Hi everyone,
I'm hoping someone can answer some questions for me about Record Keeper Crystals.
I have a clear quartz crystal that has 1 large raised triangle on it, and one large etched triangle on it. It might have more that are indented. Also, there are triangels on the top of the crystal that are in the shape of smooth facets. I'm not sure if those are considered true triangles for a record keeper crystal.
Can someone please explain to me what the triangles are suppose to look like. It would be much appreciated. 🙂
Thank you,
There's a good photo on this website which may help.
[DLMURL] http://www.metastones.com/crystal_stone_healing_properties.htm [/DLMURL]
There's a good photo on this website which may help.
[DLMURL] http://www.metastones.com/crystal_stone_healing_properties.htm [/DLMURL]
Lot's of nice pics on that site Helen but lots of presumptions about crystal types and such... I once found a shop in Scotland selling Ruby crystals as "record keepers" and each one was in the 10s of £s despite being tiny (and IMHO ordinary) Ruby crystals. Some folks invent a name and then talk long about alleged qualities with no foundation other than 'their opinion' to support the said qualities. Lots of people make lots of money in the sometimes less than honest world of crystal selling...
Hi Helen and Apollo,
Thank you for your responses.
I looked at the picture that was posted of the record keeper crystal. Mine looks different.:032: The one I have, has one large raised triangle and one large etched triangle on it. It also has a few indented, notched looking, smaller triangles on the bottom sides of the crystal.
Apollo, I would value your opionion on what you can tell me about the record keeper crystals. Is there any truth to all the writings I have read about them? :confused: I know, without seeing my crystal, it would be hard to make a judgement, but does it sound, by my ( maybe not so good description ) like I could have a record keeper?
Didn't all these fancy types of quartz originate with Katrina Raphaell (record-keepers, key etc)
Lot's of nice pics on that site Helen but lots of presumptions about crystal types and such... I once found a shop in Scotland selling Ruby crystals as "record keepers" and each one was in the 10s of £s despite being tiny (and IMHO ordinary) Ruby crystals. Some folks invent a name and then talk long about alleged qualities with no foundation other than 'their opinion' to support the said qualities. Lots of people make lots of money in the sometimes less than honest world of crystal selling...
Surely if they are as special and rare as they seem to be they would be expensive?
If its a good crystals shop wouldnt it be more likely they are of a very high grade and atually real rather than faked record keepers? I think i would probably rather pay more for a genuine crystal? what do you think? I know that ruby crystals (real ones) are expensive because of how hard they are to get rid of so how much would you expect to pay for a record keeper ruby?
just wondering cause i know a few good shops and the price of the ruby record keeprs is about 20 quid.
Didn't all these fancy types of quartz originate with Katrina Raphaell (record-keepers, key etc)
That's the first place I read of them myself...
Apollo, I would value your opionion on what you can tell me about the record keeper crystals. Is there any truth to all the writings I have read about them? :confused:I know, without seeing my crystal, it would be hard to make a judgement, but does it sound, by my ( maybe not so good description ) like I could have a record keeper?
Hi June,
It's a long story... but the quick version is this:
My nearest and dearest has an extraordinary developed ability of subtle vision, and has had so for over 20 years. We once owned a (bricks & mortar) crystal shop for three years. During this time we undertook a project of examining the actual energetic reality of the Mineral Kingdom and the basis for crystal healing - (if it were possible at all or whether it was all nonsense...).. Using precise, concentrated vision, my wife observed the subtle energies inside and around some 58 minerals, including 9 forms of Quartz. She drew '3D' pictures of what she saw going on inside them all. Eventually concluding the 'whys and wherefores' of the fundamentals of the whole subject of using crystals and stones for healing. Definitely not satisfied with any (at the time) available books on the subject, we examined two clear areas: 'if a crystal or stone has a healing quality; why does it have that quality' & 'exactly how do the energies of crystals and stones interact with the body or mind'? No writers had answered these two principle areas to our satisfaction... Certainly, no crystal healing course either - we found through our own research with many 'tutors' that folks were all too willing to teach a syllabus but none questioned its foundation.
Given that my wife and I are thoroughly familiar with the subject of thoughtforms, we anticipated that a great deal of the cornerstones of the subject would rest on thoughtform principles; but surprisingly not as much as we'd imagined, as our research went deeper and deeper we discovered extraordinary twists and turns in the energetic reality of stones. Evolution turned out to be the very bottom line - that is where the entire subject stems from...
After two years we completed the project and then published the work in a book; which I can't mention:) (not allowed to advertise in posts). My wife then found many people sending her feedback and asking her to publish images of the energies around the outside of stones (in the book we had about a hundred diagrams of the energy structures inside stones), so three years later she published colour images of these too.
Now then, having said all that - you'll begin to appreciate that if anyone could define whether there really was any foundation to such crystals as 'record keepers' - then my wife would be one such person... When you can see the energetic structure of a crystal like a 'blue print' - you can see it replicated in every stone of the same type – so every single piece of Carnelian for example, looks identical in terms of its inner/outer mapping of its energy pattern, regardless what the outside of the stone looks like, how big or how small, broken or intact – all bits of Carnelian have the same energy pattern… Then you can apply this principle to the examination of ‘other types of Quartz being sold’ in shops and wholesalers…
We confirmed that there are only, nine different energetic types of Quartz on Earth. These are: Clear Quartz, Faden Quartz, Herkimer Quartz, Double Terminated Quartz, Phantom Quartz , Elestial Quartz, Milky Quartz, Massive Quartz and Lazer Quartz. Different mineralogical forms such as Citrine & Amethyst are not energetic forms of Quartz...
All such other named varieties of Quartz are IMHO, just names superimposed on one or other of the above forms only, those allegedly imbued with ‘special powers or abilities’ have nothing of the sort; they (may or may not) simply have thoughtforms attached and it is these that may bring about changes, but not the energies of the crystals themselves. That statement might well upset some folks – particularly those involved in the buying and selling of such crystals… I put it to them – if it is true – prove it! Provide a detailed 3D image of its inner energetic structure markedly different to all those that we published and a detailed explanation of why it has these qualities…
We had nothing to gain or lose in researching and publishing our conclusions on the subject in respect of these ‘other named varieties’, where would our motive be to mislead folk? We used to sell lots of tumblestones… all manner of polished types… but when we published our book, we stopped buying many of them from wholesalers because of the tremendous energy depletion in many polished stones; we’d be hypocrites to continue the same as before. With 24 different mineral importers and wholesalers to visit in the UK, we did plenty of research while present at their showrooms; but they’d never realize what was actually going on when we looked at their ‘special stones’…
So there you have it; a crystal which is ‘so called’ as a ‘record keeper’ because it has triangular formations on its side or facet is actually nothing special IMHO… but those involved in buying and selling them will try to tell you different.
Ask them to tell you “why”… 🙂
I dare say that there's probably a Geological Physicist that could explain why the triangular markings are there... It's interesting to note that both Quartz and Corundum (aka Ruby & Sapphire) are hexagonal in form with six sides; a triangle is exactly half that in its number of sides... Does anyone know any other mineralogical crystal types which also have these triangular formations? If so - do they have six sides...;) The answers in life are almost always simple; you just have to look in the right light...
Right... now I'm going to get a cuppa!
Very interesting thank you. Apollo 🙂
Hi Apollo,
Thank you for your most valuable insight to my question. I was so hoping that you would be the one to answer my questions.:)
I have been reading alot of your posts, and they are so interesting. I can't begin to tell you how much I have learned from them.
About my 'so called record keeper crystal', I didn't buy it. So I'm glad that I did not fall into the trap of misleading sellers of crystals. I came across it, quite by accident. Recently, I have become so interested in rocks and minerals. I've always loved gemstones. I've attended a few rock and mineral shows with my identical twin sister and we have enjoyed them.
The questionable crystal 'record keeper' I found when I looked through the crystals that I have in one of my tabletop waterfalls that had clear quartz cystals and amythest crystals in it. This one was the one that 'spoke' to me. Then I decided to do some research on it, and when I looked at it in bright light, with a magnifying glass, I saw the triangles.
To be very honest, I had never heard of 'record keepers' before, so I guess it was intriguing to me, to say the least. That's why I decided to post some questions about it, and you were the one that I was hoping would answer me.:003:
So for now, I'll continue to hold and look at my crystal, just because I like it, and not expect a 'great revelation' from it...
By the way, I think it is wonderful that you and your wife work so well together. It's amazing that your wife has such a precious gift, and with your most knowlegable writings, make the perfect team.
Surely if they are as special and rare as they seem to be they would be expensive?
If its a good crystals shop wouldnt it be more likely they are of a very high grade and atually real rather than faked record keepers? I think i would probably rather pay more for a genuine crystal? what do you think? I know that ruby crystals (real ones) are expensive because of how hard they are to get rid of so how much would you expect to pay for a record keeper ruby?
just wondering cause i know a few good shops and the price of the ruby record keeprs is about 20 quid.
There's a few things here to mention maybe... Firstly, the 'ordinary' market (ie the everyday crystal shops and stalls up and down the country and not the high class gemstone specimen sellers) is generally supplying lower grade gemstone minerals (usually classed as 'mineral grade'). So you wouldn't ordinarily expect to find a stunning, transparent dark red Ruby crystal with both natural terminations intact, you'd be more likely to find items as these shown on this page:
I winced when I saw what they were charging for them though! In my mind, anything over £5 - £7 for a mineral grade Ruby is pushing it!
Here's an example of a high value Ruby:
That should give an idea of what the 'higher end stones' can look like!
However back to the point - Mineral grade Rubies are actually relatively inexpensive, there's a good supply on the World market coming from India and Burma and wholesalers import them for a fraction of the prices you see them being sold at retail in shops... It perhaps comes down to:
a) what the shop owner paid at wholesale for them (and IMHO there are some pricey wholesalers as well as some better value ones).
b) whether the shop owner sees them as a more valuable commodity because s/he sees them as 'record keepers'. £20 for a mineral grade ruby in the UK is plain bananas; I know what they paid for them and it just smacks of greed to me.
If there were some commercial 'just cause' to 'fake a record keeper' - it would require tremendous outlay for accurate stone cutting equipment and it'd not be a worthwhile venture; and in Rubies - you'd be needing top spec diamond tip cutting bits because Corundum is so hard a material to work with... Quartz is tough enough, but a Ruby will scratch any material in an average household...
I wouldn't consider the name 'record keeper' in a Ruby crystal when contemplating buying it (but then I should also mention that I would only be buying at wholesale and import prices anyway) as to me the name means nothing, but I would consider its colour, weight and form and whether it was 'true' or not (ie containing another mineral like Pyrite or Ziosite, common with Rubies).
Thank you Apollo. Very interesting.