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Grapefruit Seed Extract

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Can anyone give me information regarding the above - what is it for, what does it do for you, are there any side effects. I've just read that someone said it's a bit harsh if you have IBS - does that mean it upsets the tummy.

Any info would be grateful.

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Janet, there is lots of info on the internet - all you have to do is Google it! (or whatever search engine you have).

Here's one opinion:

[url]Grapefruit Seed Extract Side Effects | LIVESTRONG.COM[/url]

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I know - just wanted to hear personal views of people taking it and their own experiences

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I know - just wanted to hear personal views of people taking it and their own experiences

Hi Janet .

I take grapefruit seed extract .

I seem to be fine with it (I was mad prior to taking it) 😀 . I pour the powder from the capsules into a cup and add boiling water . It's a refreshing tea .

x dazzle x

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So what health benefits have you experienced. I'm supposed to take it to clear up the last 20% of candida in my body! Have heard it's very good for that.
Did it help with bloating and any weight loss - which are two other areas I'm trying to address!

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So what health benefits have you experienced. I'm supposed to take it to clear up the last 20% of candida in my body! Have heard it's very good for that.
Did it help with bloating and any weight loss - which are two other areas I'm trying to address!

Hi Jan,

it’s very difficult to separate the benefits from one mineral / vitamin / herb from another if that makes sense . I take such an array of them that I cannot hand pick that a particular element has a particular effect . It is more like a joint effort (lol) a combination of many elements bringing a combination of effects. A guide spoke of flora to me about a year ago and didn’t think much of it to be honest I didn’t at the time make a connection with it and with what was going on with me internally .

I started to feel a bit odd with eating certain foods . I have always thought I ate pretty well actually but certain foods / carbs like bread and pasta just didn’t feel right . It was more instinct than anything else I remember eating certain foods and although they tasted fine, I knew something was wrong with it . Even certain dairy products .

I was fortunate that my spirit helpers have guided me with certain remedies and after research it appears that edgar cayce also recommended things such as slippery elm bark and saffron as ways to help clear up harmful bacteria and even as my other post suggests ‘shallots’ . After I researched items given to me by my guides I came across grapefruit seed extract .

I haven’t really ever been bloated to make a connection with grapefruit extract as helping so to speak but I have lost weight just by cutting out the carbs .

I exercise everyday in some shape of form and haven’t really needed to lose weight but I noticed that I had just by eliminating certain foods .

I understand that you can lose more weight by eating correctly rather than exercising .

x dazzle x

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Thanks for that. It's interesting that you have had "guides" to help you in the right direction.

I do exercise and I do eat healthy but for me it's bloating - no two days are the same - some days I'm better than others then some days it's like it's gone out of control again but don't know why.

I'm cutting out as much sugar, wheat, no bread, yeast etc. at the moment

However like you I am finding that when I eat certain foods that I don't feel quite "right" - dark chocolate the very healthy kind and only couple squares (not that I'm having it at the moment), nuts, yoghurt, oats or more precise "oat bran", rye bread. My diet at the moment is pretty boring and plain and yet I feel that even in that something isn't quite "right" but if I eliminate any further I'm down to hardly anything - would be literally protein and veg!

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Thanks for that. It's interesting that you have had "guides" to help you in the right direction.

I do exercise and I do eat healthy but for me it's bloating - no two days are the same - some days I'm better than others then some days it's like it's gone out of control again but don't know why.

I'm cutting out as much sugar, wheat, no bread, yeast etc. at the moment

However like you I am finding that when I eat certain foods that I don't feel quite "right" - dark chocolate the very healthy kind and only couple squares (not that I'm having it at the moment), nuts, yoghurt, oats or more precise "oat bran", rye bread. My diet at the moment is pretty boring and plain and yet I feel that even in that something isn't quite "right" but if I eliminate any further I'm down to hardly anything - would be literally protein and veg!

If you cut out too much you will not be getting a full range of minerals and vegetables. Also, if you cut out a lot at once, you have no way to check what is and is not making you uncomfortable.
Having said that, a lot of us are feeling better through cutting down on carbohydrate-full foods. My advice would be to take it slowly - it's probably taken a long time to get you to the stage of feeling ill. Now give your body time to tell you what it needs.
However, there are worse diets than protein and vegetables - it's pretty much what our bodies evolved with.

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I have done the restricted diet for a while now but on occasions there has been a slight sneaky biscuit or sweet crept back in but then I bring myself back in line and cut it out again. But even then no way as much as I had before - not in terms of eating unhealthy but things like meat, veg with tomato sauce, or chicken done in barbecue sauce and that has made a ton of difference cutting out these bits.

I think part of the problem has been trying to re-introduce new foods into my diet - my body just doesn't seem to like iti and any new food I do bring in I have to take a tiny bit first to see if I react - I know the "doesn't like" signs my body gives me now! So then I will avoid.

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Thanks for that. It's interesting that you have had "guides" to help you in the right direction.

I'd like to think we have a good relationship (lol) . It helps that I can hear what they have to say from time to time .. They have my best interest at heart, I am on a crusade of self healing the mind / body and spirit . What has become apparent is that the body in my case is or has been in a purifying process just as much as my soul, spirit, emotions etc ..

I do exercise and I do eat healthy but for me it's bloating - no two days are the same - some days I'm better than others then some days it's like it's gone out of control again but don't know why.

I understand . It's difficult to ascertain why this or that happens at times . It could be an ingredient that is contained within something that you think is free of what you normally steer clear of . What I heard the other day which is beyond belief that in america it is illegal for any food producers to label their foods G.M. free . 😮 In other words they don't want the public to know what's in the food they are eating .

I'm cutting out as much sugar, wheat, no bread, yeast etc. at the moment

Good Idea .

However like you I am finding that when I eat certain foods that I don't feel quite "right" - dark chocolate the very healthy kind and only couple squares (not that I'm having it at the moment), nuts, yoghurt, oats or more precise "oat bran", rye bread.

Absolutely .. certain foods that are not quite right my body is kicking into touch .. I don't think that foods nowadays in the way that they are refined and processed etc are designed for our bodies to break down .. Perhaps the purer one's energy becomes the more sensitive they become to the foods that are not pure .

My diet at the moment is pretty boring and plain and yet I feel that even in that something isn't quite "right" but if I eliminate any further I'm down to hardly anything - would be literally protein and veg!

Yer mine is too lol . I ve never been a huge veggie fan either so I really don't eat that much .. I stick to cottage cheese, nuts, fish, natural yogurt, some meat, some fruit .. some salad .. Thats about it lol .. but I take many herbs, minerals, salts, vitamins in supplement form also ..

x dazzle x

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The two things that I class as my treats would be the nuts and Yeo Valley 0% probiotic yoghurt and these two things I have to eat in very limited amounts i.e. two spoons yoghurt and half dozen nuts as both bloat and puff my face - so cannot see what the connection is between the two but then I think I have to have something "nice" as the rest of the diet is pretty restricted.

I don't live to eat - I eat to live and at the moment a pill instead of food would probably be so much easier!

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The two things that I class as my treats would be the nuts and Yeo Valley 0% probiotic yoghurt and these two things I have to eat in very limited amounts i.e. two spoons yoghurt and half dozen nuts as both bloat and puff my face - so cannot see what the connection is between the two but then I think I have to have something "nice" as the rest of the diet is pretty restricted.

I don't live to eat - I eat to live and at the moment a pill instead of food would probably be so much easier!

Caroline N
on the forums might be best for you to talk too as she is more the expert on nutrition but I did hear through the grapevine as they say that if one finds it difficult to digest proteins then that can bloat them out .. (don't quote me on that)

There definitely sounds like a reaction of some kind . Have you had an food allergy / intolerance test ..

x daz x

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Yes - well vega testing but every time it has shown lemons, grapefruit, dairy, wheat, grapefruit, red wine, tea, tomatoes, lamb, beef, egg yolk, milk (cow), cheese tangerine, chocolate, peas, onions, wheat bran, lactose, mustard, chilli, peppermint, thyme so pretty much a fair bit.

Kiniesology - two different therapists both came up with sugar, cane and beet but not demerara!

I need to really go strict again which I do but the last few weeks I've slipped partly due to not being at work, stress and things going on at home - I need to seriously get back on track.

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Yes - well vega testing but every time it has shown lemons, grapefruit, dairy, wheat, grapefruit, red wine, tea, tomatoes, lamb, beef, egg yolk, milk (cow), cheese tangerine, chocolate, peas, onions, wheat bran, lactose, mustard, chilli, peppermint, thyme so pretty much a fair bit.

Kiniesology - two different therapists both came up with sugar, cane and beet but not demerara!

I need to really go strict again which I do but the last few weeks I've slipped partly due to not being at work, stress and things going on at home - I need to seriously get back on track.

Here's a bit of info Jan on bloatedness ..

What causes bloatedness? bloatedness may result from the intake of simple carbohydrates, such as refined sugars, fructose and sucrose, which is found in white bread and other white-flour foods. These foods taste good but they cause gas formation in the stomach, leading to bloating and flatulence.

Milk is also another culprit. Some people lack lactase in their intestines, thus they cannot digest milk, a condition known as lactose intolerance. If you have lactose intolerance and you experience bloatedness, you can try some over-the-counter products to help digest milk, such as Lactaid and those containing lactase enzymes.
Foods which are proven to cause bloatedness are beans, beer, bran, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, soft drinks, milk, cauliflower and onions.

If you are a beans lover, you can help reduce the gas-forming effect of the beans you plan to cook and eat by soaking the beans overnight, pouring the water out afterward and cooking them for about half an hour. Then, after cooking, discard the water used in boiling them and pour in new water to cook for another 30 minutes.

Foods which can slightly cause bloatedness are raw apples, apricots, bananas, wheat bread, carrots, celery, citrus fruits, coffee, cucumbers, eggplants, potatoes, lettuce, pretzels, soybeans and raisins. These foods can cause bloatedness in some people who are extra sensitive to them while they do not in some people.

Emotional stress has also been proven to worsen bloatedness, since the stomach is sensitive to emotional outbursts such as anger, stress and anxiety. The stomach also has nerves which connect to the brain and receive signals, triggering abdominal tightening and cramping.

Exercise can also help eliminate stomach bloatedness. Exercise helps regulate the movement of the intestines and thus makes us have regular bowel movements. It speeds our metabolism, making us digest food well and use it as a source of energy fast. Sit-ups and crunches are abdominal exercises which are effective in eliminating stomach bloating.

To avoid abdominal bloatedness, we must avoid flatulence, which is a result of excessive belching. Belching may have many causes, such as excessive smoking, swallowing of gas during eating, eating hurriedly, anxiety, postnasal drips, colds and drinking carbonated beverages

There are some studies which say that abdominal bloatedness are a result of chemicals and preservatives found in processed food. bloatedness results as a form of food hypersensitivity reaction. Thus, for us to avoid the development of stomach bloatedness, we must avoid processed food and snack on healthier food options such as fruits and vegetables.

x daz x

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Wow - nightmare - I only have a tiny bit of milk first coffee of the day and one at 5 pm otherwise drink it black or have tea with dried milk.

Oat bran? but then that is good for my bowels and constipation - no jams/marmalade etc. and no bread - Ryvita only or gluten free crispbread - porridge for breakfast - but normally the oats helps the bloating.

No fruit - no beans - veg I eat are carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, raw spinach and raw rocket. So the veg I like could be culprits but then what veg could I eat that doesn't really cause gas and wind?

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Wow - nightmare - I only have a tiny bit of milk first coffee of the day and one at 5 pm otherwise drink it black or have tea with dried milk.

Oat bran? but then that is good for my bowels and constipation - no jams/marmalade etc. and no bread - Ryvita only or gluten free crispbread - porridge for breakfast - but normally the oats helps the bloating.

No fruit - no beans - veg I eat are carrots, broccoli and cauliflower, raw spinach and raw rocket. So the veg I like could be culprits but then what veg could I eat that doesn't really cause gas and wind?

I'm not an expert on this, but considering your restricted diet, could it be something other than food and drink that's causing the bloating? Hormones? Bacteria?

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Hormones - not sure - well and truly through meno now but bacteria - possible as I did have candida - tried probiotics but I didn't really find they helped but maybe I retry.

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Can anyone give me information regarding the above - what is it for, what does it do for you, are there any side effects. I've just read that someone said it's a bit harsh if you have IBS - does that mean it upsets the tummy.

Any info would be grateful.

It's a natural antibiotic. Primarily people take it for stomach upsets and the like. Though it can be used for sore throats too.

The max. dose is 12 drops in a glass of water. Don't exceed the drops limit and, as its concentrated, never use it neat. And don't get it in your eyes.

By all accounts, it's excellent. I had a catalogue from ------ ------ the other day and apparently it is their all time best-seller.

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Thanks for that. It's interesting that you have had "guides" to help you in the right direction.

I do exercise and I do eat healthy but for me it's bloating - no two days are the same - some days I'm better than others then some days it's like it's gone out of control again but don't know why.

I'm cutting out as much sugar, wheat, no bread, yeast etc. at the moment

However like you I am finding that when I eat certain foods that I don't feel quite "right" - dark chocolate the very healthy kind and only couple squares (not that I'm having it at the moment), nuts, yoghurt, oats or more precise "oat bran", rye bread. My diet at the moment is pretty boring and plain and yet I feel that even in that something isn't quite "right" but if I eliminate any further I'm down to hardly anything - would be literally protein and veg!

It does sound like food intolerance/allergy. Though a weak digestion, undercooking food and not chewing it well enough can't be ruled out as factors.

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Hence the candida link with taking GSE. Would it help bloating or just help the candida on it's way.

I think also you are right food intolerance/allergy going on too.

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Hey Jan ..

I watched a great documentary on Edge media t.v. on sky channel 200 last night and found myself agreeing with much of what this Dr . Myhill said regarding nutrition and ailments . She has a website that deals with most ailments and how to go about treating them with nutrition ..

I haven't had time to look through the website for more than a second but i agreed with what she was talking about for the entirety of the programme .

I hope this link works

x daz x

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Thanks for that - I've taken a quick look but like you feel you need a fair bit of time to sit down and really digest all the info - looks good though - will try to get some time later today to read through

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I think I have given you links with both Dr Myhill (who in my mind is excellent) and [url]Elizabeth Lipski[/url] before, who are both very knowledgeable on matters of the gut and imbalances in the body.

Grapefruit seed Extract is antifungal, antiviral and antibacterial and while less damaging to beneficial gut bacteria, should not be taken long term. Take probiotics at the same time to help repopulate the gut with supportive bacteria. When you have had long term gut problems the probiotics may be necessary for at least 6 months, depending on the dose you take and whether antibiotics have been taken in the mean time, and it may need to be considerably longer.

But killing off 'bugs' isn't the whole story, as I have posted elsewhere. Healing the gut wall is paramount. All this is explained so well by Lipski - very well worth a few quid to get all the information. She's written a whole book on the subject! 😀

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It seems to go in waves - seems to settle down for a while then kicks off again. Going to have a really good go at totally eliminating gluten to see if that helps - although it is restricted in my diet it's still in it.

I took probiotics for over 6 months and although I maybe felt they didn't help maybe they did because my last test said 20% candida and I was told that that amount is OK - would you agree with that ? Prior to the diet and probiotics I had really high levels of candida in my system.

I certainly don't get yeast infections but I have got this lichen sclerosus which is a very strange problem to be honest.

Yes I get muggy heads and mood swings but then I do get hayfever and my eyes and headaches were always my worst problems as opposed to sneezing and runny nose.

But this year and last year I have had an awful lot of stress with partner and was just getting on top and over that with him retiring which certainly helped his health apart from the stomach problems starting then my own work life went absolutely horrendously wrong - nothing to do with anything I did - but the hate campaign against my boss which ended up with him being suspended and as I worked 1:1 my job effectively "disappeared" but not before being sent to Coventry because I worked for him, having my drawers gone through when I left on a night and having my computer hacked - it's no wonder my stomach is also all over the place!

Hopefully now I've resigned from the company and found a new position my life will once again settle down to some form of normality.
