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Crystals A - Z

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It is important to remember that what is written below is just someone else's thoughts, the crystals mentioned may not work for you as they have for me, it's always better to go with your own intuition ~ that won't let you down. I compiled the list to help those that may need it!

Crystals A-Z

Blue Lace Agate: Calms the mind & fiery emotions. Gives the sense of 'having wings' Good for those starting to walk the spiritual path

Botswana Agate: Good for problem solving, enhancing creativity, being conscientious

Green Moss Agate; Promotes agreeability, persuasiveness & strength. Good for people who enjoy plants & nature.

All Agate: Imparts a sense of strength and courage - Grounding but energetic. A powerful healer

The 'Thinker' Soothes the nerves, strengthens the heart & the body, helps people to speak out. Aids ability to release emotional grief by expressing it through creativity. Opens the connection between the thymus and throat. Promotes expression of emotion in order to heal and resolve them.

Amber - Fossilized resin from prehistoric pine trees.
Stimulates the intellect, helps bring about what is needed in one's life. Good when renewing old or tired relationships
Helps regarding psychic attacks and energy draining from others. Often used by healers as a protective shield against taking on others pain in healing work

A wonderful healing stone. Gently relaxes the body, calms the nerves & elevates the spirit. Aids restful sleep. For those seeking to expand their inner seeing, intuition & spiritual connection
A great crystal to place in front of the computer screen as it 'pulls' in negativity and regenerates into positive into the atmosphere

Balances yin & yang energies. Aligns physical & etheric bodies, maintains good health. Diffuses energy blocks in the nervous system, relieves muscle spasm.

Excellent for communication. Sets up a protective shield around the aura. Symbolised love & light in the world & peace between all peoples. For telepathy & raising awareness

Apache Tears
Grounding, stabilizing & purifying stone. Allows us to cry & grieve over past & present sorrows

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RE: Crystals A - Z

Hi Kachina

Thanks for your list....Its always good to see others experiences. I've printed my copy off for referance.

I also love the book 'The Crystal Bible' by i think Judy Hall. This is another good souce of information.

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I agree, the crystal bible is a great book.

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Thanks for your list....

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I find the book of stones by Robert Simmons to be a great reference.


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Yes the book of stones is my fave also

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I have the two books from Robert Simmons. They got me started..but now I am a bit more critical ?

I mean that is HIS experience with stones..and where I live, in Canada, some shops provide little cards signed by him " it is guaranteed to be a real azeztulite" etc..

I am not against someone getting "known" but sometimes I it for commercial purposes only ? Yes I know I am critical.

I like Judy Hall's books. She sounds less commercial.

I think all those books are guides only..but have to work out what works for you !

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Why was the list sort of.. stopped?. I do have my own list of properties or attributes.. Yet my list doesn't match up with the list above.. How can this be?.. why are there so many books on this topic and all have different ideas on what a crystal can or can't do..

How is it that science can correctly identify a mineral or crystal bases on its structure and markup.. yet the metaphysical side.. has a hard time saying what a particular stone can do.. *ponders*

Never the less, Ming I like your attitude toward the over all skeem of things. For me the books are purely reference to the images.. Some location where the minerals can be found and the colors.. Yes I know.. I like to look at the pictures..

As for the properties of the stones.. No two people can feel or sense the same thing.. What works for one person may not work for another.. So I like your thoughts on this topic.. Leaving an open mind, but being careful not to corrupt your thoughts with someone else ideas.

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I think the important thing here is to remember that crystals have a couple or several functions, and whatever that person needs at that time is what energy they'll receive. Also, Like you said, not everyone can sense every function that is taking place so they may miss a type of energy being given. That's why I think it's good to chat about crystals and get a general consensus on them. Just with medication, there are the common effects, the less common effects and the rare effects 🙂

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Crystals & Minerals According To Sandra Holiman (Page 1)

Note To Reader:

On November 15th 2010, I had a chance to sit down with Sandra Holiman, (Niece residing in the foothills of the North Carolina Mountains, Who cares for 2 mentally ill children and actually found time to speak with me about minerals and crystals) Not having any connection with the outside world, (about minerals or crystals) I asked if she could tell me if she felt anything when holding stones within list below.

These are her findings..

As Spoken by: Sandra Holiman
Edited by: Ore Gorman

Stone of Yin-Yang”. Emits energy of strength, power and courage. Cleansing and stabilizing effect on the body. Providing a new perceptive to situations and awakens ones inherent talents.

Blue Lace Agate: Brow Chakra & Throat Chakra
Stone of Communication”. Easing the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. Helping one to reach extremely high spiritual spaces.

Camel Agate: Solar Plexus Chakra
Stone of Sleeping & Dreaming” helping one to remember dreams and clarifying their meaning. One must be prepared for possibly very intense effects from this stone, as it can produce results from the deep subconscious that you must be ready to deal with. Promotes physical and mental strength.

Crazy Lace Agate:
Stone of Energy”. Balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels.

Fire Agate: Root Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra
Stone of Encouragement”. Energy provides an impetus to actions and stimulates both progression and advancement. It helps to dispel undesirable desires. It represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection. It is said to dispel fears and to provide protection.

Moss Agate: Heart Chakra
Stone of Luck”. Worn to attract new friends, wealth and happiness. It also strengthens the immune system and brings overall balance to the body.

Tree Agate:
Stone of Combination” Combining energies from the white and green stones, It’s best used for purification and cleansing. Also helps to encourage success and financial rewards (in a non-aggressive manner). It is also good for gardening, as it has a strong connection to nature.

If You Respond "Favorably" to this post, I'll continue posting the other pages.

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Very interesting, Ore. Yes please, I would be interested to hear the rest of it.

Thank you.

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I've read it on "That Crystal Site" 🙂

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That Crystal Site

Yes.. it is a good site which offers allot of usable information as well as images.. However, if you've read what I stated at the beginning of the post.. Sandra has no knowledge of crystals. Nor does she have access to the net or books..

How can one know of these things, when an item is simply placed into her hand.. In other words; I would trust Sandra's instinct over That Crystal Site's information..

Sandra Holiman has been very helpful in many of these things as well as my questions. I personally have no clue as to what properties a stone can possess. Therefore, my studies continue..

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Indeed I felt I waste a huge amount of money at the beginning because I was following various books like te bible ...hmmm..just an expression : i do not follow the Bible.

I have not fallen in love with the "biggies" : moldavite and whatever was and still is now in vogue.

the more special or the bigger or the more expensive did not do necessarily anything for me...

a few definitely.......! but those might be useless to others..

I prefer renditions from p eople who hve not been kind of brainwashed reallly..(sorry keyboard is stuck).:cool:

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Note To Reader:

On November 15th 2010, I had a chance to sit down with Sandra Holiman, (Niece residing in the foothills of the North Carolina Mountains, Who cares for 2 mentally ill children and actually found time to speak with me about minerals and crystals) Not having any connection with the outside world, (about minerals or crystals) I asked if she could tell me if she felt anything when holding stones within list below.

These are her findings..

As Spoken by: Sandra Holiman
Edited by: Ore Gorman

Stone of Yin-Yang”. Emits energy of strength, power and courage. Cleansing and stabilizing effect on the body. Providing a new perceptive to situations and awakens ones inherent talents.

Blue Lace Agate: Brow Chakra & Throat Chakra
Stone of Communication”. Easing the harsh edge off communication in difficult times, enhance public speaking, and smooth discussions. Helping one to reach extremely high spiritual spaces.

Camel Agate: Solar Plexus Chakra
Stone of Sleeping & Dreaming” helping one to remember dreams and clarifying their meaning. One must be prepared for possibly very intense effects from this stone, as it can produce results from the deep subconscious that you must be ready to deal with. Promotes physical and mental strength.

Crazy Lace Agate:
Stone of Energy”. Balances physical energies and can be used to reach high physical levels.

Fire Agate: Root Chakra & Solar Plexus Chakra
Stone of Encouragement”. Energy provides an impetus to actions and stimulates both progression and advancement. It helps to dispel undesirable desires. It represents the spiritual flame of absolute perfection. It is said to dispel fears and to provide protection.

Moss Agate: Heart Chakra
Stone of Luck”. Worn to attract new friends, wealth and happiness. It also strengthens the immune system and brings overall balance to the body.

Tree Agate:
Stone of Combination” Combining energies from the white and green stones, It’s best used for purification and cleansing. Also helps to encourage success and financial rewards (in a non-aggressive manner). It is also good for gardening, as it has a strong connection to nature.

If You Respond "Favorably" to this post, I'll continue posting the other pages.


I forgot how to start a thread..o ver a year since my last visit !!:eek:

I would lov e t o introduce stuff unknown to the west !! minerals not found around here..very interesting stuff..

I have had a lot more positive ( or negative if you wish..but still respnding) experiences but way stronger than just crystals.

Lek lai anyone ?

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Good Site for Crystal Selection

Hey everyone,

Thought this site might interest you all, as I have found it to have an excellent range and selection of crystals. Hope you find it as useful as I have.

Just click [url]The Crystal Store[/url]

Thanks Everyone 🙂

Jonathan Burhouse
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Trade marks on crystals

I have the two books from Robert Simmons. They got me started..but now I am a bit more critical ?

I mean that is HIS experience with stones..and where I live, in Canada, some shops provide little cards signed by him " it is guaranteed to be a real azeztulite" etc..

I am not against someone getting "known" but sometimes I it for commercial purposes only ? Yes I know I am critical.

I like Judy Hall's books. She sounds less commercial.

I think all those books are guides only..but have to work out what works for you !

I think your right to be critical, this guy has trade marked "Azeztulite" aka Quartz which is abundantly available and is selling it at ridiculously expensive prices with his little trademark name cards.This kind of marketing is basically the "emperors new clothes" and bad for crystals which have their own "New Age" stigma attached already. Crystals can be obtained for reasonable prices (usually a couple of pounds) don't be fooled by Crystal carpet baggers preying on the gullible, in general there are very few NEW crystals.
I would recommend anything by Gienger or Hall.

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Ming.. I to have been away for a while and it doesnt help that I don't have a computer at home.. However I still have my artical dealing with a few of the mnay crystals and stoens.. Yes I'll have to update this list.. but for now.. I'm going to try and post more via facebook or retweet my "Awakening Colors" whcih contain small text about that crystal/stone of the day. Most of the time I haven't had a chance to psot anythng due to the fact that the library doesn't allow me to hog thier comps and I only get 45 mins to do or say what I can.. The best way to keep track is my daily tweets. and of could I'll chekc in here from time to time.

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My posted sort of stopped a few years ago due to the fact that Sandra stopped her mineral crystal properties readings.. Seeing how her family has disowned her after having 3 children out of wedlock.. she has other things to contain with until we can return to her home.
As for the "thousands of crystals" comments.. true.. and I'm actually not going to post anymore in regards to this topic. Seeing how I have a nice list already.. it is best for the User/Handler/Practitioner to decide what and how the crystal they have is best suited.

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How is it that science can correctly identify a mineral or crystal bases on its structure and markup.. yet the metaphysical side.. has a hard time saying what a particular stone can do.. *ponders*

I wanted to reply to this part of the post although it is rather old, it is still very important.
For me it is all to do with harmonics and vibrations. A crystal may be chemically the same as another but will have almost certainly gone through a different experience in it's creation. For instance take Obsidian. There are several places throughout the world where Obsidian forms, Peruvian Obsidian is gentler than say some of the American Obsidians or even Apache Tears. Quartz from Southern England has a much more friable structure and lower vibration than say Quartz from the Himalayas, but all are the same chemically and get called the same single name, so how can they be expected to have the same properties other than a baseline of similarity?

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Morning Dear Cassie

My comment above was more of a statement than a question.. However.. Seeing that you've selected Obsidian as today subject and all (crystals in general) appear to be all the same.. they aren't.. Sure the lava forming obsidian is kept deep within the earths core then released. Within this passing and depending on the obsidians location in this world it can and will bring up host minerals or other properties as tag alongs or attaching themselves. Meaning that even thou it looks like obsidian if compared to another sample from a different part of the world, the properties markup is not the same.

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Absolutely 🙂 That's why Obsidian is a good example. How can any one volcano be expected not to be individual and have unique properties 🙂

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Check out these awesome handmade tree of life pendants made with genuine natural crystals! @
