I recently had my first proper homeopathic consultation and subsequent treatment, initially for something harmless as hayfever.
The homeopath is very skilled and experienced, and likable too, and suggested a deep constitutional approach and treatment. I was given pulsatilla, 2 tablets within an hour of eachother.
I never would have imagined the response I would have had!! Though I'm not 100% sure my bodily response was to the tablets, its seems pretty certain. About 4 days after taking them, after some minor reactions, I had a real bad adbominal attack of pain, nausea, bloating, heachaches and other lovely symptoms. I had to stop work and get to bed! Immediatley! My energy was wiped out, most foods disagreed with me and the symptoms persisted for weeks. Also, it seemed that every bodily weakness I've every had suddenly emerged and was amplified 10 fold! terrible bad lower back, all the adbominal stuff, no energy, unable to focus, and most recently, hayfever and asthma!
The homeopath seemed to think this was excellent! and that it was working well! A week or two would be fine, but I am still in the throes of this chaos, over 6 weeks later! My abdomen is settling down finally, but the asthma is still raging, as well as other emotional stuff like feeling moody and withdrawn.
Is this normal? For it to continue for so long? I am hesitant about continuing treatment, for obvious reasons.
Can anyone share their experiences, either as a practitioner or a patient? Maybe hearing others stories will make me feel better about it all!
Hi, I think you should certainly talk again to your homeopath.
In many years of practise, I have experienced the occasional patient whose existing symptoms have slightly worsened for a day or two after a remedy; also occasionally 'old' symptoms can briefly return for a day or two in a very mild form, but nothing more severe.
If you become ill and are concerned, you should of course consult your doctor. I hope things improve soon. HTH Hom
cant speak as a homeopath, but do recall a dramatic response to my first treatment..a ginormous abscess, that was v painful and smely foul when it finally burst, and I was feeling unwell while it swelled..a good sign in as much as it was stuff coming to the surface..and I wasnt warned about the possible after effects, maybe the homeopath assumed more knowledge on my part than I actually had.
I agree with contacting your homeopath again, such suffering surely isnt necessary
Yes, I have avoided even considering seeing my GP. Lol. Though may soon.
It seems no coincidence that following treatment, I have had chronic intestinal trouble for a few months now! The homeopath seems to think its a good thing but now i'm not so sure...I will be seeing her nex week for a follow up so lets see how that goes.
I did also have a reiki attunement shortly before the homeopathic stuff, so wondered too if that has played a part also?
That is crazy about you abcess tigress. Amazing how the body works to rid itself of toxins and rebalance itself.
Underlaying problem
Perhaps you should have some blood work done to see if you can find the underlaying problem...sounds like your body is trying to tell you something. You need to narrow it down.
Good luck.
it sounds to me as if the hpathy has pushed the reiki clearing on and through at a rate of notts ...poor you ...make sure you are drinking plenty of water and be very gentle with yourself F.xxx