This will be of interest to EFT Practitioners and lay enthusiasts (also anyone interested in other meridian therapies, such as TAT, BSFF etc) - the new website for AAMET (Association for Advancement of Meridian Energy Techniques) has been launched today, at .
This is the largest international association for EFT and related therapies and has recently been re-vamped to become a more professional organisation. You can join at different levels of membership - as a Friend, as a Student, Practitioner, Trainer etc.
Members are eligible for discounted insurance with Holistic Insurance Services at only £46 per year (I am insured with them and find them very helpful and friendly, whenever I pester them to add another therapy to my policy).
Important note: if you were registered as a member/had a listing on the old AAMET site, please bear in mind that for technical reasons your details will not be transferred to the new website automatically, and you must re-register on the new site to renew your membership/create a listing.
The website is very new so there may be teething problems, but I am personally quite excited about the new possibilities and benefits of the more professional set-up.
Hello Masha
Thanks for posting up that site. I found it strange that here ([DLMURL] [/DLMURL]) they say:
"Disclaimer: Apart from EFT, all other therapies listed on this site are not endorsed by the AAMET in terms of their effectiveness or treatment."
This non-endorsement includes TFT, which I thought was a sister treatment and was also really effective. Why do you think the AAMET is restricting their endorsement to just EFT?
Ava x
Not sure why that is, may ask the committee what it's about - but it could be to do with the fact that the people who are now running the AAMET may not have personal expertise in TFT and other related therapies and as traditionally the majority of members where EFTers, so this is where the emphasis is going now.