Im just curious,if one has asthma and one uses EFT,some EFT set up phrases that have come to me are
E T I have this constricted breathing.........
ET I feel this medication has taking control ..............
I am stuck here,would appreciate some advice please,
HI Starr99,
I have very limited experience with EFT as I am only level one but how about
ET I find breathing difficult, I choose to have stronger lungs so breathing is comfortable.
Hi Star99,
Some general suggestions for working with physical issues (including asthma) with EFT:
* Tap on the physical symptoms (as in your description)
* Tap on your emotions ABOUT the physical symptoms / you feelings about yourself in relation to having asthma
* Tap on any everyday stressors or other stimuli that appear to make it
worse /trigger off attacks
* Try to recollect when the symptoms first started (if you can remember) - what was going on in your life at the time - any stresses, changes (including positive changes - which could also be stressful) - if you are able to identify any specific events, use the Movie Technique to neutralise them
* Use Gwyneth Moss's "Imagineering" EFT approach, involving "shining a little light" inside your body and tapping on whatever imagery comes up in relation to the physical problem (you can get a set of her articles on Imagineering from her website ).
* Identify any "positive intention" that could be related to asthma - if it went away, what would your life be like? Would you lose anything? Are there any possible advantages (these are typically hidden from our conscious mind) to keeping it? Would it feel safe to get rid of it completely? Who would you be without it? Tap on any meaningful answers you get to these questions.
Hope this helps
Jungdreamer and Masha B thanks a mil. 🙂
The phrases I would use to treat asthma would be around the root cause of it ie the "fear of breathing, not allowing oneself to breath letting someone sit on their chest. etc etc. If you start like that it gets the patient examining for themselves how the disease came to be. They have already started to be aware of what is actually going on.
-E T I have allowed such and such person event, situation to sit on my chest and nearly choke me with fear....
-E t I I am frightened to breath and expand my lungs...
E T I am carrying all this fear in my chest...
After these issues are collapsed you can go on to
ET I have this in my chest...
ET I am frustrated...
ET I am angry at my self ...
E T I feel out of control...
E T I am not normal like others...
E T I feel unworthy...
E T I find life such a drag...
I found that rather than going round and round what the body is doing, go straight to tap on why the body is doing it what it is doing. It is much less painful for the patient and brings shifts quicker in chronic cases such as asthma. For some cases of course the phrases will be stright forward according to the symptoms. Time is young !
To add to Masha's wonderful advice, remember that the phrase should be created by the person who is experiencing the issue. There isn't set phrases for certain conditions; it's important that it's how the person themselves feel about the issue and the words that are used should be how they describe it (or yourself if you're treating yourself). An important lesson for any EFT practitioner is to listen to what the client says about their issue and not put words into their mouths for them. 😉
All Love and Reiki Hugs
Yes Energylz,you are correct,I suppose I was trying to figure out the way to go about the questioning and give them examples of how to tap into their thoughts.
I had this client today as a case study and his asthma was good today,he then said he would rather work on his knee,we did and he said his knee was fine and we even tried to feel the pain when at its worst and he said he could not,then he said he had a fear of heights and we got to the aspect of a fear of falling and not of heights,he could cllimb 20 feet but not 5,he could not remember anything from the past that could have triggered this.I also did a muscle test and he was not reversed.His dream is to go bungi jumping,I kinda hit a wall at that stage,gave him some homework and not sure how to proceed when he comes again.
Hmmm .... I seem to remember that a fear of heights can be linked to a fear of water ... drowning, not being able to breathe - which would lead you back to the asthma, of course ...
Just a thought.
Hmmm .... I seem to remember that a fear of heights can be linked to a fear of water ... drowning, not being able to breathe - which would lead you back to the asthma, of course ...
Just a thought.
How interesting,I have a fear of heights and also a fear of water,I remember being pushed down into a pool when young and fear of not coming back up,how we learn from each other
To add to Masha's wonderful advice, remember that the phrase should be created by the person who is experiencing the issue. There isn't set phrases for certain conditions; it's important that it's how the person themselves feel about the issue and the words that are used should be how they describe it (or yourself if you're treating yourself). An important lesson for any EFT practitioner is to listen to what the client says about their issue and not put words into their mouths for them. 😉
Thanks to Energylz for reminding everyone of this important EFT wisdom. If you are ever stuck with EFT and no shifts appear to be happening - then keep it simple and listen really carefully to the client's words and intonations, and just stick to the exact words they are using, without any improvisation or leading from you - that may well help you get "unstuck". My mantra is "The client is always right" (expect those rare occasions when they are not ;))