Hi, I have been having ear problems for a few months. My GP said no wax there, but I've got an inverted ear drum, which can be helped by holding nose and blowing out. That was a few months ago, have tried various other things, such as head over bowl of steaming water, ear drops and olive oil, but the problem still persists at varying degrees. Not painful, but annoying.
Would Hopi ear candling or any other sort be beneficial for this condition?
thanks x
Hopi ear candling helps to equalise the pressure in the ears so I'd say definitly give it a go for your condition.
I too have been diagnosed with this problem, like you say its not painfull, though the 'noise' that goes on is so distracting.
I used to love my 'silent' time, but thats well gone also like yourself my GP told me to hold my nose and blow didnt do any good either.
Ive never heard about this ear candling, not sure I'd give that a go, I dont like messing about putting stuff in my ears unless the doc has okayed it.
I dont really have the loss of hearing, Ive heard a persons voice become doubled when listening to them speak, but this has happened too often.
GP gave me a nasal spray to use daily just yesterday, so giving that a try now.
I had a course of anti-histimene tablets but they didnt help.
I hope you find something that will get rid of the annoying 'noise' that goes on assosiated with this problem, and if you do please tell me, thank you
When there is an imbalance in pressure between the middle ear and the outer ear, then this points to the drainage channels (eg auditory AKA eustachian tube), and lymphatics, how well the jaw (TMJ) is functioning, its positions and movement, and even the clavicle and upper ribs are invovled.
Then of course there's the whole context to these things and why they may or may not be behaving as they should.
If there is inflammation in the area, that too points towards drainage, but also involves nerve supply of the tissues, blood supply, dental health, digestive health and diet.
That lot's just for starters.
So this is the kind of thought process involved in traditional osteopathy, luckily all you have to do is get on the bench and let somebody sort it out!
Ear candling it safe if carried out correctly, the candle doesn't go to far into your ear. Every client I've treated has been amazed how relaxing it is and have found it very effective. You should only need 3 treatments. There should be plenty of information on HP to help you to decide.