Hi everyone
I'm a new member round here and I'm really excited to find this forum about crystals as I love crystals and, as yet, had not found anyone else who was interested enough to sit around chatting about them!! 😀
I'll get round to looking through other posts tomorrow and adding my thoughts, but for now I'd like some help if anyone has any suggestions...
One of our cats has suspected cystitis (our vet friend's opinion and she's given us pills for her but it's a nightmare getting her to swallow them and also I think it distresses her when we try to force her!).
Does anyone know of anything I can do using crystals that might help her out, bearing in mind that I'm quite new to crystals and am not a healer, and also if anyone make's suggestions, please bear in mind that we have two cats so I need to know if I'm putting the other cat at any risk, for example if you suggest adding crystals to their water or anything!
Any help would be greatly appreciated, asI really don't like watching her suffer! 🙁
Thank you,
Tanya x
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Tanya
Not a crystals reply, but Rosi1 makes flower remedies for animals and I bet she can help your cat! You can contact her via the PM system.
RE: Help for my cat....
Ah...thanks for the reply. I actually have several remedies upstairs so perhaps I have the right one...maybe I'll take your advice and send her a PM.
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Yarnie,
I've just seen this post - something must have drawn me here.
Do you have a piece of amber - brilliant for cystitis in animals, place it near to where she sleeps!
Does your cat keep on getting cystitis? Which food are you feeding her? Commercial biscuits tend to be the culprits.
I actually do have a natural remedy for cystitis in cats - if you pm me I can arrange to post you the remedy.
Rosi x
RE: Help for my cat....
Synchronicity or what 🙂
RE: Help for my cat....
Thanks GrowingFlame - must have caught your thoughts. 🙂
Rosi x
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi there...thanks for replying. I don't actually have any amber but I can easily get hold of some...what do I need to do with it?
I'll have a chat with my boyfriend about your remedy...it's his cat...and I'll get back to you.
I've lived here two years and not known her to get cystitis in that time. For nearly a year now we've been feeding them biscuits for older cats (they're about 14 years old). Our vet friend recommended them because they're better for them and also they don't have MSG in them so they won't keep eating all the time. When we spoke to her today she said that it could be where that is all they're eating and that we should give them one sachet of cat meat to share each day...
Poor thing's just been digging holes all day and just sitting in them and doing nothing and then trying again in a different spot! [&:]
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Yarnie, Yes, it's more than likely the dry biscuits and she's probably not drinking enough, hence the cystitis.
May be worth getting a piece of white tissue and dabbing it after she's tried to go to the toilet, to check if there is any blood in her urine, but she's exhibiting the classic signs of a bladder infection.
My cat Sunflower used to get lots of bladder infections, until I worked out it was the dry biscuits I was feeding her.
My remedy will get rid of the infection within 5 days.
With regards to the amber, just place it in her favourite spot, she will probably go and sit either near it or on it and will help with the infection.
Rosi x
RE: Help for my cat....
Hello Yarnie
Have to agree with Rosi~ Amber is excellant for a cat with cystitis, an easy way to use it would tobe to leave a piece of Amber in acovered jug of water for 24 hours, then add a few drops to the drinking bowl, not forgetting toadd a few more drops each time youtop the waterbowl up,not too worry about it harming any other cat/animal as it will only work on the one that needs it!
Many blessings
edited to say: Welcome to HP 😀
RE: Help for my cat....
Ok...so it looks like i'm off to buy some amber today - any excuse to go to the crystal shop!! [sm=1syellow1.gif]I'll give that a go for a few days and if there's no sign of the improvement then I'll get back in touch about your remedy Rosi. Thanks.
RE: Help for my cat....
Forgot to mention last night Yarnie ~ that another way to use the Amber would be to put it into a small tumbler and place that into a jug of water, either cover the tumbler or just fill the jug enough for it not to overflow.
You may need to give this to the cat for a little longer than a few days ~ maybe a week would be a good idea;)
RE: Help for my cat....
Thanks for the advice Kachina. I've never really played around with making crystal remedies before so this will be a new experience for me!! 😉
RE: Help for my cat....
Whilst amber is good for cystitis support in animals, my remedy does not actually contain the amber, so I don't think the amber alone will get rid of the cystitis.
Worth a go, but I am experienced in dealing with cystitis, and whilst the amber has helped my cat Sunflower, it is the remedy that actually gets rid of it.
Let me know how you get on, cystitis is very painful and can lead to kidney infections in animals so you really need to treat them quickly.
RE: Help for my cat....
Thanks Rosi....we have persevered with the tablets anyway, she still tries to pretend she's swallowed it and then gob it back out later but we're onto her (it's really funny, like in the films where they have to show under their tongues to prove they swallowed it :D) but she's at least not getting distressed about it any more.
I went to the two crystal shops nearby yesterday and would you believe it, neither of them had any amber :(all i managed to get was a really cheap nasty piece for 99p which didn't even look like amber. The owner of the other shop reckoned it didn't even need to be amber, anything of the same colour would do, I wasn't too sure but I put some citrine pieces in a little silky net bag thing, along with the amber and the cat slept next to them all night so that's good.
Maybe you could send me a PM Rosi and let me know how much the remedy would be and then I can have a word with my other half, as I'm skint now so he'd have to pay for it!! 😉
RE: Help for my cat....
ORIGINAL: yarnie
I went to the two crystal shops nearby yesterday and would you believe it, neither of them had any amber :(all i managed to get was a really cheap nasty piece for 99p which didn't even look like amber. The owner of the other shop reckoned it didn't even need to be amber, anything of the same colour would do, I wasn't too sure but I put some citrine pieces in a little silky net bag thing, along with the amber and the cat slept next to them all night so that's good.
Well what can I say ~ I'm shocked at the shop keepers attitude and strongly disagree with him/her, anything of the same colour will not necessarily do...Oh my [&:]
As for a piece that looked cheap & nasty ~ why buy it? Nooooooo just my opinion but I certainly wouldn't go there again.
On a lighter note, glad to hear that 'puss' was happy to sleep with the Citrine 🙂
Many blessings
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Kachina
I agree with the amber - cheap and nasty - why buy it (sorry, just realised that sentence is complete nonsense?! where's my writing skills gone?! :D)
The reason I bought it is after I'd asked, and they said that was all that they had, I felt a bit obliged to buy it! I can't stand up for myself you see! It wasn't from the same shop where the guy told me any crystal of the same colour would do - he is a reiki master who's also trained in crystal healing and I've noticed that his opinions on it all are very different from other peoples - he seems to disagree with most of the books he's read ... but then he does openly acknowledge that his opinion should be no more relevant to me than any others ... and that at the end of the day my own gut instinct over what crystal my cat needed was as good as any - if not better.
Can't argue with that I suppose [8D]
RE: Help for my cat....
ORIGINAL: yarnie
- he is a reiki master who's also trained in crystal healing and I've noticed that his opinions on it all are very different from other peoples - he seems to disagree with most of the books he's read ...
Sounds a bit like me then:D and of course your own intuition never let's you down, please do keep us upto date about 'puss'...wishing you well on your journey with Crystals
Many blessings
RE: Help for my cat....
yarnie, easiest way to get a cat to swallow pills - hold back of head and gently prise open mouth, pop tablet in and gently hold mouth closed til cat gulps, the cat will probably fight back at first but ours soon got the hang of it and took them well, cats kidneys are delicate, it's their weak spot and like someone else said biscuits are usually the culprit, hope you managed to complete the course of tablets from the vet, let us know how the cat gets on;)
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi yarnie, How's your cat feeling? Is she finding it easier to go?
Rosi x
RE: Help for my cat....
She's seemed much better for about two or three days now, her behaviour and personality was back to normal, she's been scoffing loads of cat meat, she wasn't trying to pee all the time...but I hadn't seen her go to the toilet and she didn't seem to be drinking.
However, I've just seen her do a big pee in the garden!!! Hoorah!!! [8D]
She's still throwing a hissy fit when we try to give her a tablet, but there's only 2 to go, and I don't find it that easy getting the drops on the back of her neck but I do my best.
So she's on the mend, thanks! 😀
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Yarnie, I didn't realise you were still giving her the tablets. My remedy will get rid of the infection without the tablets, so there is no need to give her those aswell.
the best time to give her the drops are when she's eating. That's when I treat my cats, they are so busy eating, they are more tolerant to you giving them the drops.
RE: Help for my cat....
Oh right, I'll tell Lee then and hopefully he'll agree that it's ok to not bother with the tablets (no offense, but I'm not sure if he believes in our alternative remedies :eek:)
I do tend to do it when she's eating or drinking, sometimes she doesn't bat an eyelid but other times she gets fed up with me trying to part her fur!!!
RE: Help for my cat....
It is a shame I have to add the following but certain individuals are concerned that I am advertising my animal remedies on this particular thread.
I would like to clarify:
1. I speak about my remedies in the context of this thread, but also give advice about crystals.
2. The remedy I sent was free of charge.
I couldn't care less about advertising my remedies, my time will come :), but I do care about offering help if I am drawn to helping and if I have the ability and skills to help.
With all these rules and regulations we find everywhere in society, offering basic help is now being confused with 'what's in it for you' - such a shame that we can't be kind to each other without someone or some people having a dig about what someone else is trying to do to help. To these people I say 'get a life'.
Rosi x
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Rosi
I'm sorry to hear you got grief for posting on here. Just to clarify for other people, Rosi did not charge me for the remedy I used, and it did a very good job so I'd like to think I can repay the favour some day.
While I can understand how some people may have seen your posts as trying to advertise your remedies, this wasn't the case and it would be a real shame if people complaining, or voicing their concerns, stopped you feeling able to offer other people help in the future 😮
Tanya x
RE: Help for my cat....
Glad to hear your cat is getting better now 🙂
I would really worry about 'not bothering with the pills next time' to be honest, I know that some believe that holistic medicine should be classed an 'alternative therapy' but I believe in 'complimentary therapy'. Why not use all of the tools available to you to stop the pain and suffering of your animal?
If you're going to give crystal tinctures or anything in a water source, I always offer a second 'clean' water source to the animal to as they can then choose whether they drink it or not. Animals are very clever and will self medicate happily.
My only tip with pills is to coat them in a bit of butter or marg, it makes it more difficult for them to cough back up and they appreicate the taste a bit more.
RE: Help for my cat....
I would really worry about 'not bothering with the pills next time' to be honest, I know that some believe that holistic medicine should be classed an 'alternative therapy' but I believe in 'complimentary therapy'. Why not use all of the tools available to you to stop the pain and suffering of your animal?
Can I just add that it all depends on the individual case at the end of the day, and this must always be taken into account.
RE: Help for my cat....
I would be very worried too if someone did not consult a vet about any illness their pet was suffering from, apart from it being illegal and leave the owner open to prosecution.... The Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons website is very specific.
[link= http://www.rcvs.org.uk ]www.rcvs.org.uk[/link]
2F. Treatment of Animals by Non-Veterinary Surgeons
The Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966 (Section 19) provides, subject to a number of exceptions, that only registered members of the Royal College of Veterinary Surgeons may practise veterinary surgery. 'Veterinary surgery' is defined within the Act as encompassing the 'art and science of veterinary surgery and medicine' which includes the diagnosis of diseases and injuries in animals, tests performed on animals for diagnostic purposes, advice based upon a diagnosis and surgical operations which may not necessarily form part of a treatment. These restrictions are in the interests of ensuring that animals are treated only by people qualified to do so. ....
Other Complementary Therapists
All other forms of complementary therapy in the treatment of animals, including homoeopathy, must be administered by veterinary surgeons. It is illegal, in terms of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, for lay practitioners however qualified in the human field, to treat animals. At the same time it is incumbent on veterinary surgeons offering any complementary therapy to ensure that they are adequately trained in its application.
RE: Help for my cat....
All animals I work with have first been seen by a vet, generally they have been treated by a vet for quite some time and the condition isn't getting any better.
Other Complementary Therapists
All other forms of complementary therapy in the treatment of animals, including homoeopathy, must be administered by veterinary surgeons. It is illegal, in terms of the Veterinary Surgeons Act 1966, for lay practitioners however qualified in the human field, to treat animals. At the same time it is incumbent on veterinary surgeons offering any complementary therapy to ensure that they are adequately trained in its application.
Not strictly correct when you apply this to flower essences. Bach flower essences are sold over the counter in Boots and health food shops, there are now even specific remedies using these essences to treat anxiety in animals, nervousness etc - flower essences are safe and have no side effects, if the animal does not need the essence, it will fail to work or bounce off them. There are thousands of people giving their pets rescue remedy without the vet administering the remedy.
RE: Help for my cat....
Hello gem and a somewhat belated welcome to HP 🙂
Thank you for posting the link to the RCVS. I have now added this to the "sticky"-Who can treat animals? - at the top of the Pets, Animals & Wildlife forum, here:
[link= http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=355224 ]http://www.healthypages.net/forum/fb.asp?m=355224[/link]
Best wishes,
RE: Help for my cat....
Hi Holistic 🙂 Thanks for the welcome xx