritis, have numerous disc problems in my back and neck so on a bad week i'm limited to giving treatments, that was another reason for learning hypnotherapy.....if my body gave up completely at least I could use my mind and voice (eventually)!
I've never used a progressive relaxation at the start of a Reiki session, but feel pretty silly not thinking to do that, it's a really good idea!
I think as for using scripts they can sound stilted but I've read a deepener, one that I wrote, asked my tutor if it sounded 'like I read it' and he said no it didn't, so I'm going to have to stress how this is affecting me, if I could just start by reading then it might build my confidence up, then everything will fall into place!
Cheers xx
Why don't you have a couple hypnotherapy sessions with someone on your course or someone local to you to help boost your confidence, you might find it helpful using the swish technique on yourself too. If it's public speaking you have a problem with might be worth doing a rewind/reframe on yourself. You could always record a session for yourself to use.
Remember that by visualising our success it makes it a lot more possible. Visualise yourself doing the practical exactly as you want it to be done - that you are calm, relaxed and confident. Try practising the "no script part" at home on your own.
During our course we started off using scripts then we were thrown in the deep end one session and told to do a session with no scripts at all and no notes. None of us had prepared so it was a little scary at first but it is amazing how much we retain especially when we've read the scripts over and over. I can recite quite a number of scripts off by heart now and can mix and match parts as well as making up my own bits to slot in.
It will come to you - it just takes a bit of practice but I'd definitely try to work on your confidence with hypnotherapy - you might as well use the resources you have available to you! Good luck with it all!
you can come over to me for a practice if you want- i am sadly devoid of clients at the moment so maybe we can help each other
info@crewehypnotherapy.co.uk if you want to e me. cw2 5pr post code. janice
Hypnotherapy language
Hi Susand
My suggestion
Using your laptop or PC, record yourself saying scripts you have written.
Most laptops come with a microphone built in, or a slot to plug in a microphone
Maybe write and record confidence scripts 🙂
Once you are happy with your recordings play them to yourself on your MP3 player or phone and as you hear your own voice you will be training yourself to quickly and easily slip into the language patterns required to support another into a hypnotic state.
Good luck
Jill W-W
Another essence very good for confidence issues is the Bach essence of Larch, you can get in in Boots and health food stores.
Hi Susan
I like you am a practitioner of various therapies and have qualified in hypnotherapy, our tutor trained us to use a script but suggested to work without one which I agree is more natural, but like you I can not remember what to say and my mind goes blank.
I was so worried about reading from a script with my first client but it was so easy. I know as time goes on I will be able to work without a script but for now the pressure is off me. Incidently my tutor suggested to put the pages into plastic wallets to avoid the noise turning the pages over.
The problem with using scripts is that you run the risk of becoming "script-bound" like so many other hypnotherapists I come across. I teach at the school I originally trained at and although we do give some example scripts, we focus on helping students to construct their sessions on the spot.
You have to remember that if you're just sitting there reading scripts then as well as not giving your clients the best treatment, tailored to their circumstances, you will have the most boring vocation I can think of!
That's wonderful.
I have just discovered recently the effects of Hypnotherapy to our consciousness. It is really very powerful. Its effective against psychological trauma, depression, anxiety and even works against addiction treatment.
I actually had trouble quitting smoke, back then i hear a lot of people talk about hypnotherapy being effective in it. i was skeptical about it but then tried it just for the sake of feeding my curiousity and then BAMMM! from there i felt a little change in me and so i kept it going. Here i am now on my 3rd month of being clean. It just feels great and now i've been reading so much in the web about hypnotherapy,check this site for more info. [url]london hypnotherapy[/url]