Hi everyone, i am very new to this site... so please bear with me.
after a recent reading, my guide said that i need to heal from a previous relationship which has left me with feelings of resentment, anger and jealousy, I am very keen to move on and meet my soulmate which my guide tells me is just over the horizon. I have recently bought myself some rose quartz as it seems this is a good crystal for my predicament!
Please see my thread where I have posted asking for advice:
Many thanks in anticipation
My first inclination is to ask whether you can see any relevance of what you have been told in respect of your life thus far? If there is some foundation where you can recognize these feelings deep seated within you then by all means you can consciously move to balance them.
Rose Quartz can help to calm the emotions down - cool a temperament so to speak - and you could begin some regular exercises where you meditate and visualize that you are within a sphere of the pink colour of the crystal whilst holding it with both hands and determine to generate only purity and gentleness as an overwhelming background to your personality. Repeating several times a week if not everyday, preferably at the same time of day, it will gradually take effect.
However do bear in mind - that if there is any truth in your Soulmate being 'just over the horizon'... whether you change your feelings or maintain them as the same - it wouldn't matter; if you are meant / going to be with someone - this is something ruled by altogether outside laws of life and changed or the same - it will happen anyway.