Good news on Gary Craig's Open Hand Policy for EFT - there have been concerns recently in the EFT community (at least here in the UK) on the apparent restrictions that Gary was seemingly imposing on the use of term "EFT" and people calling themselves "EFT Practitioners". Now this has been clarified here, and many worries can now be alleviated:
<a class="go2wpf-bbcode" rel="nofollow" target="_blank" href=" http://eftcommunity.emofre"> http://eftcommunity.emofre
So what it's basically saying is what I took it for before anyway.... phew!
You can call yourself an EFT practitioner if you've trained in EFT providing you don't say you are endorsed by Gary Craig or EmoFree website, unless you've actually undergone Gary's EFT new(ish) course structure and training/certification.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Thanks for the connection and information Masha. It clarifies things, thankfully!
Love and Light
Follow-up blog from Gary Craig with further clarifications:
Really fabulous news is that Gary is now prepared to waive the $300 fee for his "Foundational Level Exam" for people who have previous EFT qualifications. The slight complication is that you do have to pay the fee in the first place when registering for the exam, and then send him copies of the certificates, and he will then refund the money. A bit cumbersome but certainly a positive move!
Bear in mind that there is a deadline for this - you need to register for the exam before 1 Jan 2010 to get the refund.
So what it's basically saying is what I took it for before anyway.... phew!
You can call yourself an EFT practitioner if you've trained in EFT providing you don't say you are endorsed by Gary Craig or EmoFree website, unless you've actually undergone Gary's EFT new(ish) course structure and training/certification.
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Almost but not quite. 😉 You can call yourself an EFT practitioner whether or not you've taken GC's Certification. You can only call yourself a Certified Practioner and use initials after your name if you have passed at least the foundational level of his Certification.
No one can say that they are endorsed by Gary Craig or, even if they are certified. Only Gary himself can say that 😉 and he asks for disclosures to be put on all EFT websites, products and courses.
I think GC is being extremely fair especially with his last blog that offers a refund of the Certifcation fee for anyone who took the previous training and feels severely disadvantaged by this new Certification.
Sarah x