Hi there,
I've been trained to use the normal beeswax candles and not the biosun although have tried the biosun once. My tutor did not like using the biosuns. Although it's less messy with the biosun, i find that you can get alot more out with the beeswax. FHT is insuring me for this but i heard that you gotta be using the biosuns.. can anyone shed alight here?
RE: Which Candles?
'fraid so hangee. The Biosun candles are the only ones approved for use in the UK as is my understanding. You probably won't be insured to use anything else
RE: Which Candles?
They are the only candles with a European Standard which is why insurers will only let you use Biosun.
RE: Which Candles?
Well, i was given forms for an insurance company I think it's Alternative or natural Health Therapy or something along that line and she told us that we can be insured with them. However, i've subscribed to FHT because of my VTCT IHM. It never occured to be about which candles until someone mentioned it awhile back.
RE: Which Candles?
Hangee - just as a matter of interest, who did you train with?
RE: Which Candles?
ah that's it, it's the association of natural medicine insurance people that i could register with. I trained with a lady in Coventry. One day practical and face massage.
RE: Which Candles?
I've sent an email to the association of natural medicine and asked them wether the types of candles were of any relevance for insurance purposes, they said that they insure you for the practice of hopi ear and not which candles you are using.