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Real or Fake? =(

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I am just starting to learn about crystals and am wondering if these on EBay are real or fake. All but the pink (rose quartz...??) are said to be Fluorite. I appreciate any advice and ways to tell real from fake in the future. Mainly Fluorite and Citrine. Thank you so much!

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This was said to be Fluorite too

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The only real way to check if a crystal is real or fake is to feel the energy of it by holding it. Always buy from a reputable supplier. Too many suppliers only sell to make money and crystals will pick up the negative energy of those who handle them. This is why some crystals feel as though they are crying in pain from abuse.
Kind regards,

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Not true about energy checking. Pink quartz in the img. Is real though it is polished and ground into a point. Pink quartz does not naturally grow from mother earth like that. The purple flourite is just that but the one on the right definatly looks fake due to its banding. The green tower appears to be flourite as .well. I can also tell you those imgs. Are all widely used by sellers on wish, ebay, alibaba, and now they are cropping up on amazon. Do not buy things from china most are fake glass slag you should check out hibiscusmoon for more info on fakes and the dangers some of them can pose. Just type in fake crystals and look for the blog. I have been doing crystals and minerals for seveal years now. I do a lot of window shopping on various sites you start to notice img. Redundancies. If your looking for display specimens or a specific crystal do your research and stay away from china.

The flourite in the hand on the bottom post is real with some type of yellowish inclusion if you know the general source of that piece you can most likely narrow down the substance.

If you are looking for a pretty piece of flourite "crystal allies" on amazon used to sell some nice if short pieces. Mine is about 4 inches by 1 1/2 - 2 inches. Another good place to look is etsy but watch the price.

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Check out these awesome handmade tree of life pendants made with genuine natural crystals! @
