Not sure where to post - please move if approp.
I am really interested in EFT but been offered it 3 times here which never happened & then I saw a course advertised @ college but then when I went back to get details the poster had gone - is this telling me not to bother? Normally I would accept this as a message but I do feel drawn to EFT :confused:
Any advice welcome,please.
Yvonne x
Not sure where to post - please move if approp.
I am really interested in EFT but been offered it 3 times here which never happened & then I saw a course advertised @ college but then when I went back to get details the poster had gone - is this telling me not to bother? Normally I would accept this as a message but I do feel drawn to EFT :confused:
Any advice welcome,please.
Yvonne x
personally, if you still feel you are interested then go for it, but come at it differently.. dip in by getting a recommended book on eft, i saw eft all over the place for ages and it kept coming up then eventually i got a couple of books and it is good to get some background info and some ideas on how to tap..ive been tapping ever since, unfortunately i cannot afford to see an eft practioner or go on a course but i think its having its effect anyway..
If you are drawn to EFT you are being so for a reason, but some obstacles have been getting in the way, maybe they are purely there to make you really appreciate EFT when you do manage to get to have a look at it.
I can't sing the praises of EFT highly enough, it has helped get me through some really tough stuff and I recommend it to all whenever I can.
I will become a practitioner in the future, and I'm in Durham so if you want to give it a go when I have done the course then we can sort something out for you.
Its beautiful in its simplicity.
EFT is an amazing tool for self help. The dalay, is just that. There is not a message hidden in these happenings. Sometimes there is delay because of human factor. Go for it, go for it!
Good luck
Have fun with it Yvonne when you get to do it eventually!
There is loads of free info on the internet and you can give it a go on your own from online materials, though many people prefer to be guided through the procedure. And if you don't get into it the first time round, it's worth giving it a few tries at different times - and perhaps with different people - as all EFT practitioners have their individual style which may or may not suit
Enjoy it - I practice many different therapies and value them all, but wouldn't choose to be without tapping - if someone put a gun to my head and told me that all my therapies and techniques will be taken away from me apart from one - I would have to choose EFT to keep.
Perhaps the message the Universe is trying to teach you is sometimes you need to be proactive? 🙂 Masha B has a link in her signature that you could follow up, or you might want to google EFT Trainers? There are many excellent courses happening across the country, and as everyone has said, it is an incredibly powerful tool for healing... in fact I think it should be taught in schools!
quite a few vids on youtube, it's very siumple and i feel a big thing is made of it. to me it's a form of acupressure, the emotional angle i don't resonate with though i understand that for instance "fear and anger" are associated with the liver meridian. i know from experience that it's not much liked on some forums cos of the "you're emotionally stunted" angle from folk who are not out of the soup themnselves. to me it's a recognition and reconnection with an abused body. the fact it works whether you believe or not puts questions about it's mode of action none can answer for sure in my opinion.
i think it's a shame the mind/body crew seem to have it as their flagship for proof of all their various theories. i just tap and say "bless this body, i lovingly accept you, amen the love"....though i have a feeling that i need not say or think anything. some vids on youtube i find offensive as they question folks backround and all the rest of it, just tap...i don't do it at the moment as i can't ground it and allthough it makes me feel momentarily better it goes against general improvement; i have m.e. and find my digestion must be at a certain level of function before i can ground energies like this and acupuncture, homeopathy, essence; when it can i shall use it. but this still shows me that it works and has potential...but i see it differently
i believe it derived from "thought field therapy" /tft- which implies a mental/psychological emphasis, and now the emphasis is emotional. i could just as easily call it acu-tapping and give it a physical basis. i would do this because at a time when folk walk round with mouth's full of mercury, vaccine damaged cns, soaked in a toxic cloud of chemicals, bombarded by emf's constantly, unatural fibres etc etc etc etc; this emphasis on mind and emotion is in my opinion unbalanced and serves the health benefits of tapping not one bit, in fact it pushes folk away.
was reading the other day how folk on natural wool mattresses have heart rates 10 bpm less than those on unatural mattresses...sooo many missed physical stresses in daily life. to me the words "it's caused by stress" is doled out by folk who don't understand or appreciate the physical causes of illnesses. vent over...peace
Two thoughts:
- Some EFT courses are not attracting enough attendees, so it would not surprise me if your chosen teacher took down the course info for lack of attendees.
- Most practitioners would not cancel a paying client´s appointment and not re-arrange, but maybe you were offered EFT for free. Even I had offered someone free EFT recently but then I got a paying client coming for a number of sessions starting at the same time, plus I got a massage contract for a month, which took up most of my work time, and had to cancel the freebie. Maybe you did book proper sessions with practitioners who let you down, but I still think if you book a paid session, even if on the low end of a sliding scale, you are unlikely to have that experience again. Or did I read the situation all wrong?
Go for it, I say! 🙂
Not sure where to post - please move if approp.
I am really interested in EFT but been offered it 3 times here which never happened & then I saw a course advertised @ college but then when I went back to get details the poster had gone - is this telling me not to bother? Normally I would accept this as a message but I do feel drawn to EFT :confused:
Any advice welcome,please.
Yvonne x
Hi Yvonne
Like Masha, I think EFT is a brilliant therapy. If one learns it from Gary Craig's perspective, as I did, you realise the depth and breadth of it as a therapeutic tool.
I have used it for all sorts of things with sometimes amazing results. You do not have to believe in it for it to work. It is often as good for physical ailments as it is for psycological ones - the mind and body are fully interactive! The skill is often in the practitioner and how the client's wordage is used to weave through a problem, but there are techniques taught when learning beyond the basic level which deals with them. Gary found that you can use it to help in some 95% of problems - so if it doesn't work then you haven't got to the core problem - that can take time, but it is so well worth it.
If you feel that somehow it hasn't happened that you have found the right course, then it is worth tapping on it -
- "Even though I have been offered EFT 3 times here, it hasn't happened, I accept myself"
- "Even though I saw the course advertised @ college but then when I went back to get details the poster had gone, and I am drawn to it, I accept myself"
- "Even though this all seems to be tellng me not to bother with EFT, I accept myself"
You might be surprised at what happens next!:D
I don't see this as a psycological process, it is more to do with dealing with blockages in the energy system, and to do with communicating with the subconscious. But you will learn about this when you do the course.
The criticisms about it as a therapy are more than likely to do with those who have tried a bit of tapping on their own and not had a miraculous result as they expected. I know of someone like that - but it is obvious their core issues have not been addressed.
It is well worth learning it.