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Bach Flower Custom Blend (Use By? Dosage?)

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I used the Bach Flower Remedy Chooser on their shop site and received my custom blend. However it states on the bottle that it must be used within 3 weeks. I don't really understand the urgency... I plan to start using it end of next week (for various reasons). I also was just going to treat it like a health drink (drops in this case) and take it irregularly maybe once a week. But according to the bottle it'd soon be 'out of date' if I don't start using it right away and states I should be taking it (drops wise) at least 4 times a day which I wasn't expecting. Or am I misunderstanding it?

I also don't really understand the instructions for putting it in water instead. It says about putting 2 drops in 30ml of water so I guess I'd have to measure out 30ml if taking it this way? (bit awkward when out and about...). And is that 30ml a day?

I had tried out the Rescue Remedy before, which as far as I know doesn't even have a 'use by' date and is a 'whenever' type of deal in terms of taking it so I had thought this would be the same...

I would have thought essences etc. would keep for a few months at the very least (if not a year or more), but I admit I am totally new to natural remedies. If anyone here knows about flower remedies and has any tips about this I'd greatly appreciate it. I'm also emailing the Bach shop but they'll probably not respond for awhile so I was just hoping someone here may be able to pitch in a comment.

Thanks for any help.

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Hi Sai

The Bach Centre are obviously the experts but I will try and help with your queries.

The customised blend you will have purchased will have been a mix of the specific flower essences you have chosen mixed together in mineral water. The expiry date is to acknowlege that the water element of the remedy will start to "go off" in 3 weeks time and won't taste fresh! The pre-packed Rescue Remedy is a combination of specific flower remedies that are added to a small amount of brandy solution and the alcohol acts as a preserving agent so it does have a longer shelf-life.

The remedy you have chosen should have picked to help you overcome how you were feeling emotionally at the time of selection. Obviously one's mood and outlook can change from hour to hour, and day to day, so it isn't usual that a client would need to take the exact same combination of flower essences all the time, so no need to have a long expiry date for a remedy made up for a specific individual, (as your needs may change next week). The remedy is to help you overcome the emotional issues you felt when you chose the remedy so it is advisable to take the remedy ASAP to help that emotional state.

I suspect from your description of dosage that your remedy has been made up in a standard Bach mixing bottle which is a 30ml size? The essences you chose should have already been diluted in 30ml of still mineral water into that mixing bottle? Your actual dosage would be 4 drops of the remedy a minimum of 4 times a day until relief is gained. The easiest way to take the drops is add them to whatever drink you have during the day either by adding drops to each individual drink or add 4 drops to a litre bottle of water that you can sip during the day. I was told by my tutor that you can't overdose by doing this and it's a good way to have the remedy with you, (if you don't mind taking a bottle around with you). I was advised that if I started to forget to take the remedy the this probably indicated that the urgency to use the remedy had passed as my emotional state had changed and the need for that specific remedy had passed.

Good luck with the remedy and I hope you find it beneficial.

Best wishes

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Hello Sai - totally agree with everything that Beautifulday has said. You must start taking it now, and, if you know you are going to be out and about, take that litre of water (plus drops) with you and sip it as you go. There is no hard and fast rule to using the remedies, nor is there any point in waiting to use them - and don't set your watch to time the doses! I hope it works for you.

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Thanks for your replies. I really appreciate it.

Beautifulday: Thanks so much for taking the time to explain things to me, I am very grateful for all the help and your reply is really appreciated. I read your reply this morning and it was very useful. I was lucky enough to get a response by the evening today from the bach shop but it didn't go into as much detail so thanks for that. 🙂

What you say about water vs alcohol makes alot of sense. I did wonder why the bottle didn't have much of a scent compared to Rescue Remedy and from taking it today I found it didn't have as much of a strong taste either. As you say this is due to it being water based vs alcohol based. And I can certainly appreciate then why it wouldn't last so long.

I see what you mean about moods changing. Thats a good point, they do change all the time for various reasons. I guess I still think it'd be cool though if they added an option regarding whether you want it alcohol or water based. I guess my situation was a little out of the norm then in that I was more seeking a general/relaxed preventative catered to my needs than a immediate/urgent solution.

Regarding what the bottle has. The reply from the bach shop stated that, yes, it is a diluted with spring water solution in the bottle.
I really appreciate the in depth advice about using it with bottles of water. All I ever drink is water (expect on certain occassions/situations). So I was quite keen on that idea as it would be the easiest way for me.

However I got this responce from the bach shop that says: "Your remedy has already been diluted with 30ml of spring water, therefore you should not dilute it further" :rolleyes:

I guess in the future it'd be better for me to buy bottles of the separate essences and put the undiluted remedies in bottles of water myself. Live and learn! 😉 Although I guess I would have to work out how much to put in etc. Let me just see if I have this right.
Is it:
- 2 drops of 1 flower at a time to a half a litre bottle
- 4 drops of 1 flower for 1 litre
Then when that water is used up, put in a separate flower (I assume since you can't overdose its ok to re-use water bottles).
Would the 'use by' be really quick in this way as 1 litre is very heavily diluted?

I am also just curious what is meant by 'going past use by' exactly with flower remedies? From your description I assume the water just tastes bitter/bad as it has gone stagnant and nothing to do with flower essences? The flower essence itself would still be OK I assume and not 'turn bad' or not be effective as such? Just asking incase for whatever reason I add the drops to a big water bottle then happen to not drink all of it after some period of time.

Sorry for all the questions. I really am grateful for the information and all the helpful people here.

Thanks for wishing me well with the remedy. I started using it right away today after reading the replies on here. I'm sure it'll be beneficial, everythings worth a shot if there's nothing to lose. 😀

Jabba The Hut: Thanks for your reply and additional tips about using flower remedies with bottles of water. You hit the nail on the head with the comment about not timing doses etc. actually, I was a bit reluctant to seek anything that requires heavy dosage etc. Like the 30 little pills of natural remedy stuff a day I was told about (not here), I was nah, thats a bit much for me... :p:D No offence to them of course (not going to say what the type of remedy is, don't want to cause offence 😉 ). Of course this is nowhere near that and can just be taken during certain milestones in the day (mealtimes etc.). So it was unexpected for me, but its not a problem. 🙂 Thanks!

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I am surprised that the Bach centre haven't preserved the remedy by either using a little brandy, vegetable glycerine or cider vinegar.

When I make up dosage bottles I will always preserve them, especially as it is very rare that the person will take an essence only for 3 weeks. With deep healing essences are generally taken over a longer period of time, so I personally will always preserve the remedies.

If there is just water in the essence without a preservative, the water will go off, it will become mouldy hence why we preserve the mixture.

I would put 4 drops in 1 litre of water every day for as long as you are taking it for.

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Hi there,

Sorry for any confusion - Bach do preserve the individual esssences in brandy but when mixing up a remedy (and up to 7 essences can be used together) two drops of each essence are put into a 30 ml mixing bottle. If a client feels they only need 1 flower essence remedy that would just be 2 not much to send out/prepare for the client and essence could well evaporate in transit. Bach have found the preserved essences still work when diluted in mineral water and when combining up to 7 essences, mineral water is a great and cost-effective way to combine the essences together. Obvously if the client enjoys the benefit of the remedy and wants longer term use they can buy an individual flower essence in it's original, preserved state at approx £5 a bottle. This may not be economically viable for some clients however who only want the essence as a temporary quick, pick-me-up and prefer to pay once for a combined remedy than for up to 7 x £5 individual essences. It's all down to personal choice and finances of course.

Best wishes

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