Hi guys
Anyone got any idea's where I can get Laminated Wall Charts from...I am looking for a really nice Chakra chart at the moment...I have done a web search but most of the decent one's appear to be American...time you've paid p&p on top of the purchase price they turn out to be rather expensive wall charts...
Many thanks:D
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: Charts
Makro the wholesalers do some, Mart will check for you tomorrow....watch this space...
RE: Charts
Try 'Todays therapist' magazine,,also online at
They do mail order charts but im not too sure on how much they are 🙂
RE: Charts
Found this parchement one on ebay
I have seen some more somewhere.....I will have a think.
yasmin x
RE: Charts
here is nice little web-site
They have other nice bits too.
RE: Charts
I got mine from Purple Flame Aromatherapy
RE: Charts
FHT have some lovely chakra posters. I don't think they're laminated, but they are very nice.
RE: Charts
The London Centre of Champissage do them (020 7609 3590). I have one and it is really very beautiful.
RE: Charts
Hi Jay
Just looked up Chakra poster in FHT catalogue. Looks good, not laminated, price £5.49
'This beautiful, full colour A3 chart shows the correlation between the chakras and colours, elements, gemstones, nutrition, sound, musical note and tone, astrology, metals, purpose, focus, emotion, gland, body parts and symbols.'
If you are interested let me know as I might well treat myself to one - and I have a friend who has a 'whatsit' for laminating....
Love and blessings
RE: Charts
Thanks everyone for your help[sm=grouphug.gif]....just one more question what is the FHT catalogue...
luv & peace
stormdeva x
RE: Charts
The Tao of books - also has some
they are a good source of cheap books too
RE: Charts
Hi Stormdeva
I was at the mind/body/soul exhibition at Brentwood last week. A stallholder there had some real nice Chakra laminated charts , all sizes. i picked up a couple myself and also a card with her website address on it. I am at work at present , when i get home later tonight i will dig out the card and send you the address
Love and Light
RE: Charts
FHT catalogue is the Federation of Holistic Therapists members' catalogue which you can buy lots of therapy stuff from. Don't know if it's available on the web site but you could try it.
RE: Charts
Hey Stormdeva
Sorry about the delay -have been partying ( not like me) Any way still remembered your chart address , here goes:Sophie Tudor
email sophietudor@talk21.com or try
hope this helps you
love and light