Hi guys and gals, its been a long time since I've been on here.
I know this topic has probably been covered but I'm just going to throw this out there.
I'm currently waiting to start CBT for as the tag line suggests "chronic health anxiety" because of my outright refusal for any form of medication, that's my total and final resort.
I'm really hoping CBT has the desired effect of what I've read on it so far.
I'm looking to hear some positive stories from people who have done or are currently doing CBT for health anxiety or any form of anxiety.
thanks for any information in advance!!
take care
I was really helped by a self help book that taught me things like CBT and NLP. I managed to get off anti-depressants after 15 years on and off them....and 6 and half years later I've not gone back on them..
It needs work and practice but it really helped me