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What happens if you take a 30c remedy and you antidote it with a 6c different remedy that matches the antidote - does it work, what would happen? I know you are supposed to take the remedy in a 30c same potency but no-one has ever said what would happen if you went down the scale. Everyone says you go up the scale.

Always curious about this and why up but not down a potency in an antidoting remedy

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Hi Janet
the word "potency" might be the answer. A 30 need to be antidoted by 200. A 6 potency will struggle to outdo 30...methinks
Again, I just delve into homeopathy, not an expert

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Took calc carb 30c at the weekend and I need to antidote - nux vom is an antidote but if I take 30c I don't want to then have aggravations from that - 6c I know I cope with so why can't I take that over a few nights!

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Surely the calc carb will have worn off by now? :confused:

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Do you think so Kiga - not sure how long it lasts in the system that is why I ask the question. Took it Saturday so should any aggravation come out by now.

Today I feel like I've got die-off symptoms, hot this morning then cold, been freezing cold since, panicky, shaky, freezing cold, joint pains, bit nauseous, on edge - and I didn't have this before Saturday. Hence wanting to antidote.

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I think you're panicking unnecessarily, Janet. If you only took one tablet, or even a whole day's dose, it will have gone out of your system by now - it's only calcium!

Try not to worry - no need to take an antidote.

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I just feel like I'm detoxing or have die off today but I did take some kefir yesterday - could it be this?

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I don't know anything about the possible effects of kefir, but the fact that you're taking all these remedies would suggest you are stressed and/or worried about your health, or something else?

Stress communicates to all parts of your body and can cause all sorts of symptoms. I'm sure the best thing you can do is stop taking the supplements for a while and try to relax - meditation, yoga, reiki, whatever calms you down.

Hope you feel better soon! 🙂

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Kefir is like live yoghurt made from grains and they say it's very good for you so I wanted to try it -probably not a good idea to make it the same week I tried calc carb but if I don't keep the process going (you have to make it every day) I'll have to buy fresh grains again.

I've only tried calc carb - not taken anything for a while except a probiotic but I am stressed at the moment - I've been under tremendous stress with my job (not workload or anything like that - worse) and I really wouldn't wish the last 6 weeks on my worst enemy.

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You have to remember that homoeopathy works on an energetic level. Once the remedy is in your body it will keep working until it has run out of energy - this may take a few hours or a few months depending on the condition for which it is has been taken.

Calc Carb is a very deep acting, very slow remedy. There may initially be some rapid changes at first but things will settle down as the energy of the remedy passes down through the layers of the individual. I would give this remedy a good chance to work. If you are proving the remedy then you simply don't take it again and the symptoms will subside. Provings are rare but can happen.

I would not advise antidoting, nor swapping remedies too often, as your constitutional picture can become very confused and you end up taking so many remedies without any of them working really deeply or effectively with you.

Give the Calc a chance to work - a rough patch is very very common when taking remedies but it does pass. Think of it as the healing crisis - bringing things to the surface so that they can be dealt with and released.

I hope that helps.
Kindest regards,

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I did feel that the week after I'd lost a bit weight - would that be down to the calc carb?

When you say calc carb is a slow acting remedy - how slow? Does that mean days, weeks? I once read that if calc carb was wrongly prescribed for your constitution that it would make you gain weight and it would be irreversible - is this correct? This was something i read on a forum a few years ago but I've never ever seen that remark again but always been curious about it.

Homeopath has now said for me to take 30c two drops in a glass of water - twice per day for 7 days. Is that safe to take like that? Is it OK? And to take the same dose of carbo veg - twice per day - again I feel this goes against everything I've read about taking remedies. I'm a bit confused and to watch my blood pressure! Why do these remedies make it blood pressure go up or down?

I would be interested to hear your views on take two doses per day of calc and two doses per day of carbo potency 30c?

One other thing, today I have been diagnosed for sure with lichen sclerosus - it can be quite uncomfortable and sore at times - would calc carb help this because from what I've read there is no cure.

As a homeopath would you know if there is a remedy to cure this - not just clear it up for ease it

Thank you

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First of all homoeopathy doesn't cure diseases or problems, it rebalances the constitution so that the body, mind, psyche, emotions etc become healthy again. Many things are considered incurable but by releasing the trapped energy miracles do and have occurred. My advice would be to not look for a physical cure but look for happiness, balance, freedom of mind and peace in your soul. This is the real healing journey.Through balance our body has a chance to heal. So you can see how your blood pressure is affected by emotions, thoughts, attitudes, memories, living conditions etc. We are a rich tapestry!

As for taking two remedies at once....not a problem. Each homoeopath works with remedies in different ways. None is right and none is wrong - it is their way of interacting with the energies of the remedies and with you.

As for a reversible weight gain....whilst people change with the remedies people can be fearful. That is natural but instead of trusting the process or talking to the homoeopath they go onto the internet and write about what they are experiencing but they don't go back and tell their story when the process is finished and how good they feel. At least that is my view - but just my view not fact.

Talk to your homoeopath - they won't mind.
Kindest regards,

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Thanks for that - I was never sure about taking two remedies at once that it was safe and would they not let the other remedy do it's job and it's curing process.

So taking calc carb and carbo veg are two good remedies that will balance my body, help me shed some weight and get rid of this bloat that I constantly have.

Think at the moment I am under so much stress - and I really mean a lot - that my body must be totally out of whack.

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Hi Janet, I would endorse everything that Christina has said. Different homeopaths work in different ways and if you find it hard to trust your homeopath's judgement, perhaps it's time to move on- to a different homeopath- or different therapy. If you continue with homeopathic treatment, it might be good to buy or borrow a fairly straightforward book on homoepathy that contains a description of its methods and philosophy to help you understand a little about how the remedies are thought to 'work'.HTH Hom

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Thanks - was just querying the remark about calc carb and irreversible weight gain if it was the wrong remedy - read that a long time ago on a forum but never seen another comment the same.

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Thanks - was just querying the remark about calc carb and irreversible weight gain if it was the wrong remedy - read that a long time ago on a forum but never seen another comment the same.

I think the problem is that, in most cases, you can't just look at homeopathic rememdies and say Remedy X treats Condition Y or that Remedy A will have the effect B. Homeopathy is based around knowing the whole picture of the client, and works in a holistic way on that picture rather than individual issues, so different remedies will suit different people in different ways for difference conditions, with different results.

Saying that, a small handful of remedies are known to be good for certain conditions, such as Arnica for bruising and/or shock etc.

As Hom suggested, it's probably best you get a good book on the subject and learn the basics rather than relying on what you read on the internet, which can often be misinformed or misleading.

All Love and Reiki Hugs

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It's just I have been prescribed calc carb 30c and carbo veg 30 c both twice per day - carbo veg I'm not too concerned about because it's only to be taken as and when - it's the calc carb I was querying. I'd hate to have my weight go up and for it to be irreversible when I'm desperately trying to lose weight. The comment on the forum has always made me wonder and I suppose made me wary of ever taking it should it be prescibed but it does match so many of my probs. Could any remedy do this to a person make them gain weight that was irreversible ! Does seem a strange thing to say - wish I could find the forum and post that comment to you but have a feeling its way gone.

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to settle this finally,and put your mind at rest, I know of no homeopathic remedy that could possibly cause irreversible weight gain. All the remedies are doing are working with nature, and bringing back into balance, any imbalance. There are no side effects and you are not putting anything into the body, merely, rebalancing, much as you might re-tune a piano.Any weight gain would be for other reasons and not directly from using a remedy. HTH Hom

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Thanks Hom.
