Hi everyone,
My mind has been set to work by a post of Annie's in which she posted a link to a Feng Shui site.
Does anyone have any experience of professional Feng Shui consultants, and what I should expect to pay as a consultation fee? Also, if you have any Feng Shui positive experiences please do share.
RE: Feng shui
Morning Lucy🙂 Just thought to slot in that website - so your readers wouldn't have to search for it [8D]
I also enjoyed learning the 'meanings' of all the little Feng Shui objects. Been wanting to get myself a 3-legged frog (must be of French heritage) for years!
As mentioned before - this site was chosen at random & for no specific reason or personal gain 🙂
Ciao ciao,
RE: Feng shui
We had our house Feng Shui'ed at the beginning of the year, after we decided to decorate. After seaching aorund the web, we found a man called John Sandiford, who as it turned out only lived up the road from us in Teddington. Because it was a local job, and we only have a 2 bedroom house with very small garden he agreed to do the job for less than his usual fee, which is normally around £300. John is also an astrolger and as part of the consultation did both of our Chinese atsrology charts which was quite interesting, and very different to the western astrology I am used to. I would definately recommend him to anyone who lives in the south of the country, unfortunately for you though Lucy, I see that you live in Glasgow which probably isn;t much help.
RE: Feng shui
Hi monkey,
I have been learning Feng Shui of late and practising on my friends and my own house. I have found it to be a success and have had many experiences with it. The symbolism of some things around the house and in certain areas of the home are quite interesting and even amusing at times.
You have to be relaxed I think about the hole thing and a good Feng Shui expert will not create mass upheavel in the home, they should merely make sugestions and explain what is out of balance and what you can do to rectify this or that certain area of your life.
My friend K. wanted to get on better with her Mother in law, so we had a look at the Feng Shui of her home. K. complain the M.i.Law always talked over her and talked rubbish and tried to belittle K.s own Mothering skills with baby. K. didn't like it like this and wanted harmony before she blew her top and could make things awkward.
We found the area relevant in kitchen, right where rubbish bin was situated (amongst other factors).
I recommended the bin either be moved or if not poss to be cleaned and maintained and tended to as a starting point. And a couple of family type ornaments to be placed over there and some elements can't remeber what now.
Anyhow few weeks later K. explained the Mother in Law had come over and they got talking, K. found out soe stuff she had been hiding and realised it wasn't just the M.in Law to blame. They now get on alot better and things improved.
You should definately try it yourself and see for you if it is effective or not personally i think it is effective and whether it's the Chi flowing or the thought of been balanced making things balanced then so be it.
My teacher would charge £400 plus petrol for local work including 2 hour consultation just to give you an idea.
RE: Feng shui
So exciting ladies 😀 Thanks for sharing those stories with us.
I read in one of my files of accumulated rife technology data printed off the net, but not entirely read to date, that by moving one's bed, sometimes even as little as 6" can help [:-] well, that's if one had been sleeping directly over one of these "bad lines" [:'(] Another basic way to test, is if only one partner experiences a recurring ailment eg. constant tiredness or lack of energy or throat infections or insomnia etc. then swop sides of the bed with your partner & see whether they start experiencing these symptoms ... & if so ... it's definitely time to resuffle the bedroom furniture 😀
Love and health,
RE: Feng shui
Thanks everyone, very interesting. And Annie, thanks for attaching the link - my technological understanding isn't up to that!
RE: Feng shui
Hi Believer, you are quite right. Sometimes, relocation does make a big difference. Though not sure if as little as 6" can help so much. If you think about it, Feng Shui is about earth magnetic energy. Yes, there are differences but there is a limitation. Remember, energy mixes with energy. So, yes, you might be a little bit further away from a particular energy, but the particular energy is still there. You are also right that most of the illness can be verified from the energy chart of the building (i.e. Feng Shui). But for clarification, feng shui is not about furniture arrangement. Happy Home Kits might help Evil lines or void lines situation (see ). However, geopathic stress is not the same as feng shui.
RE: Feng shui
Hi Believer,
I am glad that you enjoy reading the symbolism of "feng shui" objects. Just want to say, enjoy reading them is one thing. However, Feng Shui is not based on the use of gadgets. You can simply ask: why does it work? Some say three legged toad can help you attract money. Have you asked youself how? It might have a psychological effect and that is. Nothing more. Most of those items has nothing to do with feng shui whatsoever. Any geniue feng shui pracitioner should tell you that. My teachers are so strict that if any of his students tells clients "gadgets" can bring you "this and that", he will disown us!!
There is no harm to put some items you like in your home. But please do not mix them up with Feng Shui. I feel very sad about this.
Feng Shui does work, but only if it is genuine.
RE: Feng shui
Hi Chi Wing;)
Ahhhh I can fully appreciate your passion here ... as I'm just as passionate about Dr Clark and can't help mentioning her methodologies at every opportunity. I'm grateful that you cleared that up ... as I had wondered what the connection between Geopathic Stress & Feng Shui was. That's a completely NEW area to me ... but you've woken up an awareness, THANK YOU!
Love and light and good health,
RE: Feng shui
Hi Chi Wing,
I think you are going to be a valuable contributor to this site, as there seems to be so many different Feng Shui theories out there. It would be great to get some sensible advice!
Thank you for your comments so far, I have also sent you a personal email with a particular query. I hope you don't mind.