Hi All, I haven't been on here for a while but was hoping someone might have some ideas! I do quite a few hot stone treatments and I've recently started doing hot and cold stone facials mobile. Does anyone know of an easy way to transport the stones rather than taking my huge heater with me! I only use a max of 6 smallish stones and 2 cold stones in the facial and just need some way of keeping them warm for an hour or so.
Are the stones small enough to fit into a soup thermos? You can get some wide necked versions from places like Lakeland.
I use Thermos bags for mine.
Get a smaller heater.
If your 6 stones are facial size stones, anything designed for melting chocolate or paraffin will be a small safe option. I use a tiny electric 'chocolate fondue' machine that has a 1cup basin, you can get almost the same type of ting as a facial paraffin warmer but it's more expensive because it's for 'beauty' rather than home use. Chocolate isn't meant to be heated over 55degC and paraffin heaters usually only go up to 55degC, 60degC at most because they are designed not to burn with the paraffin wax. Hair removal wax units usually go above that temp, but they usually have a control that allows for around 55deg.
I usually don't recommend these type of heaters for stones because they don't recover fast enough if you are returning larger cold stones to the heater, but for facial use you're using such relatively small stones, plus you're usually using quite a lot of cool ones it gives the hot stones more time to reheat (if you reheat stones)
The facial paraffin heater looks something like this. The metal bowl is about 1cup.
Thanks all, really helpful replies 🙂