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Bach Flower Essences for Cats

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I wanted to share an experience with everyone. We have 2 cats that have never gotten along. They fight constantly and we have to keep them separate at night. Bad situation. I had read about the Bach flower essences and figured, what the heck, it's worth a try. Well, now, it's the peaceable kingdom! They can be in the same room and even brush by eachother w/o fighting. The agressor cat isn't attacking the victim cat at all. I thought I would share my recipe with the forum. Here goes:

I use the Bach 30 ml mixing bottle and add 1 tsp brandy as a preservative. Then I add 8 drops Bach Rescue Remedy, 8 drops Bach holly essence, 8 drops Bach vine essence and top the bottle up with water. We put 8 drops of this mixture on the cats' food twice a day. That's it.

I have to say I was very skeptical about the Bach products, but I was at my wit's end for something to try. Even though the essesnces are a bit expensive, since you use only a few drops, they end of being very economical. Highly recommended!


Jainagirl 🙂

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what a wonderful outcome, peace reigns at last



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I haven't used Rescue Remedy on my cats, but when we had a dog, we used it on her when fireworks were being set off. It did help calm her a lot and had none of the side effects that the tranquilisers the vets would have prescribed. The dog even had her very own bottle of it.

It seems to be an excellent product for everyone.:):p

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Glad to hear your cats are now getting along better - amazing stuff.


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The wonderful properties of essences!

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Oh thanks Jainagirl!

We also have two cats who don't get along. We have to keep them apart and have done for nearly five years now! I will have to try your recipe as I am desperate for a solution. It is such a logistics exercise making sure one is indoors when the other is out and vice versa, and also keeping them in separate areas of the house! Wev'e had to change the door handles because Oscar was just reaching up and opening the doors making it all even more difficult!

The vet suggested re-homing one of them but we love them both. How could we chose? So, we have just got on with it but it is very hard. I wanted to try Feliway but it is so expensive. I would need lots as we have a fairly large house.

I'm writing my shopping list for Tuesday now! I have some Bach essences but, as is always the way, I haven't got the ones you mention except for the Rescue Remedy. Can you put the drops on dried kibble?

Thanks again

Maggie xx

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You can put the drops on their food, on the back of their necks, around their ears etc
