Just thought i would ask, if someone had eczema inside there ear would they be able to have an ear candle done? and would it help?
just thought i would ask as my sister asked me as she has this problem, and i don't know.
any help would be great
I think eczema is contraindicated and shouldn't be treated with ear candles which could irrititate it more than anything.
Thanks for the reply, i thought it was a contraindication.
It's definitely contraindicated.
Oops - I misread the title as "Eczema in the rear"! 😮
(Not funny if you've ever suffered it!!!)
I was taught that ear candling can help with itching and eczema within the ear canal as the herbs within the candles help improve the condition of the skin. I think it depends on the severity of the condition. Perhaps if it is inflammed then it would be uncomfortable for the ear candles to be in place and might irritate it.
Would definitely agree with Lavandula. If there are flakes of skin in the ear canal, ear candling will help with the inflammation. If the condition was so bad as to cause broken skin or weeping, then the advice of a doctor should be sought.
I've had eczema in the right ear since I was a kid and I started suffering from Meniere's disease last year. I was advised to try the ear candling to help with the tinnitus and vertigo. So I had a few sessions. I can't say it cleared the eczema as I still have it but for sure it didn't have any negative impact
My ear was never inflamed when I had the sessions so I never found the candle uncomfortable. I don't think I could have handled the candle in my ear otherwise.
It is NOT a contra-indication. It is an indication to have the treatment.
- aromababe - attended professional training.