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Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

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Has anyone heard of this? if so what are your opinions? I'm wondering why it isn't so much more popular over here? and if anyone has any ideas of ways that it can be made more appealing to women (not that the idea of a pain free labour isn't enough, but women on the whole just don't seem interested!).

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Hi there,
I work with alot of pregnant ladies in my reflexology practice and I have to say that more and more of them are talking about HypnoBirthing. One of my ladies has actually done the practical work but as she's not due until May, I'm afraid I can't give you any feedback on the results.
Suffice to say though, I believe it is becoming more and more popular - there's certainly more ladies talking about it!

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Thanks Juliet,

I'm actually an HB practitioner and used it myself in two labours. What I don't understand though is why it still sits in the "alternative" realm (the fact that you hear of women via reflexology is also indicative of this), most see it as something for hippies or spiritualnew age types (I guess similar to reflexology) and wouldn't even consider it.

I guess this was probably how the NCT felt when they first started offering classes but they're pretty much mainstream now (and sadly have lost most of the original teachings as the NCT and HypnoBirthing are both based on the work of the same man).

It just infuriates me that women are still having painful, crappy birth experiences when there is something out there that can completely change all of that!

Would love to know how your client gets on BTW!


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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

I'm going to have a HypnoBirth.

I think many people are unaware of the side-effects of pharmaceutical pain-killers on the mother, baby and their bonding post-birth.

I think also there is an assumption that birth is painful since that is how it is portrayed in the media.

I also think that HypnoBirthing is synonymous with happy-clappy practices and a lot of people prefer to have all the medical intervention they can have even if that means birthing in a room with several 100w bulbs and lying on your back full of drugs.

Good luck with your work. I think this will be a word of mouth 'business' where many expectant mothers will only consider it if one of their friends had a good experience with it.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

One of my colleagues is a hypnobirthing practitioner. She specialises in all manner of maternity / baby and childhood therapies.. She has had quite a few hypnobirthed babies now and all the new mothers swear by it for reduing, strain, pain and labour time.

I have had several friends give birth, who have had tough pregnancies or just are a bit scared of giving birth in general. None of them have taken up my ofer to see my colleague, I think people are afraid to be the first to try something, and people are so scared that their pregnancy might go wrong that they just wont try anything.. once a friend has had it, their other friends wants it and so it continues..

I think mums want the benefits that hypnobirthing can bring, but many are afraid that it's just a gimmick and at a time when they are trying to buy equipment for the new baby and prepare a home for it to come to, money is tight and they think it's not worth it.

If I was pregnant I'd do it, I believe in it and I know it works.. it's just very hard toconvince ladies that this will make the birthing experience so much more wonderful..

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Thanks, that's interesting!

I've even offered to help people for free and they decline, my friend replied "I don't want any of that funny messing with your head stuff, evil spirits might be able to get in"???????!!!!

I give up [:@]

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Don't give up. Have you had many people try it? Perhaps the best way is perhaps to approach one of your new mums and attend a mother and baby group with them and their new child, and she can explain her personal experiences of hypnobirthing and how she feels it's helped her.. that's real evidence that it works, that you've the experience and that someone would come back for more.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

I'm really interested in hypno-birthing and have read plenty of enthusiastic reviews about it. I don't have any children, am not pregnant nor plan to be for a couple of years, but very recently I thought I had accidentally fallen pregnant so began looking into all things baby in order to prepare myself. Giving birth is something that worries me because of all the pain women seem to go through, but I'm not a great fan of pumping my body full of drugs so hypno-birthing seems a great way of getting through labour.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

I gave birth to child 2 having undergone 6 weekly hypnotherapy sessions, plus 2 sessions devoted to teaching me self-hynosis, which I was to use on 'the day'. Child 1 took 28 hours to bring into the world - I was under threat of a C-Section, but the OB/GYN was not on duty until 0800, by which time the lead midwife decided to leave me to it, and I finally pushed her out at lunchtime - it was a process I did NOT want to repeat.
Anyway - I digress. The self-hypnosis worked like a dream, however, I DID have to resort to gas & air for the final 5 minutes (I defy anyone to push something the size of a melon out of a gap that small without feeling some pain!!!!) I went into labour at 3pm, and gave birth at 6.30am. Most of the time I had the giggles - I was hyperamnious, and the poor duty midwife couldn't cope with the flood when my waters broke. Baby tried to come out with both hands first, and she had to push one back in! She has been a keen swimmer all her life!! I simply chose a focal point in the room (a picture I had bought with me) and focused on it during each contraction. Unlike the first time, my husband didn't have to have my fingernails surgically removed from his hand!

I would recommend hypno-birthing to anyone - it most definately is not happy-clappy stuff. Perhaps those people who label is as such, have tried it but were too dense to 'succomb' - I am sure there is some intelligence involved with being 'susceptible'.

I also had hypnotherapy in the US, to try and cope with panic attacks which came from no-where, but I had not checked the credentials of the chap who was 'treating' me, but as soon as he touched me I knew it was wrong and woke up instantly and said that I didn't think touching was appropriate and left without paying. I later learnt that he had no formal training (his advertising looked credible!) and that he was finally arrested for molestation of a minor! I wish I had spoken to someone at the time - it may have prevented that outcome.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

You don't need to shoulder that responsibility - there were plenty of people before you who didn't speak out, which unfortunately meant you came into contact with him. Don't dwell on it too much - there's nothing you can do to change that situation.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Hi HomeopathyStudent 🙂

I'm 35+ weeks pregnant at the moment and very interested in hypnobirthing. I am in the process of reading The Mongan Method and would have loved to find a practitioner or classes local to myself. Unfortunately despite emailing the nearest 3 practitioners to me each several timesnot one has respondedwith any further information. I cant help but wonder if this is whythe profile of hypnobirthingisnt being raised as quickly as anticipated, maybepeople have given birth before the practitioners make contact 😀
Fingers crossed that the book works!

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

That's weird, where do you live? if you PM me I might be able to put you in touch with someone local to you.

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

Recently added hypnosis to my qualifications, and cant wait to do hypnobirthing. My power walking partner is 16 weeks pregnant and is up for learning self hypnosis for relaxation.
I am 100 % certain it will be great for labour

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RE: Your thoughts on HypnoBirthing?

ORIGINAL: HomoeopathyStudent
I've even offered to help people for free and they decline, my friend replied "I don't want any of that funny messing with your head stuff, evil spirits might be able to get in"???????!!!!

As a hypnotherapist (but not a hypnobirther) I loved that! When I explained to someone how how hypnosis worked the other day she said "ooh no, I can't touch my subconscious, that's where the devil lives and you might let him out.....". Apparently that's what the Alpha group around here teaches.

A friend of mine is a hypnobirther, one of her clients recently had what would normally be classed a difficult delivery and gave birth so peacefully -her husband recorded her during the contractions alongside all the medical equipment. Although I know all about - and have used - pain management with hypnosis, it is truly amazing to watch and they've offered her a copy of the DVD to give to any dubious parents-to-be.

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I tried hypnobirthing last time and I really didn't like the fixed script that was handed out. I used some of Gowri MOtha's (Gentle Birth Method) Visualisations and that work much better for me. I want to learn how to teach my clients this but don't want to train as a hynoborthing practitioner, The Gentle Birth Method programme is not recognised by any of the insurance companies so that only appears to leave the Natal Hypnotherapy programme.

Does anyone know of anyone else training people in the UK? I have heard of a programme called "ease into birth" but can't find any more info on it.



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I would like to be able to offer something along similar lines to you but am not a trained hypnotherapist. I was going to do the training with Gowri Motha but didn't realise that the insurance companies didn't recognise it, so thanks for that.


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What a great thread

This a really interesting thread. I'm a hypnotherapist who specilaises in fertility, pregnancy and childbirth , and was really interested to hear what you have been saying.

Like some people I prefer a tailored approach which means that it's unscripted and works with you as an individual. There are some great methods out there, not just Mongan, for example the LeClaire method uses creativity, drawing, writing to explore the mother and her partners feelings around birth and parenthood as well as the usual self-hypnosis and breathing techniques.

Like everyone else on the board I can't believe that more women aren't aware that childbirth can be amazing and pain free. A lot people using hypnosis for childbirth are second time mum's - I think that says a lot.


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I just thought that I'd drop you a quick email. I wanted to do something with hypnobirthing after I used a cd when I was pregnant.

I chose to train as a hypnotherapist as the Mongan Method can be a bit restrictive for some people. It took six months but I definitely made the right decision as I can tailor courses to every woman. For some I can use creative visualisation, others prefer a more regimented approach, some like to use creativity as a conduit. It's so flexible and would recommend that you look into some broader training if you are interested in pursuing it.

If you want to know anything else let me know.


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I used Natal Hypnotherapy with my last birth and it was wonderful. I had a really quick labour and birth - active labour was only 30 mins! I also used it during the last few weeks of pregnancy and post natally. I got my CD's here:

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Just to update on this thread I'm just completed Mongan Course so am now a practitioner in the Leclaire and Mongan methods - both come from different places and though they use standard hypnotherapy techniques they use them very differently.

I think it's great that women are getting more choice in birth preparation for natural childbirth, NICE are due to announce that they are recommending that all women are offered the option of a home birth which is a fantastic step forward.


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