dangers of colon hy...
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dangers of colon hydrotherapy

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I went for a colon hydrotherapy in a well known therapy centre in London that uses
well trained therapists. I would like to point out to anybody who is thinking about undertaking
this procedure to think twice. I am healthy and fit individual and I had to stay in hospital
in extreme agony for a whole day afterwards.
I expected to feel better afterwards, yet I have never felt this bad and bloated before.
2 am friday morning I woke up with muscle cramps, heart palpitations, sweats and chills, confusion, extremely bloated and painful stomach. My whole stomach was on fire with occasional stabbing pains all around my belly and back.
I went to hospital where I was checked for everything, nothing wrong found.
I felt like I was going to die!!! I am still bloated 4 days afterwards.
Doctor told me people have actually DIED for doing this procedure. Something that
my therapist didn't tell me about. Or possible complications either.
My doctor said my body was propably fighting back a shock of this UNNATURAL procedure.
So i consider myself lucky. One man died of a heart attack in a similar circumstance.
Please do your research first, read about the opinions of scientists and MEDICAL doctors
before you make a decision. I should have.

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I thought this was very safe?
I thought the water wa slow pressure?

People have done this for thousands of years in different ways; the scare stories on here are quite alarming i must say.

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Hi Keenly,

In general, when offered by experienced and professional practitioners, it is safe.
If the water is gravity fed, then there is low pressure and your body will naturally be able to take the flow as it requires.


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I felt bruised afterwards, and was achey the following two days (it's now day 3 and I'm still not myself) and very tired. It does not feel right or healing.

I recently started colonic hyrotherapy - I also felt very weak, tired and light headed in the hours following my first treatment. I ended up being awake late with a shakey sensation all over my body, like my body was in shock or something. Upon doing more research and found out that colon cleansing can remove electrolytes from your body and if you don't replace these, you can experience such symptoms. I ended up drinking lots of fresh orange juice with a pinch of salt added to it and it really helped. Always best to increase your intake of minerals and vitamins after a colon cleanse - I do that now and it really helps reduce the any stress the body may feel as a result of the treatment.

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I admit to feeling quite surprised that people have any bad responses to colon hydrotherapy. I have had about half a dozen treatments in the last 18 months - and I have never had any trouble at all. I have a sensitive/troublesome bowel, which I would have thought would mean that if someone was to have trouble then it'd be likely be me. However, from beginning to end the treatments have been fine.

It's been said upthread, and I think it's sensible advice - check the qualifications of any practitioners you wish to receive treatment from - and you'll have a safe and effective treatment.

Ava x

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Not all bunkum

I am writing from my Hotel room in Thailand. Up until two days ago i was fasting for 5 days (with suppliments and using a Colima and Board (Self administered)

I had some good results but then heard from others that they had great results using the automated process I went to try this yesterday. whislt I felt no better or worse when I left when i returned to my hotel I experienced serious simptoms.

Firstly i began to sweat profusly and felt very weak.

Shortly after I started gagging and trying to throw up.

Once I took a dring of water I was bringing up bile.

I was visiting the toilet almost everyfew minuites.

The out put was to say strong in odour (Sort of egg / Old fish like)

Even after trying to eat a little the visits to the toilet are still quite regular with acidic output.

So cosequently I am still at the hotel at 4.35 Thai time typing this.

It may not be so good to use the Automated method if being used tot he manual system.

I personally will have to see if my condition improves if not will seek medical advice.

I will update this post.

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As the above post from "initiale" shows, there is nothing like a well trained, hands on competent therapist.

Which would appear they didnt get.


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Well, unpleasant things coming out of the body is the whole idea.

The trouble is, without more context and info it's impossible to say whether what has just happened is good or bad. The main functions of a therapist IMHO are to have an overview of the case, make sense of the situation, to guide, explain, and help you navigate, and advise in the event that the body responds in a peculiar way. No automated process can do that.

What is illustrated here is the problem with taking a therapy because some person said it was a good idea, without reference to the particular needs and circumstances of the case.

Hope you feel better soon, and yes, getting an expert opinion in person would be a good thing.

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Agreed but in this case the reaction seemed dispropotionate to others in relation to treatments.

whilst I agree caveat emptor it is inportant to point out I have never recieved symtoms like this.

After discussion I t seems he may have been 'too hard' on my gall bladder area.

I will undertake a gall bladder detox (takes a day and is easy to expel stones.) details of many similar treatments featuring epsom salts on line.

In relation to my stomach it finally calmed down last night (Was suggested regular coke (Did the trick.)).

Well, unpleasant things coming out of the body is the whole idea.

The trouble is, without more context and info it's impossible to say whether what has just happened is good or bad. The main functions of a therapist IMHO are to have an overview of the case, make sense of the situation, to guide, explain, and help you navigate, and advise in the event that the body responds in a peculiar way. No automated process can do that.

What is illustrated here is the problem with taking a therapy because some person said it was a good idea, without reference to the particular needs and circumstances of the case.

Hope you feel better soon, and yes, getting an expert opinion in person would be a good thing.

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Caveat emptor is certainly NOT the point here. Try flying a plane without instruction you can't blame the plane if you have a crash - the design of the plane is not the area of risk.

It's important to realise that the reaction comes from your body, it couldn't muster such a response without enough vitality. For comparisson: drink too much tequila and you'll be sick - drink even more and you can paralyse the vomiting response and die.

So context and interpretation are everything, all we can say from what you have put is that the body has been trying to get rid of something, albeit vigorously. Simply trying to shut down that response risks creating another kind of problem for the body to deal with.

5 days into a fast, your body is quite vulnerable to stress, don't be surprised about such reactions, and far more, this is not extreme by any means.

I repeat to get overarching guidance and proper help planning your therapy - especially fasting. Self-navigation is the route to chaos. Going from fasting, to untried process, to reaction, to sudden breaking of fast, and then onto coka cola; all you are proving is that your body is strong enough to cope with you jumping hard on the accelerator and then hard onto the brake.

Get guidance - many have travelled these paths before, and many have gone off them into the wilderness trying to navigate alone.

Glad you are feeling better, now please be gentle with yourself.

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Could your reaction be a simple D and V infection? - not uncommon for those of us visiting hot countries - and totally co-incidental to the colonic?

I have just been feeling awful and got rid of a lot of 'stuff' - nothing to do with hydrotherapy!

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Hi CarolineN, it certainly does sound like other factors besides a colonic might be present.

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I dont think in the short time between ariving back from the treatment and the sudden onset that it was another influence.

I have been using bottled water and the suppliments that were supplied by Spa samui (Very trusted location).

Additioanlly the individual who also underwent the same treatment did not have the same issue.

I should add that I have mainly since been eating the normal fruit and veg suggested rather than jumping in and eating a full meal.

E.G. Soup at night, Coconut Water (plentiful direct from the husk.) and Flora Tablets (These i think were also a big help.)

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I've had colonic hydrotherapy probably 25 times. The only bad response I ever got was not immediately, but sometimes that night, I would get a little cramping in my stomach, and have to lay down. So I never schedule anything about 12 hours after a colonic. But within a day, it was a gone and I was fine. The hydrotherapist explained why this was but I don't remember it. I have fibromyalgia and digestive problems and colonics do seem to help, at least for awhile...

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i just had 3 colonic's in 3 days natural gravity method. with pain and discomfort in between as i was advised i would, i found them very beneficial and has helped with my conditions. after the last one i went home and experienced a very painful swollen stomach which lasted till the next day which again i was told may happen. as i suffer from various conditions i choose an holistic long weekend with various treatment to help me, and came away feeling lighter refreshed and ready for a new chapter in my life, with new diet and approach to the way i live. i can not thank them enough for the whole person approach they gave me.

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Well i think it may be dangerous.So i heard about another treatment - .
It isn't well-known ,but therapy is quickly developing nowadays and I think it could become a good alternative to hydrotherapy.

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I also had a lot of pain after a colonic...but i reckon it was compacted faeces moving into the void created by the flushing out....very painful..i had stomach cramps,back ache and felt quite unwell. The next day i felt great and 4 days later had my first evacuation...back on track so far.

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As someone who has experienced highly beneficial colonic hydrotherapy (gravity fed, very well trained therapist) I would point out that most people go to a hydrotherapist because they have issues linked to their digestion and bowels.

Gravity fed water will not cause damage in itself but the cleansing provided could reveal other issues or release pent up toxins. I was told it is quite common to feel a little queasy afterwards. Things are moved that may have been around for a long time and problems can be revealed that may have been hidden. I suspect that the perforated bowel stories are situations where the hydrotherapy revealed the problem rather than caused it.

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Hi,I had a colonic two days ago,the hose came out twice the girl said that some times happens,Why?My bowls never worked untill today,and the colour of the stool was clay coloured,has this happened to anyone else.

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Have you ever had a colonic before? Do you normally have bowel movements daily or less often? Were you advised to follow a detox diet for 48 hours prior to the procedure?

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Have you ever had a colonic before? Do you normally have bowel movements daily or less often? Were you advised to follow a detox diet for 48 hours prior to the procedure?

Hi,Have had two colonics before the last one two years ago,bowel movements were ok,went because I had being feeling a little bolted and low,thought it might put me back on track.The girl said the hose sometimes comes out,had to get of the bed,sat on the loo for ten minutes,then it happened agian.The worry was the colour of the stools two days later,Clay is not a good colour,today is tan.

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As for heresay, fair enough. How's this? One of my friends is a surgeon and she's had the displeasure of dealing with someone who had regular colonics and then had a perforated bowel. Perforated bowel? You ask? That doesn't sound too bad. I thought so, too. Except it means all the bacteria and waste leaks into the body and there's a good chance of death. Yes, after swelling up, her patient died.

Perforated bowel is very dangerous - and it is a real risk with this type of therapy.

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