Hi all,
Can anyone recommend a basic Counselling course in London? I'm a reflexologist and have started to feel that I could benefit from some counselling skills.
Many thanks
Hi Carly,
I did counselling concepts 12 week course at a local college, and found it so enlightening that I have taken the next step and doing a years counselling skills, whether I do the 2 year diploma that follows on will have to wait and see. lol, the emotional personal development is quite challenging.
Im so glad I took that course rather than the quickie courses as it was all about people and practise and seeing the whole picture, after 12 weeks everyone was hooked. Met some great people, and it has made a difference the way I am with clients.
Good luck
love xx
Hi Carly,
I found myself in a similar situation. I'm a Bodyworker and felt I needed skills in Counselling, so after a discussion with a colleague, I decided on the following residential course @ The Mother Centre in Queen Camel, Somerset.
[DLMURL] http://www.selfrealizationcentres.org/Healing%20and%20Counselling%20Training.htm#anchor90660 [/DLMURL]
I'm so glad I completed the Progressive Counselling course as it's added not only to my work but, also to my life and how I interact with others and the world. Oh and the food is just lush, the centre is beautiful and the tutors are loving and supportive.
Go well, Sue
I am definitely thinking of getting some counselling skills under my belt at some point too, I feel it's really important to get some tools to help me when clients want to off-load verbally, seems to happen a fair bit!
Also, any specialist counselling/psychotherapy college will offer foundation courses. Some are more... intensive than others. I did a very intense one, [and did some of the MA, then needed to take extended space to get myself more together.]
It depends on which orientation you wish to follow.
The course I did was integrative.
Thank you all for your messages. I have found one at my local college which will be a good introduction.