I completed training last month. The course was very good and I found int interesting.
Trouble is I can't remember half of the things discussed relating to the examination of the candle contents. We weregiven a theory manual however it doesn't go into any great detail onhow to diagnose the contents.
Can anyone just give me a briefexplaination please?
Much appreciated 🙂
RE: Examining the contents
Hi there little pink!
Examining the contents:
Best result - nothing found in the candle....This means a high level of energy has been created within the ear canal. No heat is lost around the eardrum. All the ascending smoke energy has been high enough to burn off honey, herbs and beeswax coming down the inside of the candle.
Second Best - powder visible. This residue is doe to the ingredients remaining - ie. herbs impregnated within the linen flax. Some energy has been lost around the eardrum and therefore not so much is rising to burn off the vaporized ingredients coming down the inside of the candle. The burning time will be slightly longer than 10 minures - the worst ear will have produced more powder.
Second worst - beeswax visible - the client may be suffering from conditions such as flu, sinusitis or catarrh. More energy is used around the ear drum, so there is insufficient energy left to burn off the ingredients coming down the inside of the candle.
Worst result - Beeswax and powder visible - Client probably suffering from an acute of chronic condition, such as migraine, teeth problems, neuralgia or flu. Nearly all the erngy is used around the ear drum with very little left to burn off the ingredients.
Have you got Sceats book Ear Candling and other treatments for ear nose and throat problems. Its an excellent book and he has done so much research.
RE: Examining the contents
Thank you so much.
My tutor did recommend the Sceats book and I think it will be beneficial to purchase it.
I don't want to add this to my treatment list untilIm confident I know what Im talking about!
RE: Examining the contents
ok i am a little confused here. on The course i did recently the tutor was really pleased with the wax left in the candle stating this was ear wax that had been shifted. She was disaopinted by the ones with nothing in.She also examined the powder contents and if it stuck together then she said it was a sign of possible infection.Ihave to say i have only done friends and family butam feeling really confused npw¬!
RE: Examining the contents
There has been a lot of discussion on this in the past.
You may want to look at the folloiwng links.
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=224860 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=224860[/link]
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=224860 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/tm.asp?m=224860[/link]
RE: Examining the contents
Thanks for that pointer lesley.I am a little peed off to be honest.When i pay money to enhance a skill i assume that the person who is teaching me is highly skilled in the area they are teaching in and also that they are abreast of all the latest research and knowledge.I now feel i have just paid my 90 squid to be shown how to put the candle in and the rest i should do myself.Iwant to shout,but wont!!!!!!!!!! I also did another course with the same school that i was not happy with as well.The tutor did not seem to use the product in many ways that she was teaching and referred to a book alot.grrrrrrrrrrr!!!
RE: Examining the contents
I too felt that my course was somewhat lacking Jane - I think the problem is too many people are running a 1 day course that needs to be a 2 day course to cover everything! I did mention this to my tutor but she said she wouldnt get enough people to sign up on her course if it were 2 days!
What surprised me was that I was the only person on my course to have had the treatment before, this of course gave me a big advantage over the others and I was the only one to buy the Sceats book too. So I do wonder how many of them will go on to show their clients the ear wax in the candles - we were told if its hard then its ear wax, if soft its beeswax.
What candling does is help shift the wax and draws it to the surface - often after treatmetn for the next 2-3 days i can pick wax from the edge of my ear canal as it works its way up but i no longer believe the ear wax theory taught on my course.
RE: Examining the contents
I totally agree with you! Too many people have jumped on the training bandwagon without knowledge, research or experience. It's hard to know where to train.
I have completed a few courses in Ear Candling and these have varied considerably! Some have been brilliant and some absolutely disgraceful making wild claims about ear wax removal etc. Unfortunately some training providers are saying that itshould bea two-day course, with the "advanced day" of ear candling including how to use an otoscope, A&P, ENT problems and use of other candles. That's ok if you want to pay for a second days training, and as we all know training expenses add up! But I findit sad that some companies want topad out aone day course into two, when a very goodThermal Auricular Therapy course can be completed within a day. What some class as "advanced ear candling" should be taught as absolute standard and basics in all ear candling courses, without paying for another day!
Just my thoughts that's all...