:DHi everyone,
My name is Julie I was wondering if anyone can help concerning my son who is twelve.
He is a very sensitive chap, also he is like a closed book never opens up I have tried in the past Bach Flower remedies which I have researched myself they have helped me emotionally as well as physically.
He has had a nasal problem for about 4years now (I am waiting for an appointment with ear,nose,throat specialist) the only way I can describe the problem is ,he snorts so badly I can hear him all over the house, I know it sounds trivial but it is a very hard thing to ignore and try as I might sometimes I just got to send him out off the room.
What worries me is the damage he is doing to his nasal passage, I don't know yet if it is a habit or he has a problem(appointments from specialists take so long to come threw. I believe Bach Flower can help him but I am at a loss to know which one.
If anyone can give me some advice I would be very grateful
Peace to you all
RE: Bach flower help
Hi jcm & welcome to HP
Unfortunatly I'm not clued up enough to offer you any advice but if you try posting in the [url]General Health[/url] forum or the [url]Natural Remedies[/url] forum I'm sure someone more knowledgable then myself will be able to offer you some advice;)
RE: Bach flower help
hi julie
can you tell us a bit more about him
all we know is he is sensitive and closed
I think star of bethlehem will help remove birth 'shock' from his energy fields and beech will help you to feel more mellow about it in the meantime
chestnut bud will help as it sounds as if it partly habit
RE: Bach flower help
Hi Amelia
Thanks for replying I'm Sorry I have not got used to this forum yet,
RE: Bach flower help
I have been on my own with luke for nearly ten years, when he was 4 his father who is an alcoholic attacked us both ie ( luke was on my lap at the time) with a carving knife.
Last November after a lot of questions about his father he asked me if he could meet him, he has been so disappointed, he saw him quite a few times, how do you tell a child that his dad is just no good and will never be there when needed.
They are a lot alike Luke is a very immature 12 year old, he will torment his friends to such an extent they are friends no more.
He doesnt seem to learn that by acting this way he wont have any friends, in school he mucks around ( I know that's normal) Please don't get me wrong, luke is not a nasty child and I love him but I am worried about his behaviour
RE: Bach flower help
Hi there
I have used the remedies with children who have seen domestic violence when I worked in a refuge.
They were very helpful.
Star of Bethlehem is indicated , to remove shock of his father's behaviour and cherry plum could help with his tormenting behaviour
Does he have any interest in art? This could help him to communicate things he cannot say in any other way
RE: Bach flower help
Woops, I thought I was sending an email.
RE: Bach flower help
hi jcm
I think clematis would also help him to pay more attention at school though if the lessons are boring we would need to treat his teacher!!
RE: Bach flower help
Thank you for your advice I will let you know what happens