Hi can anyone help me?
I'm keen to attend a course for the above anywhere in the UK but needs to be between about 30th May - 6th June 2004
If anyone knows of a course or would be happy to do a 1:1 course I'd be grateful if you would contact me on; tomcun@btopenworld.com
Many thanks,
PS wasn't sure to post message on here or natural therapies
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Hi DurhamMaleMass and welcome to HP.
You should contact Sue Maunsell at sue.maunsell@lineone.net - website [DLMURL] http://www.thermo-auricular.fsnet.co.uk [/DLMURL] or Linda Stokes at LINDASTOKES@ukf.net - website
These are the only two people running courses known (and copywritten) as Thermo-Auricular Therapy.
I attended a course yesterday and was very impressed and am now itching to get going with my case studies.
Good luck
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Just did a course in Willenhall (Wolverhampton) with Linda Stokes today, was brilliant, would reccommend it to anyone (am still totally spaced out, was brill!)
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Hi Gussie
Hope you are well. Did you do the course at Athena?
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
I gather you enjoyed it 😀
I think I have some information from there somewhere. There was a thread on here a few weeks back about the safety aspects.........just at the point when I was thinking of doing a course. Having done the course, do you have any concerns?
yasmin x
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Nope. The candles they use are the biosun ones and the article on HP was actually mentioned by Linda herself. I'm not worried.
We did open up the candles and I can't describe it as anything but earwax, cause that's how it looks. The filter does really seem to hold all the nasty bits in it so it doesn't all drop into the ear. I was terrified I'd be taught the paper plate method of Hopi Ear Candling, but happily we weren't. Some of the ash did indeed flick off the candle, but it was cold when it floated onto my hand, so no worries there. We've also been taught not to wave the wax in front of the client cause it shouldn't be the main focus of the therapy, but to concentrate more on the experience itself.
I'm still totally buzzing from the experience, I rarely totally switch off during a treatment cause I want to hear and see everything. I was zonked after.
I did read the other thing and think shall I shant I (had filled in the form but not sent it at that time) but can honestly say I loved the treatment and feel reassured about the safety side of things.
Anyway, gotta do the case studies now... boyfriends taken a whiff of the cented candles and decided he wont have it. So I got mum and Trinityx (hahahaha - sucker) to be two of my victims. Will post again when I've had more experience, and when my brain is back in gear - on cloud 9 here!
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Hi Gussie
As I said I also did the course this weekend and really looking forward to doing my case studies. Since having the candles, there is a lovely smell of honey in my house.
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Gussie, Not all the stuff you see in the candle when you open it is ear wax. Most of it is residue from the candle itself.
I LOVED doing my T. A. Th. training and doing the case studies was fantastic. The reactions from my willing guinea pigs was brilliant.
I now receive the newsletter and cannot wait for it to arrive.
I am now obsessed by ears and feet (doing reflexology at college).
p.s. The register of qualified therapists works. I got a referral last week, and have booked the lady in for more treatments. Plus, she bought her daughter along too. BONUS!
I too love the smell of the candles.
Enjoy your case studies Gussie and Lesley, and good luck.
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
*nod* most of it looked like cornflour but was residue, but I seriously cannot say that the waxy bits weren't wax!! Looking forward to starting the case studies, I am gonna set mummy on fire. Oops! I mean, treat mum.
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
errrr....J I think Ive just changed my mind!
[sm=hidesbehindsofa.gif] *has she gone yet??*
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Oh Trin you'll look so nice with the singed bits!
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Hi Gussie
When you have completed your case studies do you have to go back and do an exam or is that it?
yasmin x
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
You have to do three case studies, which involves three treatments on three people. You also have to provide an essay outlining what you have learnt from these treatments and they will assess you based upon what you have submitted.
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
Oh right.............I was just wondering as Sylvia Hodge in Warrington is running a course in April. Wondered whether it was the same course. Do you get a certificate for it?
yasmin x
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
I don't know if it's the same, Linda is one of the people who brought Hopi Ear Candling to the UK and helped raise its popularity and does a lot of the training. When you've done the course you are able to use the letters TATh after your name and the course is approved by Biosun. Was really pleased with the course and even more pleased that there wasn't a paper plate in sight.
RE: Thermal Auricular Therapy
It sounds absolutely great......wouldn't mind having a go at that too. I am just wondering what course to do next.............so used to studying that it is strange to be without a course now.
yasmin x
Thermal auricular case studies
Hi.. can anyone help me with sample case studies of thermal auricular and sample questions for CIBTAC exams