I wasn't sure where to post this but hope someone can help
I am single but would rather not be
In my bedroom is 2 pictures, one is a large picture of a frog given to me as a present from an uncle and Aunt when i had the room decorated. The other has 4 swans in them.
I am wondering if this is putting a stop to any romance in my life any tips
Hi stormy waters,
They are swans and frogs eh....both water creatures
The frog can be a symbol of cleansing...it might be happier in your bathroom??
To promote romance you need pairs of things, pink candles, couple of roses, entwined love hearts.
Good luck
I'm no Feng Shui expert, but in addition to the right objects, it's also important to place them in the right positions within a room. You might try looking up Karen Kingston on Google, since she's often recommended on HP. I'm sure I saw her name mentioned just the other day in relation to space clearing.
fleur and Holistic
Thanks verymuch there. I shall go and google Karen Kingston.
Well i have had a little look.
Another interest of mine is clutter as well have so much of it, unbelivable i had a good clutter clearout a year ago. Now i have more. So going to work on that
Also on one of the websites, it mentions insomnia not been sleeping well but i put down to my job been working silly hours finishing at 4am. But it says not to have pictures of water in the bedroom as well as insomnia it can attract bad luck to those that sleep there so will remove them see if this has an impact
Feng shui technique.
It is not advisable not to place any pictures in the bedroom except those who sleep there.
To promote Love and relantionship - it is good to place a small rose quartz in the south west of the bedroom.
It is also advisable to check what is in the south west sector of your house - this sector can weaken or strengthen your love and relantionship.
Thanks atan
Slept pretty well last night well right through the night. See how i do tonight after a night at work.
I didn't know about the pictures in the bedroom thanks for that
That is a good start - stay positive - good things can happen.
Pink and red in your southwest corner, pairs of things, too. No dried flowers, but real or silk flowers are okay. The number 4 means death, so avoid it all all costs!
I attended a lecture and bought the book by Jayme Barrett