First of all, I apologise if a Thread has already been mentioned like this before.
Can any experts out there please tell me the so called accredited official route to go down to become an EFT therapist? Also time scale and costs involved in the training? I am looking for somewhere within say a 50 mile radius of Durham.
Thanks so much x
First of all, I apologise if a Thread has already been mentioned like this before.
Can any experts out there please tell me the so called accredited official route to go down to become an EFT therapist? Also time scale and costs involved in the training? I am looking for somewhere within say a 50 mile radius of Durham.
Thanks so much x
I'd look for general info and [DLMURL=""]here[/DLMURL] to find a trainer near you, Jeannie. I would contact them to ask who has a course soon and the costs. Being AAMET registered they will teach using Gary Craig's methods which are tried and tested. A few variations have emerged recently - some of which are excellent and some not so - it's best to start with the original first!
AAMET accredited courses are typically 1-2 days for Level 1 (I would recommend a 2-day course for obvious reasons), Level 2 is 2 days following which you need to complete some case studies and written work to achieve your practitioner certification.
There is also Level 3 (advanced) but practitioner level is generally enough unless you want to specialise in EFT.
The costs are typically around #100 per day of training, more or less for some workshops.
In terms of good trainers, in the north of England I would recommend Gwyneth Moss in Ilkley or Andy Hunt in Newcastle.
Hi Caroline I did log on to your links and found it interesting, I also thought I had found a lady in Darlington, only to find when she replied she does this from London :016:
Masha, you mention Andy Hunt in Newcastle, that is certainly a lot nearer than London :p any chance you could give me more info on him?
Ta very much both x
Masha, you mention Andy Hunt in Newcastle, that is certainly a lot nearer than London :p any chance you could give me more info on him?
Hi Jeannie, the site is
Have fun with it!
Since we are at it can someone recommend a good course in London.
I've always been attracted to EFT and would like to explore more and hopefully working with clients in my practice.
Kind regards
In London, I would recommend to train with either:
Sue Beer & Emma Roberts of [url]The EFT Centre[/url]
[url]Judy Byrne[/url]
Thank you Masha for the replies.
I already checked theie website and sound very good.
I only have one quite big limitation which is i can't take week ends off that easy and was looking at this website that run EFT training midweek: [url]EFT Training | EFT Courses | EFT Master Trainer | Emotional Freedom Techniques | EFT Tapping | Hertfordshire | London[/url]
Do you know these guys? It would suit me better as I wouldn't need to take time off work.
I am thinking of doing level 1-2 together as I think I have a basic knowledge of EFT but need to put 'few tassels right' in my head for making it work better. Do you think is the right thing to do or better doing level 1 and wait for sometime before taking level 2?
Kind regards
I only have one quite big limitation which is i can't take week ends off that easy and was looking at this website that run EFT training midweek: [url]EFT Training | EFT Courses | EFT Master Trainer | Emotional Freedom Techniques | EFT Tapping | Hertfordshire | London[/url]
Do you know these guys? It would suit me better as I wouldn't need to take time off work.
I don't know them personally, but heard the names and looking at their credentials I guess they should be fine.
I am thinking of doing level 1-2 together as I think I have a basic knowledge of EFT but need to put 'few tassels right' in my head for making it work better. Do you think is the right thing to do or better doing level 1 and wait for sometime before taking level 2?
I would normally recommend to have a break between Level 1 and Level 2, though occasionally I will teach them in sequence (e.g. when I teach in far-away places such as Kazakhstan or Israel). I find that most people (even those who already have some basic understanding and skills in EFT) benefit from a break, to have a chance to practise and integrate the learning. I would also recommend to repeat the workshops at each Level (when I was learning myself I did each level at least 3 or 4 times!) either with the same or different trainer, because you do learn new things every time. Whilst at the most basic level EFT may appear simple and tends to work well even for beginners, there are many nuances which only come with lots of practice, and whilst these may be taught as theory, they don't tend to "stick" until you have quite a bit of experience.
I would also very much recommend to attend events such as the [url]EFT Community Gathering[/url], which is an annual conference that is always a treasure throve of information, innovative ideas, skill-sharing and inspiration.
Have fun with it
Thank you very much for the useful information.
I will call them and speak directly and see whats the energies and feelings are like.
I d like to start soon so i can practice lots as it something i feel passionate about and surely i will be able to use it with other therapies i already do.
Many thanks